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I think I might be schizophrenic, but I'm afraid if I bring my concerns to a doctor, they'll tell me there's nothing wrong even if there is, because I already think I have it. What do I do?

103 Answers
Last Updated: 04/29/2022 at 8:40pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Brenda King, PsyD


I treat life changes, women’s issues, and issues of aging using evidence-based treatments with healthy doses of warmth, empathy and humor to enhance healing and growth.

Top Rated Answers
August 16th, 2018 12:05pm
This is such a sensitive topic! And while i can make suggestions, they may not be right for you. Only you are the expert on you. This is most certainly a thing you need to discuss with your GP. They will refer you to a professional and it will be investigated. This is not something that any medical professional will take lightly as prevention practices are very necessary. If you are indeed schizophrenic, a rigorous recovery plan will be put in place. Dont forget the wise words, "if you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." It reigns true for this as well.
September 2nd, 2018 7:09am
It is very difficult to 'predict' what a new psychiatrist is going to ask or say. They are just people with some special training: doctors who have specialized in Brain Chemistry Disorders, and Behavioral Disorders. A good Psychiatrist would ask you to fill out a questionnaire, or answer questions about your symptoms, just like a regular doctor would. As long as you are honest and give complete answers, you have a good chance of getting good information from a doctor, of any kind. At least that is the attitude that improves one's chances of getting good information from any person, doctor or not.
September 6th, 2018 3:43am
Hi, I understand your concern. You are afraid that a physician will write your concerns off and treat them as trivial. I am a medical student and will graduate and receive my MD at the end of this year, so I can speak from experience when I say that any good, empathetic physician will never write your concerns off as trivial. From my experience on psychiatry rotations, when we have diagnosed someone with a disorder such as "schizophrenia" they use DSM-V criteria which require specific guidelines before someone can be diagnosed, including very technical things. All of these criteria are based on a great deal of evidence-based and case-by-case research. You might not have schizophrenia per se, but you may have other similar conditions such as schizoaffective, schizotypal personality, or another mental health issue that would require the expertise of an experienced doctor to diagnose. Or maybe you are right and do have schizophrenia. However, usually a good psychiatrist will not confirm what your diagnosis is in one visit, due to the complexity of these conditions. In your case, I would strongly advise you to seek the help of a physician. If they tell you there is nothing wrong, you have my full support, a future physician, to change physicians until you find a physician willing to acknowledge your concerns and provide you with the appropriate therapy that may benefit you. Good psychiatrists such as the ones you are looking for exist because I have had first-hand experience with working with them. Best of luck to you :)
October 4th, 2018 10:39pm
It's not a bad idea to go to a doctor anyway and get a second opinion about it. If they say you have it but it's not at any bad extremes but you feel as though it is or could potentially be, that's when you two can speak of what if's on it. But, you never want to be unsure about things. It's always best to see someone who knows what they're talking out and just verify those, and you have every right to believe them or deny taking any medication or other treatment if offered. But, I do strongly suggest if you can, see someone about it just to make sure you're not missing something you shouldn't have.
October 28th, 2018 12:57pm
If you think you might be a shizophrenic, the best thing is to give it a try and talk to a doctor no matter how afraid u are. Every illness is equaly serious and you shouldn't wait until it gets worse. However, although schizophrenia can be upsetting and frightening, this doesn't mean that your life has to come to a stop. Approximately 1% of people will develop schizophrenia at some point during their life, meaning you are not alone in having the condition. Just like anybody else who has a long term or recurring illness, you can learn to manage your condition and live the life that matters to you.
April 19th, 2019 5:56pm
I would imagine that you would have definite reasons for thinking you might suffer from schizophrenia. But if you are concerned about talking to a doctor, I would make sure that I talk to a specialist about this. I would definitely rather speak to a psychiatrist than a general practitioner. For the simple reason that there are in fact many different kinds of psychosis symptoms and different kinds of disorders that can look very alike. There is for example different kinds of schizophrenia and then other psychotic symptoms that go with mood disorders or personality disorders. So definitely speak to a psychiatrist. And if there's a choice, pick one who has been practicing longer. Also, don't let such a diagnosis scare you. There are very good medications to manage different symptoms and a psychiatrist will surely know how to navigate all of this. But take the step, get clarity for yourself. You don't have to live with the stress of wondering. Understand what it is and then you can begin to manage it. Good luck on your journey. I wish you the best.
July 20th, 2019 10:40pm
If there are specific symptoms that your worried about then a good first stop is your regular doctor. They should be able to alert you if there is something of concern that needs exploration. Schizophrenia is one of those illnesses where sufferers typically aren't aware of their condition, actually a lack of such insight is standard. Don't focus on diagnosing yourself. Instead seek a mental health professional if there is a major area of your life that is going off the rails. For example, If you can't seem to maintain a relationship, keep a job or have other major areas with notable and persistent failures.
August 4th, 2019 7:32pm
It sounds as though you are going through a tough time right now. From my own experience, with different mental health problems, I would recommend seeing a doctor; schizophrenia is quite a serious mental illness and doctors won't dismiss your concerns. It is important for you to receive fast and effective treatment to minimise any harm the disorder might bring you; and you can't always help yourself on your own. In the meantime; take care of yourself and remain aware of potential delusions you may develop, and always seek immediate treatment at an emergency room if you ever feel at risk to yourself or others.
October 26th, 2019 4:52am
First thing you can do is definitely bring it to a doctor. It can either confirm or deny your fear of having the doctor telling you there is nothing wrong. If it is denied, then great, you have a doctor that can help you. If it is confirmed, that would still be better than self diagnosing, and a doctor might identify this as something that just isn't schizophrenia, and can point you in the right direction. I understand your fear, but until you tell a doctor or a specialist there is nothing else you can do, because it's never a good idea to act upon self diagnosis.
November 16th, 2019 3:15am
The best treatment for schizophrenia is medication and therapy, I know this because my mother has it and is self medication with some substances that will make you raise your eyebrows. The only way to get a true diagnosis is and to work through those thoughts (with or without medication) is with an actual therapist. It is okay to be scared to speak with a therapist. It is ok to be upset if they do not believe you. As a patient you have the right to a second opinion and can always speak to another therapist. Maybe they will hear what the first one didn’t.
December 8th, 2019 10:51pm
I totally understand how stressful the situation is and the worry you have, on another hand seeing a doctor might get you the help you need faster and even if it doesn't work the first time , you still can see another one until you find the right fit for yourself. Once the right diagnosis will be found and you will start your treatment, your life will get so much better and you will learn so much that you will be happy that you didn't wait any longer. It might take time and few trials but it is totally worth it.
December 12th, 2019 3:46pm
Well self diagnosis can be very comforting, but isn't always the best route of action, for mental health's sake. Have you talked to anyone else in your life about your worries? As someone who experiences auditory and visual hallucinations fairly often, talking to a loved one or a friend helped me a lot before I ever even considered talking to a doctor about what was going on. I'm very sorry that you have had to deal with this without medical help so far, I know that not being able to trust your own mind due to delusions and paranoia can be really trippy and difficult to cope with.
January 22nd, 2020 7:31pm
I have personally never gone through this experience before, and it sounds like you want help with what you are going through, but you are afraid that the doctors will think that it is nothing and you wont get the help you need. I am unable to give specific advice but I am curious to if you have asked you family, school counselors, or close friends. When you are going through tough times like these you really need a shoulder to lean on so that you know that someone else is there. I hope this helps and that you find the help that you are looking for. :)
March 7th, 2020 2:52pm
Being concerned about our physical or mental health, even to the point of taking the time to search for the answer to that question is a bothersome situation itself if persistent and recurring. You sound like you would like to know what's going on and whether your assumptions have a basis, so asking for professional advice for something that concerns you is a responsible way to treat and take care of yourself, and you have every right to! Go ahead and ask for that professional advice and if the doctor you see happens to be an incompatible one you can even have a second opinion by another one. No worries!
April 3rd, 2020 12:12pm
Your doctor is there to address your health concerns, whatever they mabe - physical or mental. It's very wise to get anything you're concerned about checked out. When you have, or think you have, a mental illness it's difficult to have personal insight into your condition. Your doctor will be able to take an objective view and refer you to a specialist if he thinks your concerns warrant a referral. I would suggest making an appointment with your doctor and take a written list or letter setting out why you think you may be schizophrenic. Once you've seen him/her you'll have taken the important step towards a diagnosis or not. Being proactive in addressing concerns about mental illness is very important.
May 6th, 2020 1:07am
It would be a good idea to tell your doctor. If you think that you have it, then it is a good idea to tell a doctor. If I was in your shoes, I would feel the same way too. Doctors will take into account what you have told them and will tell you what is wrong. I know it can be scary going to talk to a doctor, but once you talk to a doctor you will feel so much better knowing if you are schizophrenic. Even if you don't have it, they can help figure out the problem.
May 13th, 2020 6:52am
If you take your concerns to a doctor or a psychologist and tell them your symptoms, you'll have to undergo symptom testing and diagnosis. The tests will assess symptoms as they are defined in the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental illness. If your doctor dismisses you despite symptoms matching the condition then it would be best to go straight to a psychologist or try another doctor. Symptoms include hallucinations including auditory and visual ones, delusional thoughts and beliefs, and periods of low mood and a sense of being blank in your mind. You may not always have these symptoms.
May 14th, 2020 9:08pm
I know that you are afraid. It’s brave of you to be reaching out. If someone you knew were to ask you what they should do, even if they thought it was nothing, what do you tell them? I know it can be hard to trust someone when you open up about some of the things you are feeling, but it is important to seek professional help in mental health situations. If your doctor is a general doctor may refer you to someone who specializes in mental health to get you the best care. You don’t even need to state why, just ask if they can recommend a mental health professional. The first few steps can be the hardest to take, but you’ve taken a great first step just thinking about reaching out.
May 16th, 2020 6:34am
A doctor is there not to dismiss your concerns but to evaluate them and get you the help you might need. If you truly are schizophrenic any doctor would welcome the opportunity to assess you and, if validated, begin treating you (or refer you to those who could). It is unlikely a doctor would tell you there's "nothing wrong" if there is, but perhaps it is not schizophrenia, but a different diagnosis. The first step to an accurate diagnosis and a path to treatment is to be evaluated by a doctor and the opportunity to explain your symptoms. There is nothing to fear in doing so. Take the first step.
June 11th, 2020 8:32am
Professionally qualified doctors are bound by the rules and ethics of their profession to tell everything that a client/ patient should know which includes sharing their diagnosis with the client/ patient. Please feel free to consult one. Your confusion too is understandable; it is normal for people under psychological distress to have feelings of distrust (I would not call it paranoia). [Do not take it as a diagnosis but paranoia is one of the symptoms of schizophrenia]. However, if the doctor feels that sharing the diagnosis in detail will hamper the process of therapy/ recovery, they may give you a rough idea about it. In any case, it would be helpful for you. Hope it helped you.
July 1st, 2020 6:57pm
It's always best to see a professional if you are questioning something like this! They are experienced in working with people who are going through the same feelings you are. They should be able to help you work through these feelings, whether you end up with a diagnosis or not. I understand how nervewracking going to a doctor can be, but they wouldn't lie to you about your condition. If they think you are schizophrenic, they would inform you and work through what that means with you. They are ultimately here to help and to look out for your mental and physical wellbeing!
July 29th, 2020 6:16pm
If you have it your doctors will tell you. A lot of people think they are schizophrenic, a lot of people self diagnose themselves with things. Your doctor has almost certainly seen schizophrenic people before and if they don't see it in you, you most likely don't have it. A lot of people display the same symptoms as schizophrenic people, that's why so many people think they have it. Again, you might have it, I mean there's a chance, but the likelihood that your doctor hasn't already identified it is very slim. Everyone wants to be able to identify what is going on in their brain with a disorder, and everyone probably has a few different disorders that are too minute to identify officially.
September 2nd, 2020 3:27am
A doctor will take your symptoms seriously: they may believe you have prodormal rather than full-blown schizophrenia, or they may believe you have a schizoform disorder that does not cause lack of insight into reality, or they may believe that you have schizophrenia with insight. Even if they don't diagnose you with a psychiatric DISORDER you still would have psychiatric SYMPTOMS, which they will take seriously. Even if it is just some weird anxiety it is worth going to a doctor for, because anxiety is a problem of its own. So whatever the ground issue is, your problems will be taken seriously (by a good doctor at least).
September 27th, 2020 4:59am
Hi! Be as honest as possible. No matter what, be as honest as you can. Try to clearly voice any and all concerns you may have to your doctor. And I suggest asking your primary care doctor to refer you to a psychiatrist, if you haven't already. As they are trained to help diagnose disorders such as schizophrenia, and provide support and/or medication. They can catch symptoms and schizophrenic behaviors. Also, try looking into family history if possible. It is not uncommon for schizophrenic to be genetic, so try your best to find out if anyone in your family has had schizophrenia for the purpose of being thorough. If your doctor believes you do not have schizophrenia, do not be afraid to get a second opinion. Hope this helps!
October 9th, 2020 4:50pm
If you feel like this is an genuine concern of yours you are probably not thinking about it for no reason. There must be some truth to it. My advice for you would be to either try and tell your doctor even though you are scared. Remember this is for your wellbeing. In the worst case scenario you will go to be tested and end up not having schizophrenia. But remember you can always go to your local psychologist and have a talk with them and they can help you realise what is happening. Never be ashamed of your issues.
October 18th, 2020 8:41pm
Feeling ill for any reason can be scary, so it makes sense that you would have some fear about going to the doctor. Schizophrenia is a very complicated condition, so knowing exactly what is going on might actually bring you peace. If you go to the doctor, you will be tested and – whatever the diagnosis – you will know how to treat the problem, right? Not knowing means you might need medication that you are not getting, so you continue to feel bad. Talking to a counselor first might be an option, too, as therapists are trained to recognize different types of mental illness. A therapist can certainly let you know if you need to see a doctor in order to get you the help you need to feel better.
October 28th, 2020 4:51pm
It is really scary to think that there might be something happening to us that we cant control. It is ever scarier when we are scared that nobody will believe us. That's the really great thing about doctors though, they are completely confidential, and if you don't have schizophrenia but there is something going on, a doctor will help you figure out what that something is. You know you body more than anybody else, so if something is happening that shouldn't be you have the right to voice your concerns and they will help you find the best way to proceed, even if its not what you thought it was.
November 21st, 2020 10:44pm
Let me start by saying that your concern is completely understandable. It is easy to be afraid of what other people think and if they will believe you. I suffer from anxiety and I remember being concerned about the psychiatrist thinking that I don't have anxiety. So like I said, your concern is totally valid and you are not the only one who has experienced fears about this. There is no harm at all in going to the doctor and speaking your truth. They are trained to respond to their patients concerns and help them in the best way possible.
December 27th, 2020 4:38am
Realize that that could actually happen. It happened to me. But without trying you are stuck where you are without help. Try to figure out a way where you could get a 2nd or 3rd opinion and don't just go with the first person if they tell you "a psychotic person can't realize they're psychotic" That is an opinion that is out there professionally, but not everyone professional believes that. It could be that you are just catching it before you lose your insight into the illness. With me I was treated for depression only until I totally lost contact with reality, and then they treated me for the schizophrenia. If I had to do it again, I would find another doctor, sooner, and I would keep going until I found someone that would listen to me. Keep in mind, a lot of doctors aren't going to like you insisting they might be wrong. But its your life and you are the one that will be living it and the consequences of keeping or not keeping your sanity, lay in your hands. I'm a lot better now, but its been years of counseling and medication for me to get here, and I think some of what happened could have been avoided if I'd found a doctor who was really willing to listen to what I had to say.
December 30th, 2020 1:53am
Do not be afraid to bring up these concerns to a doctor. A doctor is a professional who took an oath to help people. Why would a doctor not believe you? You are the expert of your life. If you say you might have symptoms of schizophrenia and want to be examined the doctor has NO CHOICE but to look into your concerns. Go to a doctor and tell them what symptoms specifically aline with your concerns. You can even tell them the initial paranoias is what caused you not to come in for an exam. Being paranoid of a doctor not helping you is enough of a reason to be checked out.