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How do you deal with depression after a breakup?

309 Answers
Last Updated: 08/24/2020 at 12:07pm
How do you deal with depression after a breakup?
★ This question about Depression was starred by a moderator on 5/12/2016.
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lisa Groesz, PhD


With evidenced based therapies, we find the root of the problem together to implement solutions. We all face crises, transitions, or disorders at some time.

Top Rated Answers
July 17th, 2015 6:19pm
It is normal to be sad after a breakup. But we have to find our way to stand up again and get back our normal life. For example to do our favourite stuffs like drawing, listening to music, hanging out with friends, outing for a movie etc.
July 17th, 2015 2:02pm
The trick is to distract your brain (the center of thought processing ad memory). Try to keep yourself occupied with simple tasks. If there is an overwhelming desire to cry, then there is no harm in it as it will lighten your heavy heart. And have a constant faith that your trouble is over and very soon there will be another sunshine
July 17th, 2015 8:35am
I think the best way is to try things that you have not like joining a class if you are an extrovert and actively trying to choose healthy alternatives to everything.You know yourself best and some basic things to help would be to communicate how you feel to anyone you know you can trust and trying not to be isolated. Read and listen to happy things. Accept the fact that any relationship is a part of life and not the heart of it.You are at the center of your life and you should involve yourself in activites to show yourself some love.
July 17th, 2015 12:39am
I try to take some time for myself, and focus on feeling better. I do my best to move on from the breakup, cleaning out anything that serves as a reminder or trigger. I let myself feel sorrow, resentment, or remorse, but then I let go of my grasp on those draining thoughts.
July 16th, 2015 7:18am
Breakups can be difficult to deal with! One way to deal with a breakup is to reflect. Write down the pros and cons. If the cons outweigh the pros, then you know that the breakup was the best thing for you. If the pros outweigh the cons, try these in your new relationship to see how things work out. Remember, every relationship is a learning experience. It teaches us more about ourselves.
July 16th, 2015 5:25am
Dealing with depression after a breakup can truly be a heart breaking time, and sadly, one that we'll all have to experience. After a breakup, its extremely important to realize that you don't need to pretend that it doesn't hurt. You can admit that you still have feelings for this person, and that your feelings are valid. Make sure that you take time to care for yourself and have an amazing support system. if you don't feel you have that, you can always find it here at 7 cups of tea. we're all here to help.
July 15th, 2015 3:36pm
You don't water a dead plant or play with a broken toy; however, you can cherish the memory of watching that plant grow or having a great playtime with that toy. It can be sad. But sadness can be one way of reminding you how much a great person you can be when it comes to loving someone. Sadness could be presented as "not wanting this to happen". Other than that... You can just remind yourself why you don't need to be sad anymore.
July 15th, 2015 4:46am
I remove all social media contact or ways I can be triggered. I understand that the relationship is over and let it sink in. I cry... a lot and let myself actually be sad. Once I get all my sadness out I make sure to not isolate myself and hang out with friends who know not to mention my ex. Time does heal.
July 15th, 2015 12:12am
You have your friends, you also have your family, always remember that there are people who loves you. and people who can be your motivation to keep going. there are 7 billion other people in this world, i'm sure you can find your perfect fit, and the right person who will love you and who will deserve everything about you. so for now, hangout more with your friends and family, enjoy things with them. because they love you better, and what hurts you, hurts them also
July 12th, 2015 11:25pm
Everyone feels this way at least after a bad breakup. It helps to focus on the fact that its only temporary. Try getting involved with some community activities or clubs, contact some old friends, start a new hobby or take the chance to reconnect with the things you lost track of during your relationship. Life is very busy and goes by too fast. A breakup can be a gift in a painful package. Try to think of it as a new beginning or a fresh start. Being single gives us the chance to fall in love with ourselves all over again and its a wonderful experience once the heart starts to heal again. I speak from experience, life lessons come in many forms and a break up is one of them. Don't be afraid to learn from it. Treat yourself and let yourself enjoy all the things you were missing out on like quality girl time or hunting trips with guys or family outings, whatever it is that will help you focus on the beauty of the temporary season of being single again. Best Wishes, Starlight
July 12th, 2015 5:14pm
I personally think that as one door closes on you, another door will open. So, even if we miss that person, another person will come into our lives maybe even better than the person we broke up with. I find for immediate relief, listening to heavy metal or angry music can help. Talking to someone on 7 cups can help you go through your emotions that you are feeling at the time.
July 12th, 2015 12:27pm
I am sad as it should, then I would go on my way. And eating chocolate is best depression-away gun for me :)
July 12th, 2015 7:22am
Realise why the relationship ended and know that it's usually for the best. You are free to go on with your life and do your own thing, it always works out for the best. Keep going.
July 11th, 2015 10:22pm
For me, I just have to get rid of my ex from my life entirely. I have to purge them from my life. Delete messages, contact info, block them on social media and just not talk to them. It's very hard at first and there will be tears and you'll want to talk to them so bad, but don't let yourself. You have to let yourself heal after a break up and the best way is to do it without the person who hurt you. Maybe talk to friends or close family members. Do the things you love to do. Immerse yourself into your hobbies or spending time with other people. Eventually, you will feel better. If you're ever strong enough to talk to your ex again, then you can. But don't allow them to hurt you again because it will be the same thing. Stay safe with your heart.
July 11th, 2015 9:06pm
Rebound relationships FTW ! :D The best way to get over losing something is getting something new .. I don't think rebound relationships are bad though :D
July 11th, 2015 3:28pm
remember that it can only get better, if it wasnt working whats the point in being together because you need to find the right person which you cab do being witb the wrong person
July 11th, 2015 6:08am
I grab a box of tissues, watch a few romantic comedies, write a list for why the guy wasn't so great in the first place (sure, he was charming, but was the bad breath worth it?), and just hope that time heals a broken heart. Hang in there. Better people will come along
July 11th, 2015 5:44am
I make sure I am not sitting around doing nothing. If you sit around idol your more likely to think about your breakup which makes you feel more depressed. I try to get out and about with other people. Or do something I particularly like doing. Go too the gym, play a sport you might love. Go see a movie with close friends. Anything where your not dwelling on your breakup until you can finally get back into relying just on you and slowly let the relationship pass out of your mind.
July 11th, 2015 3:43am
You've got to have a strong support base. Whether it be friends or family, if you have one person to listen and support you, that's a step in the right direction.
July 10th, 2015 9:36pm
Being sad after a breakup is of course very common. Getting over a breakup can take time, it is almost like a grieving process where you have to go through different stages until you can finally get closure and maybe can better deal with the sadness a breakup entails. In the meantime, it is important that you focus on your most basic needs, as sleep and food. It is okay to be sad, acknowledge that, validate your own emotions. Take the time you need and take care of yourself, do things that make you feel good.
July 10th, 2015 4:32pm
It really depends on you. Something that works for someone else may not work for you. One thing I would strongly suggest is to not go out with someone until you're fully over the previous person as you may be subconsciously replacing them with someone else. You could try things such as going out with friends to take your mind off of them but one thing you shouldn't do is hold back emotions. People need to mourn and just let the emotions run its course. A lot of people have said that keeping active and doing things every day helps the pain and their coping skills. It really depends on what you feel would help you though.
July 10th, 2015 2:48pm
Spending time with friends and family is a great way to deal with it. As well as picking up or continuing/focusing on hobbies & exercise. It's very important to remain single until you feel happy alone again, and not use other peoples attention/affection as a crutch to get better, because this will only provide a short term high, and will just postpone your work on making yourself happy again. Make sure to keep busy!
July 10th, 2015 7:59am
Live your life! Surround yourself with good friends and speak out about your feelings to someone you can trust.
July 10th, 2015 4:19am
Friends and family are the key to happiness. They are the only ones to go to when things are not going so great and they will always receive you with a tight, welcome hug. They are the most special people in the world, even if they do not show it.
July 10th, 2015 1:46am
Distraction is key here and not isolating oneself from everyone around you. Especially following a bad breakup it is good to be with people you trust and love and let them take on a bit of your burden, even if it means that you simply rant away of whatever may be on your mind.
July 9th, 2015 2:58pm
Don't be too hard on yourself, seek help, talk to people, write about it, find outlets that help you. "Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do." In the words of the famous of Oprah Winfrey. Surround yourself with positivity and let time do its job.
July 9th, 2015 1:15pm
I deal with the depression of breakups as a time for self focus. I keep myself occupied with reflecting on the situation and what happened, and making a choice of how I can move forward with the person that I am. I fill my time with my friends, and learning, and hobbies. When I am alone and the through creeps in, I think about the good times and understand why it ended. Not everyone is going to mesh well, and that is ok. It takes both people to make a relationship work. One ending is a new beginning to a relationship with yourself, or new friends, or a new romantic interest.
July 9th, 2015 12:16pm
Try to do something else that you like when you start to feel bad, it will be hard to push yourself but you have to. Hangout with other people, whenever you start to think of the other person, remember how they hurt you or why you ended the relationship and slowly you will get over that person.
July 9th, 2015 8:51am
i speak with my psychologist. to which she offers me great advice, coping techniques and mindfulness excersizes
July 9th, 2015 1:41am
personally? i make it a point to take care of myself. because, at the end of the day, guess who's most important? you are, lovely. so take care of yourself and keep your chin up, because you've plenty of time to find a yin to your yang.