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Why do I feel so alone?

118 Answers
Last Updated: 04/21/2020 at 1:47am
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Jui Shankar, Ph.D


My worldview offers a systems perspective that values diverse clients and their struggles. I believe supportive and nonjudgmental therapeutic relationships empower clients.

Top Rated Answers
October 28th, 2015 2:37am
It must be because you feel like you're isolated from everyone else with what you're feeling and that you have no where to turn to and not enough community support.
October 25th, 2015 9:42pm
Often we feel isolated, regardless of if we are around people are not. It can be really difficult to connect with people on a level that makes us feel less alone. There are many reasons that one may feel this way, and I'm sorry that you're struggling with this right now.
October 25th, 2015 8:13am
Maybe it could be the lack of people you've allowed in your life, or the lack of impact you've allowed these people to have on your life.
October 25th, 2015 3:34am
Feeling alone is normal in most cases, feeling alone can also be caused by many different things, this is a very open ended question and I no nothing about you.
October 24th, 2015 6:39pm
because life is hard at times. you must take the good with the bad. growing up i know now that i had lots of friends but when i was that age i thought no one was like me and no one wanted to be friends with me. it just takes time and a clear understanding of where you are in life. if you feel alone then talk to me or someone else on the Internet. at least here you will always have a friend.
October 24th, 2015 5:51am
Sometimes, you feel alone because you have no one to connect with. You need to find someone who you can talk to without feeling embarrassed... 7 Cups of Tea is a great way to alleviate your loneliness.
October 23rd, 2015 1:17pm
You've lost your wi-fi connection that you have with your family,peers, friends just for a moment. It's like someone pulled the plug of your internet modem, all it takes for your connection with others to come back is simply just put the plug back in. It's hard though especially when the reason why you've lost it was because of unforeseen circumstances, it's just the way the world works.
October 23rd, 2015 3:02am
I've been working here for quiet a bit, and have been told that im good at this. Im not old, but im not young either, and im just right.
October 22nd, 2015 3:00pm
Maybe you are depressed, but you're not sure of it yet. I think you should take the tests and exercises on your growth path to see.
October 22nd, 2015 1:20pm
Maybe it's because of the people around you that makes you feel isolated from them. You may have been comfortable with yourself
October 21st, 2015 10:35pm
You feel so alone because others don't take their time to listen to you and they fail to understand and accept you as you are. The lack of communication and emphaty makes you feel like you're the only one that is going through a hard time and that there is no one to support you. But you're not alone, if you look for help you will come across people that would be willing to discover your real self, to show you emphaty and to offer you a better understanding of yourself and the people around you. We all go through hard times but we must not let that discourage us.
September 27th, 2015 1:36pm
Feeling alone is different from lonliness. Feeling alone usually means that you are physically isolated by yourself, being only with yourself, while lonliness can also be due to similar reason, or that it could be due to feeling nobody understanding you completely.
September 26th, 2015 2:17am
You might feel alone because you' haven't been spending enough time with friends or family, or because you are suffering from anxiety attachment. You should spend time with friends when you can, but know that you can trust others to always be there when you need them.
September 24th, 2015 5:20pm
You might not be surrounded by the right people. Maybe you should take a look at who you're including in your life.
September 24th, 2015 1:49am
Possibly because no one around you seems to understand you in a personal level. There might be thousands of friends around you but no one knows how you feel.
September 21st, 2015 3:38am
You feel so alone because you feel that you do not belong. You do belong.
September 20th, 2015 11:08pm
Sometimes even when you are surrounded by others you might feel alone. Maybe it's because they just don't understand, or maybe it's because you are afraid to trust someone enough to let them in.
September 19th, 2015 3:38pm
You probably have depression. Try going to a doctor or someone for help. That's why you feel sad and alone.
September 19th, 2015 4:26am
I feel so alone for unknown reason. Even though I have many friends but still I felt like alone. And maybe because I felt like the world just turned its back at me.
September 18th, 2015 7:52am
Feeling alone is a natural thing to do in certain points in life. Sometimes experiences make us feel this way or nothing at all. If you feel this way I encourage you to perhaps join a club, talk to friends, invite friends to events or make plans with them. Even making plans with family can be a great way to reconnect and start feeling better. There are many people that do not want you to feel alone and are here for you no matter what. For example us here at 7 Cups of Tea, our listeners are definitely here to help, listen, and talk.
September 17th, 2015 8:59pm
You haven't talked to anybody about your problems and/or issues yet. You still have them on your chest.
September 17th, 2015 7:59am
Sometimes I feel alone because I think nobody will ever understand me or what I'm going through. But putting yourselves in other people's shoes help understand them better :)
September 16th, 2015 9:48pm
You are never alone on here. You can always connect to someone, and if you ever feel alone in real life, just remember that someone will always love you.
September 16th, 2015 3:01pm
U'r not alone. I am available for u. Whenever u need someone to talk to, contact me. I'll do my best to help u
September 13th, 2015 4:46pm
When we start feeling isolated, we may have thoughts of not belonging or of feeling rejected by others. What we overlook, however, is that when we are alone, we are often in the company of our worst enemy- the onewithin ourselves. An isolated space is the perfect breeding ground for negative, self-critical thoughts. These thought patterns make up the “critical inner voice (CIV),” an internalized enemy that leads to self-destructive thought processes and behaviors. This inner critic feeds into our feelings of isolation, encouraging us to avoid others and remain in a lonely state.
September 13th, 2015 9:32am
At times I understand that you may feel that the world is against you. That there is no one who supports you but believe me that it isn't that way. You are to alone, you have me.
September 12th, 2015 8:55pm
Feeling alone is more a desire for a need to be alone. Sometimes we must go within ourselves in order to see who we are currently. Being alone is never wrong or right, sometimes being alone might be the answer to a problem. Remember to always ask yourself, "Who can I call?" and if calling someone isn't something one might do, ask yourself "Why?". It's always best to act on our words rather than constantly questioning ourselves. While questions do lead to answers, sometimes answers lead to more questions, and those questions lead to real answers.
September 11th, 2015 5:59pm
Sometimes when we feel alone, it doesn't always mean we ARE alone. Human beings have a tendency to let one thing bring them down even if there is a million other things going right for them, and lots of people out there supporting them. Look around you and see how many people are there for you.
September 10th, 2015 9:09pm
I know how you may feel. Sometimes this feeling comes from thinking that nobody understands you, or that you have nobody you can talk to. Reach out, don't ignore your feelings. Try making new friends, talk to others, join groups or activities that interest you. Even though you may feel alone, you are never alone. There is always someone you'll be able to talk to, whether it being on here, face to face, on the phone, etc.
September 10th, 2015 2:01pm
Because I haven't come to accept who I am and my idiosyncrasies so I look for company with other people