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When do i get to stop making everyone else happy?

262 Answers
Last Updated: 04/13/2022 at 10:09am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Jessica McDaniel, LPC, LCPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

I have been practicing cognitive behavioral psychotherapy since 2007 with a diverse group of adult clients with various diagnoses, all races, and socioeconomic classes.

Top Rated Answers
January 11th, 2020 11:15am
I also find it hard to choose myself before someone else, so I totally understand this question. I think you its important that you focus on yourself first. Saying 'No' when you're not feeling okay with doing something or just because you want some time for yourself, is already a good excercise for this. Its important that you learn the first priority is you, and of course you can help people around you, but its important to take some time for yourself. And, you can make people happy, with YOU being happy. Its not always about literally helping people, sometimes its just about being around and smile
January 16th, 2020 4:33pm
When it starts ruining my life and messing up my mental health. I've been a people pleaser for a long time now and I'm trying to be better about fixing that. 7cups has helped me help people feel better, which in turn helps me stop pleasing people irl. My Dad had made me feel the need to be a people pleaser and make him happy, to get love, which only this year I've recognized. I'm trying to work on that, and it's a rough journey, but one step at a time. My Mother is also working on this, however I'm having to push her more.
February 5th, 2020 2:59pm
You are under no obligation to make others happy. You can not control the emotions or feelings of another, only your own emotions and feelings are within your control. It is not your duty to make others happy, comfortable or even content, only yourself. Practice looking after yourself. Put yourself first and learn to use the word NO frequently. If you don't want to do something, like covering someone at work for example, you are well within your right to refuse without an explanation. You can't pour from an empty cup so remember to frequently top it up through self-care.
March 27th, 2020 10:06pm
Now. You do not have to focus on making other people happy first, your focus should be on making yourself happy first. I understand that you may feel the need to put other people first, but remember that you should be your first priority. When you put others first, you might end up sacrificing your own happiness, which should not happen. You have to remember that some people are not who you think they are, they might just be using you to feel better about themselves. So, put yourself first, put your happiness first and do not feel bad about doing it.
April 22nd, 2020 1:43am
I think it is important to go about this in a different mindset. Possibly, take your opportunities of making other people happy and look at them in a positive light. Instead of looking at it in a dreadful manner, praise yourself for the good deeds you are doing for others. But, if you feel that you are making everyone else happy and you, yourself, are not happy, you can seek change. It is possible that the people you are hanging around with are too self consumed and you may need to look for people who can give back the same love that you are giving to them.
April 26th, 2020 11:41pm
That is up to you! I know it makes me happy when I have the chance to make someone else happy. But only when its by my choice. If I am being made to feel like its a job or a chore to make keep someone else happy that takes away from the returned happy feelings I receive. Its up to you how far you take the task. It should not feel like work, it should not cause you harm to make someone happy, it should be rewarding. Making sure that you too get something out of the task can make it worth it.
May 6th, 2020 11:01pm
The point at which you get to stop trying to make everyone else happy (and note that I said 'trying to'; not actually procuring others' happiness) is the point where you ask yourself 'am I happy to continue running myself ragged like this? Am I making myself happy? Or am I trying to pre-empt and possibly control people's responses?'. There isn't an actual set point at which you are given permission to be relieved from that burden, but there comes a point where you give yourself permission to stop feeling like you have responsibility and/or control over everything and everyone.
May 9th, 2020 3:16pm
One day I realized that what truly mattered to me wasn't to society. The goals that our family set for us arn't always what we need. What TV shows try to sell us isn't always what we really want. I looked deep down inside of me wondering what it was I truly wanted to do with my life. What was my personal purpose ? I would like to make this world a better place where everybody feels accepted, valued, loved. I want people to get rid of shame, guilt and fear. I decided to live accordingly to my own values even when it meant I had to go against what one could call "common sense". I do not care much about owning the prettiest, cleanest and tidiest flat : I just want a place that feels safe, personal, warm and welcoming to the people I love. A shelter, you could say. I go by some principles like, if you own something that is too precious/expensive to be loaned to a stranger, I should no have it at all. I do not care about being the prettiest, hottest person in the room, it is not my job nore my passion. I just want to feel comfortable in my body and cloths. I would like to be inspirational to others and I believe that the best way to do so is to live accordingly to what is truly important to me, not because of what others value, because it allows other people to think "I can do it too, I can be just who I truly am, deep inside".
June 21st, 2020 1:37pm
Maybe it's a case of when do you yourself get to become happy? It can seem very unfair is everybody else around you appears to be happy, or content in what they are doing - especially if you yourself are struggling with issues or are generally unhappy. At the end of the day everybody deserves to be happy, and that includes you and it might just be that you need to explore why you feel you don't either need to be/have the right to be happy, perhaps connect with a listener and see if someone can help you explore that.
July 15th, 2020 3:58pm
i mean, who told you to? your life, your choice. yeah you should make people happy but if it interferes in yours, don't hesitate to stop it. you care for their happiness, i care for yours. tell people you need a space of your own. talk to people and make yourself lighter. stop living for others. sad but you don't have a hundred years, so why should you waste it for others? don't stop it fully, just give yourself a day or so every week or month. stop making people happier who make you feel inferior and broken. care for those who really worth your time and love. YOLO!
August 22nd, 2020 4:14am
Focusing on myself and not on other people! Not everything is so personal in life and truly I am the only person I should care about. Not in a selfish way but in a self-loving way. Self-love is something that everyone should strive to do, it's something active that happens everyday, not something that happens overnight. We should all care for ourselves, just the same as we care for other people. Like a plant, we water it and take care of it, think of the plant as yourself. If you don't check up on it, it withers away. So don't let yourself get to that point, check up on yourself from time to time.
October 17th, 2020 1:30am
I have to stop making everyone else happy when I find it's exhausting me. It's draining me. It's preventing me from reaching my own happiness and disturbing my mental health and wellbeing. I have to sometimes put myself first and I have to be okay with that and everyone else has to too. It can come off as being selfish, but ultimately, I have to take care of me before I can take care of anyone else. Who is going to take better care of you than you? It's not important to be a people pleaser but a YOU pleaser.
October 24th, 2020 1:53pm
Being unhappy you're self why would you wish to please someone else and make them happy while you are on the edge of mountain and with in you're self you are falling apart. Felling that people will not wish to be with you or like you if you say no to something or do something that you like rather then doing what people want you too. Being slave to the people you love while tremble inside with in fear if you break this habit you might as well be loner all you're life. You should know people who loves you will be around even if you went crazy so feel free to do what you wish and do not care if other are sad or happy.
October 25th, 2020 3:20am
You can begin when you realize that that is not your job. You are not responsible for other people's happiness. You are only responsible for yourself. Somewhere in your life, you have been programmed to think that is your job. It is a faulty program that does not serve you and you must dig and look at your life to find what caused that program, who was behind that program, and what was happening at the time you first began to take on this caregiver role. Once you see it, know that it is not your fault that that programming is there but you can change it and begin to experience your own happiness. Rewrite that old program script to one that works for you now
November 4th, 2020 7:02pm
This is a really important question, because it seems like there are many layers to this question. Unfortunately, no one can "make" anyone else feel anything. We are all responsible for our own feelings, this is an important point in understanding emotional intelligence. As such, you shouldn't feel the constant need to "make" everyone any type of feeling. This doesn't mean you should walk around caring only about yourself and ignoring others, but it does mean that taking care of yourself (and your needs) makes for a better priority if you feel yourself burning out. Trying to "make" other people happy, or, having other people place the expectation on you that you will or should make them happy, may indicate a lack of healthy boundaries. If you feel this is a consistent issue for you, you may find the 7 Cups Guide to Boundaries helpful. It can be found here:
November 11th, 2020 8:22pm
That is up to you. Making everyone else happy is impossible, dear. There will always be one or two people who do not agree, who you can't make it up to. First of all, it is so important to focus on your own happiness before trying to make others happy. It's a bit like a cycle: 1. You take acts to make your self happy 2. you have the energy to make others happy 3. keep on going with those self-care acts 4. and then you will have bit more energy for making others happy. The choice of when you will stop making others happy is absolutely and completely up to you. Sometimes we get very cought up in making others happy, that we start to forget about our own happiness. But our own happiness is one of the most important and most valuable things and we should truly engage in taking good care of it
November 20th, 2020 1:34am
Sometimes having these feelings can help you realize some boundaries you may need to set or that maybe you could spend some time thinking about how to communicate your own needs. It sounds like you're a caring person, and it can be easy with that type of personality to put others first. It's hard when you're used to that role, and you realize that it doesn't come naturally to others to seek out and meet your needs in the same way. Sometimes people need a little help in knowing how you're feeling and what you need to feel better. It's a wonderful trait to be a giving person and be able to take care of others, just make sure you're using that giving and helping ability for yourself too ♡
November 20th, 2020 2:18am
I feel like as much of it being such a good thing to make others happy. Making sure you yourself are able to feel happy is just as if not more important than trying to make the people around you happy. Think of it this way, if you're trying to make someone around you happy but don't exactly feel happy yourself are you in best place to do so?. In a lot of situations you have to think about your specific mindset and ask yourself if you are healthy enough to go and be there for other people. Remember it's an amazing thing to be there for other people but you need to be there for yourself first.
November 26th, 2020 12:04am
You can stop at anytime! As an ex-people pleaser, I asked the same question. Whenever you feel done pleasing people, you can stop. You don't have to please people, especially to make them stay. If they want to leave, that's their choice. They will never ever know what they're missing out on. It's your choice for what you want to do. Pleasing people isn't gonna make them stay. I tried for 4 years trying to make my mother stay, but she left in the end. That last time she left, I told her that I'm not gonna please her anymore, it's not my job to, I'm supposed to focus on my needs and I always put her first, but no more. What she says or does doesn't hurt me anymore, because I let her go. I try not to put peoples happiness before mine because that's only make me more sad.
November 26th, 2020 8:04am
I think that that is for you to decide. look inwards and focus on yourself. do the things that make you happy (as long as you aren't harming yourself or others 😊) this is your life! niot anyone else's, take control of it! of course you have to be a nice person and be compassionate and considerate but you can't do that when you yourself are being hurt. remember that you need to care for yourself as well, be kind to yourself and not just others. do not allow yourself to be hurt by others for being kind. enjoy :)
December 3rd, 2020 12:44am
Once you reject the idea that helping other people is a moral virtue, and that it's what justifies your own existence. The purpose of your life should be the pursuit of your own happiness, and the idea that you have an obligation to serve other people regardless of how they treat you in return can't be justified in a rational way. Now, this doesn't mean that you may never help another person. You can choose (emphasis on the word "choose") to help a person if they're dealing with difficult struggles through no fault of their own or if they're a value to you due to them being a partner or friend of yours. In those cases, you'd be completely justified in helping them because you're not sacrificing yourself for the sake of their needs. In fact, it should serve your own interest (i.e. happiness) to see them improve their well-being.
December 6th, 2020 2:27am
When you're feeling burnt out, sometimes you may get tired or burnt out when you've done too much listening, and that's ok, listening may be hard at first but you'll get the hang of it, you should always put yourself in priority so when you don't feel great or are tired of listening, than you should take a day off because when you're trying to make everyone else feel happy, you tend to forget about yourself. So I understand that its not easy to listen because not everybody is good at listening, but you should always prioritise yourself than others.
December 17th, 2020 7:39pm
It is admirable to want to make the people around you happy, but it can often be exhausting and damaging to your own mental health and wellbeing. You and your happiness are valuable; you deserve to be happy yourself. That is why you have to remember to take care of yourself. Caring for your own wellbeing does not make you a selfish or bad person. On the contrary, it simply makes sure you are able to live happily so you can share your kindness on to others. After all, life is truly about balance. Think of when flight attendants tell parents to put on the air mask before putting them on their children. You matter.
December 26th, 2020 10:28am
You should never feel the need to keep making everyone happy. Your happiness should always come first. I'm sorry that you feel responsible for making people feel happy all the time. While I understand that keeping people happy is really good and can often make us feel better. Sometimes it causes us to burn out. Burn out is where we get overtired and kind of just break. This is definitely a sign that you may need some self-care is needed. Why don't you check out the 7 cups guide to self-care? I hope you find things getting easier soon. Good luck!
January 2nd, 2021 2:39am
It is/was never your responsibility to make everyone happy. Everybody is responsible for their own feelings. It is not your job to make sure that people are happy. It is also not your job to make others feel any way. So, when do you get to stop making everyone else happy? Right now! With that said, I understand that can be difficult to understand. I had a people-pleasing mindset for most of my life. And I get it. It can be difficult to go through disappointing other people. But you get to a point where you're giving yourself up to others to the point where you have nothing left to give. And what you're giving isn't quality anymore. The time to stop making everyone else happy is now. But it really only starts when you start loving yourself and caring for you.
January 3rd, 2021 11:44am
I had this problem for a lot of my life. Then I learned about what codependency is and how to heal that wound inside. I used to be a people pleaser. I always put my own feelings, wants and need some the back burner compared to everyone else’s. Now that I have learned to set boundaries with others, practice good self care and avoid falling into the pit falls of codependency I am much happier. A lot of times codependency can be traced back to our childhood where we were taught that our needs didn’t matter. Healing from codependency is so essential to become happy and fulfilled. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential to your own happiness.
January 21st, 2021 11:22pm
The time that you feel that you can stop making everyone else feel happy, is when you yourself are able to make yourself happy. By living your life to please others, you are essentially killing your own happiness which should come first. By ensuring that you are happy, you can then make others happy by radiating your positive energy on them too. But, by forcing yourself to make others happy, long term you are making yourself feel unhappy. You should feel that making people happy comes naturally to you when you do and making yourself happy first should be your top priority.
January 24th, 2021 2:24am
The answer to this question is simple: whenever you decide to put yourself first. It's great to make other people feel happy, but we shouldn't revolve our entire lifestyles around it. It's important to make sure that you are happy first. You can start right now if you choose. All you have to do is realize that people will still like you just the same, and if they expect you to constantly make them happy, then they are simply expecting too much from you. It's time to put yourself first, as that's definitely part of having a positive and healthy mindset towards life.
February 17th, 2021 1:55pm
You have to try to focus on yourself. I know sometimes it can be hard, because you want everyone around you to be happy, but you need to put yourself first. You can't make other people happy if you aren't happy with yourself first. It's like when on an airplane, they tell you that if there's a crash, you need to put your own mask on before helping anyone else, because you can't help anyone else if you're dead. Like I said, I know it's hard because you want to make everyone around you happy, but sometimes you need to just focus on yourself.
March 21st, 2021 7:48pm
You get to stop making everyone else happy once you finally choose yourself. I used to be just like you and it would really hurt me because I would ignore myself and just do the things that I knew would make everyone else happy but then I realized that it was not okay because everyone else was putting themselves first so I asked myself; what was the point? There is no point. You’re a good person and good people tend to do those kind of things but the truth is you won’t be able to enjoy life if that’s what you keep doing. Don’t worry! I believe in you and you got this! good luck!🤗❤️