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When do i get to stop making everyone else happy?

262 Answers
Last Updated: 04/13/2022 at 10:09am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Jessica McDaniel, LPC, LCPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

I have been practicing cognitive behavioral psychotherapy since 2007 with a diverse group of adult clients with various diagnoses, all races, and socioeconomic classes.

Top Rated Answers
May 5th, 2021 7:58pm
Often we care more about the happiness of others than our own because it is easier for us. When we help others, it makes us happy for a short moment and we hope to be respected and appreciated. But helping others is also easier than helping yourself, because you would have to realize that you are not happy. You would have to become aware of your mistakes and problems. Even if you have done that, there is still the fear that you can't find a solution. If you can't find a solution for a fellow human being, it's not so bad for yourself. On the other hand, it also gives us hope that everything can be fine (including ourselves) when we see it in others. So the answer to the question is actually simple. You stop trying to make others happy when you realize that it doesn't make yourself happy.
May 19th, 2021 1:46pm
In order to answer this question, I need to make sure that you understand that you don't need to make everyone else happy. Sometimes, we worry so much about the others around us, that we forget to think about ourselves. I know it's hard to stop caring so much about making others happy, but its important to understand that you need to focus on yourself too. Of course making other's happy is a great thing because it means that you care, but if making them happy means that you're shutting your happiness down, you should hold yourself back. My main point through this is that your happiness should be your first priority.
May 30th, 2021 11:39am
That doesn't stop until you make it stop. That's the reality of the situation. There will always be an opportunity to make others happy. To put other people first, and yourself last. The opportunity will always remain and you have to understand that. That's out of your control. What is in your control however, is how far you go and for whom. The biggest lesson I've learned in life is that you can't put everyone before you. When you do, there's no room for you. There's no room for self care, for self growth. None of it. If you always want to make everyone else happy, sometimes at your own expense then you'll have loads of opportunities to. That doesn't stop. Hope this helped.
June 12th, 2021 4:59pm
Just remember we are not capable of making others happy it depends on them all we can do is be kind to them and don't hurt yourself cuz of others . You are as important as they are so never think less of yourself it's okay to be selfish at times and to think about yourself but don't intentionally hurt someone Think about all that you do for everyone else, and then think about what you do for yourself. Set boundaries so that others don't take advantage of your kindness or inability to say “no.” It is OK to have conflicts with others.
June 17th, 2021 10:13am
Whenever you realize that you matter as well. If you're the sort that always compromises for others, you're probably sick and tired of being there and never receiving anything in return. But the thing is, just like how you're making everyone else happy, you're also depriving yourself of happiness by not considering yourself worthy of the attention and care yourself. If making everyone else happy has brought you to this edge, maybe it's time to start considering yourself as well. Do it, seize the moment. Be happy. Do it for you. It's alright to be selfish once in a while.
July 9th, 2021 1:49pm
My guidance counselor once told me that on airplanes, they tell you to adjust your oxygen mask before helping someone else put theirs on. If you only focus on others before making sure you can breathe, a point will come when you’re no longer able to help others. You can only begin to think about what will make the happiness of others thrive once you’ve gained insight into what gives you satisfaction in life. When you help yourself, you can in turn help more people in total than if you had ignored your needs. Through this process, you can gain even further satisfaction through helping others.
July 22nd, 2021 11:23am
When I myself feel happiness after helping someone so that the process doesn't stay one-sided and I don't feel drained out of my energy. That way I'd be able to help others better and would increase their as well as my own happiness. Besides, I don't think making everyone else happy is a bad thing. Of course, it gets draining if you're not taking care of yourself first. Both the aspects should co-exist to get a balance. One should know when to back off from a situation that's making others happy but isn't helping you. That's pretty much it.
July 30th, 2021 3:55pm
hello! i’m S, and i hope this finds you well. this question is a question that really resonates with me, so i just wanted to share my thoughts on this. to me, happiness is subjective and, for a lot of us, hard to feel, especially in certain times in our life. happiness can be an emotion that is experienced in various situations and is usually essential for a person to remain healthy and balanced. you deserve to be happy. i think that there is no set point in time in which decide or know when you start to focus on your happiness instead of others; it’s more when you start to acknowledge and realise that you need to start taking care of yourself more. while taking care of others and making them happy is fulfilling and enjoyable, it can get exhausting at a certain point, especially if you’re not taking care of yourself and making yourself happy. i think that true happiness comes from within yourself, and i hope you can try to focus on yourself and your happiness because you matter just as much as everyone else
August 18th, 2021 3:32pm
Exactly when you choose to. Each step you make is a choice and if you are putting yourself last then you may choose to change that. Start small with a simple 10 minutes of doing something only for you that you love. Then add on daily or weekly and build up the time and activities for yourself as you go. Eventually, you will see that you have shifted the time you spend on others vs yourself to more time toward you. Keep along this path until you feel the balance is right and you notice you are happier. Best wishes.
October 3rd, 2021 8:25am
Now! Start only to be fair with everyone and do what you can only! Everyone has his or her own goals, make your own goals and you could set one of your goals to help the community in general, so you can do something good for the people, and stop helping them individually unless you have full and free will as well as the capability and specialty to do so. You also stop immediately if it becomes an issue and source of tiredness and stress in your life or a hindrance to your own development. If you are not making progress you won't be happy either, so you won't be able to make others happy, which is not your role unless they are close to you and the relationship is the mutual source of happiness!
November 4th, 2021 2:00am
Right now. You are not responsible for anyone else's happiness and cannot control anyone else's happiness. It's important to take care of yourself in order to be there for others, but when you put too much pressure on yourself to make others happy that can lead to negative emotions and end up having the opposite effect. Find ways to do what's right for you to feel happy and you will probably end up doing nice things for others because you want to, not because you need to. Authentic relationships where you get to be yourself will usually benefit both parties.
November 13th, 2021 10:43am
You can stop focusing all of your energy on making others in your life whenever you want! It is extremely important to always put your own mental health and capacity first, as to ensure your own safety and wellbeing. It's wonderful to help others and make sure they are happy... but never at the expense of yourself. You are worthy of your own attention and focus, and you can and should focus on yourself whenever you want! When you choose to stop and focus on yourself, know that taking care of yourself and others is a never-ending journey, process, and life commitment... but it should never be taxing or take away from your wellbeing and own happiness.
November 20th, 2021 3:32am
Short answer is now. Because it is impossible to make everyone else happy. An example for it might be that you wearing a shirt a certain person likes, but points out that it would look better if only it had hoodie. Another person might say that's not the trend and it would make them happy if you wear other color shirt and take a picture with them and so the possibilities are endless. The truth is that you, me or anyone else cannot make everyone happy. Even if you have been there for that person through 99 things/times they will remember 1 time when you were not. Thus, one must first themselves be happy in order to make most people around them happy and even then, it is impossible to make everyone happy.
November 24th, 2021 3:40pm
Why do you feel you need to make everyone else happy? Why do you believe that you can't come first? Maybe taking the time to answer these questions will help you put the reality of this situation into perspective. It's a conscious choice you have to make based on another set of questions: Do you value yourself? Why/why not? How do you show up for yourself? Do you show others that you're valuable? As you can see, a lot of this is about self-worth but honestly take some time to dig deep and I think you'll understand that it's up to you to put yourself first and decide that now is the time to stop making everyone else happy.
January 1st, 2022 8:16pm
As soon as you decide that you matter too. It is okay to be selfish sometimes if it means taking care of your needs. You can still make others happy, but you can also make yourself happy too. Maybe instead of being the one always helping you can reach out for help. Or maybe it is as simple as keeping a journal and writing everything down, just get it out on paper and take its power away. True happiness comes from within, nobody else can give you total happiness. We have to change our way of thinking sometimes and try and see things in a more positive light. I cannot speak for anyone else, but personally, my happiness came when I learned to let go of the past and the bad things. It was not easy and didn't happen overnight but it has made a huge impact in a positive way. good luck!!
January 16th, 2022 3:12pm
Whenever you want. You could literally stop now. Just stop wearing the mask that you are so tired of putting up. Start prioritizing your mental health and happiness. If those people that you try so hard to keep happy start leaving you, that probably would have happened sooner or later because they have just been using you to make themselves feel better. Once you can't do that anymore, they will leave. But those who still stay and understand are those that you need to treasure as they are with you BECAUSE of you, and not how you make them feel.
February 19th, 2022 6:36pm
That's something that is very difficult to answer. In one way, never? But in another, whenever you feel ready. You always have to keep your own happiness in mind. While I know that's hard, it's what has to happen. Life really genuinely sucks sometimes and a lot of times, it feels really incredibly hard to keep yourself in mind. You never really stop making everyone else happy. Sometimes you might have to take a step back and remember that you exist too and care for yourself. Sometimes that's all you can do.
February 24th, 2022 6:12am
When you learn that you need to show yourself love and take a break from others. Its time to forget them they are not the ones who brought you through this rough life as long as your here walking and speaking then your the one alive who cares who ever they are they are not the ones pushing through all this mental pain you deserve to forget about others and show yourself the same happiness this can happen by taking a break from social media and actually forgetting about everybody else so you can spend time to yourself.
March 4th, 2022 10:20pm
You do not have to make everyone happy; and when you realize that, it will help you to become happier, and by extent, you will make others happy around you. Because if you are happy, then happy people are typically cheerful, and they can help people around them become happier, without the the express wish and desire to 'make' people happy. You can't 'make' anyone happy, it doesn't work that. You can't make anyone be the way you want them to be, unfortunately. You can only help make you happy, and then, by extent make others around you happier.
March 5th, 2022 11:11am
You focus on making yourself happy- that's all. Your happiness depends on you not on anyone else. This is something you must practice on a daily basis and repeat to yourself. It does hurt at first and when it does it's time to introspect. Figure out why you feel upset- talk to yourself and you'll realise why you tend to be a people please. I get that a more sensitive and empathetic human being faces this problem a lot but it's essential to cut the string of making others happy. You need to be happy on the inside so it's time to be the person you are to others, to yourself. All the best!
March 13th, 2022 1:32am
You should make yourself happy first before any one because bu being happy for yourself you can make other people happy as well so that way you are also confident happiness it’s very important for your own well being so that. You should prioritize yourself self before others at all times otherwise you can make other people happy it never works it never ends well it’s all about Beijing optimistic and thinking positive all the time before helping others never underestimate yourself think you first before others. By you doing. That you can make others feel better about themselves ad
April 13th, 2022 10:09am
When you start making yourself happy, and putting yourself first, it takes courage to love yourself and truly care for your health, needs, and everything else. This will create space for you to limit the amount of people you try to make happy but rather focus on making yourself whole, then sharing or helping will become a greater possibility. It will come naturally when you naturally allow yourself to love yourself, without judgemental or self condemnation of whatever you are, this will allow great space for being true to yourself and being understanding to what you have to offer and what you do not.