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I can't get over my ex after 5 years. What should I do?

251 Answers
Last Updated: 06/14/2022 at 12:35pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Jennifer Patterson, LMFT

Art Therapist

Life can be messy. Sometimes you need a little support to make your way through it. I love to help guide people through their challenges & to find the beauty in our messes.

Top Rated Answers
July 26th, 2019 12:35pm
In my experience, not being able to get over someone usually means that I can’t get myself to think about anything else. Find something that makes you complete. Help others, save the environment, do hobbies you like. Do something by the end of which you’ll feel like you’ve accomplished something. For me that’s being a listener on 7cups, organizing events to clean up the city I live in, studying to create medicine to save people, learning languages and so on. If you don’t know where to start, I’d say that nothing brings more joy and the feeling of accomplishment than helping others. Volunteer at different places and try your best to do your part in helping the world. Through that you’ll meet amazing people with admirable ambitions, and perhaps you might even meet someone new to love, though that shouldn’t be the goal. Do something that will give you the feeling of accomplishment.
August 16th, 2019 7:48am
Breakups are the worst sometimes, especially when you just can't seem to get over the ex. My best advice would have to be to try and figure out why you can't get over them. I couldn't get over my ex until I cut off all contact with them for a while. We are friends now but for a couple of months I had to block them on social media and delete any memories I had in my phone. It was so painful and so hard but, in the long run, it helped me a lot. The other part of my advice would be to just keep an open mind and, if you are in contact with them, keep a healthy relationship with them. You will find someone better than them, even if it happens to be them again it will be a better version of them. :)
September 1st, 2019 12:55pm
Accepting any loss can be challenging. But be patient while you allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling because this is the hardest part. The ability to finally move forward and adjust to the future can take time and it isn’t a “linear process”. That means some days will be easier than others, and others will be harder. But keep your hope alive. Seek out the greatest relationship with yourself. Find ways to love and respect yourself, like shedding old habits that don’t serve you, or would prohibit a positive future. And also, know you aren’t alone. Integrate yourself with your community rather than isolate, whether it be online or otherwise. Best wishes, friend. x
April 8th, 2020 3:27am
If you try hard to forget your ex, you would end up remembering more and more. You can do things like, point out the things that makes you remember about her/him. And try to simply replace those memories with something else. That's the one thing to do. There is a Exception Case, if its your First love, then you wont be ever able to forget him/her, so then the only option available is to get over that. There is one more way to forget her/him, that is to create a hatred for them in your mind, simple by remembering the painful things they did to you.
April 18th, 2020 6:08am
I can definitely relate to not being able to move past a relationship. After space, time, and working on being a better me, the blow of a painful separation softened. Some helpful things to think of are: What did you enjoy doing before your entered into the relationship? Are the parts of your ex's personality you miss something you can find in yourself? Have you tried any resource guides on 7 Cups? What are some things you've tried to move past your ex and the relationship you two shared? There are many wonderful books, articles, and videos you can watch that will help you gain insight on the reason you haven't been able to move forward.
April 25th, 2020 6:08am
What do you find is keeping you tied to your ex? What makes your ex someone you can’t get over? I have found that when looking at a past relationship that I lost, it’s easy to only remember the good things and reflect on missing those days hinges in the relationship. Have you sit down and either written or thought about the reasons that the relationship ended and didn’t work? When I found myself heartbroken I found that by giving myself love made me realize I didn’t need my ex to choose me anymore because I chose myself. Is this at all helpful to you?
May 8th, 2020 8:55pm
The first step in get over someone is acknowledging what you are feeling and letting out all of your emotions. All breakups are tough, especially long ones so in order to start your healing process, you need to understand what you are feeling. You may feel anger, sadness, confusion, etc, and those are all normal feelings. You need to understand why you are feeling that way in order to get over the feeling. You may be feeling confused because you don't understand why the person would break up with you. You need to acknowledge that it is okay to feel that confusion.
June 7th, 2020 7:20pm
Make your self better, progress is the key here, try to find a new hobby of another accupation so to meet new people and there might find another person in order create a new relationship. When breakups happen, it’s easy to take to social media to see what your ex is up to. This is a bad idea. First, you don’t want any reminders of them in your life. Second, you don’t want to see them with someone new or having fun without you. Unless you know you can take it, which, most people can’t, just avoid their accounts or even delete them. This is particularly the case if they are a narcissist. Narcissists tend to move on very quickly as they tend to approach most relationships superficially. It’s not out of the ordinary that will they will be charming manipulating someone else in a week or two and posting romantic photos. If not that, then they’ll probably be posting “selfies” where they look beautiful and happy.
June 11th, 2020 10:52pm
Reflect back on what about them you're missing and if it even is something connected to them, or a feeling you could feel with someone else. Consider moving on to find someone else because there are so many more amazing people you deserve, or take some time to take care of yourself and build up your confidence to learn that you don't need your ex! You got this! Delete their lingering presence in your life, whether that be blocking their contacts, photos, or social medias. Let your friends know, because they know you best and can support you too! You may need to distance yourself from things that you associate with your ex, like certain people, songs, and/or places too, and that's okay! Come to the realization that whatever you're missing from your ex is probably something you could get with someone else, and maybe even better!
June 24th, 2020 5:38am
5 years is a long time to be in a relationship with someone. It is not something that you forget about or get over with easily. Be easy and forgiving towards yourself. You are going through a hard time. It may be important to think about the reasons why things didn't work out. It's also important that you think about all that was gained from the relationship. I'm sure there are beautiful memories that you may want to keep with you. I am also sure that there are things that you learned from maybe the not so good memories. Thats ok too. Getting over your ex will take some time, but keep going and keep growing and everything will be ok
September 10th, 2020 4:54pm
I believe it's important to really dissect what the issue is of letting go of what my ex and I had. I would jot down or think over or communicate with others to better understand why the relationship ended and what wasn't working. I would also focus on the positives that I'm going through since the relationship ended and see that I should let go of things that are out of my control. I would then realize that it wasn't meant to be and I can't force things into reality and to accept that it ended. I would then try to come up with a plan to love myself fully and focus on moving forward towards a brighter future.
October 1st, 2020 7:57am
Out of sight, out of mind. You can try doing several activities to keep yourself busy. Also, you can block/unfollow them on social medias and if possible change your number or move. It' s not going to be easy but you should take it one step a time. Set small achievable short term goals and smart long term goals. Also, in my opinion, you shouldn't jump into a new relationship without having moved on completely from your ex as you'll find yourself comparing your new partner to your ex which will cause problems in your new relationship. Surround yourself with supportive people and take it easy on yourself. You got this!
October 9th, 2020 1:44am
Since you have not been able to get over her even after 5 years of breakup, it is better if you cut all ties with her. There is no way you will get over your feelings for her if you remain in touch with her. Tell her how you feel about her presence in your life as of now. See if she interested in getting back with you. If not, you will have to stay away from her in order to move on. Unless you let go your past you will not find a better future for yourself. If you really want to be her friend then you have to forget the past and live in the present. This is tough but possible.
October 9th, 2020 2:43pm
Sounds like you might need closure before you can move on. If your feelings are still there after that period of time, you need to evaluate why that is. Do you see your ex often and is that why you cant let go? are you not sure that you or your ex should not be together? are you jealous of your ex or the life that they have right now without you? All of those things can prevent you from moving on and make it so that your ex and the relationship you had with them is still a big thing in your mind. In my experience, moving on from past relationships requires a certain hope that you are moving to something better. So pleas know that you are dong just that. Maybe it doesn't feel like that, but you have been without your ex for 5 whole years now. you've grown without them and dit things and learned things without that person! You are a different and better person now and you will keep growing. you will learn to love yourself even more and you will meet new people and your life will be better than it was before. Your past with your ex might have been nice, but look at whats ahead! it is going to be amazing!
October 18th, 2020 1:47am
It can be hard to move on from someone you cared about. Usually, this could be due to lack of closure or understanding of why it ended. Reflecting back, how did you leave things? Did it come out of nowhere? Do you miss the companionship or do you genuinely miss your ex? One thing that helps me get closure is writing a letter to get all of my feelings out and then doing something therapeutic with the letter like burning it (safely!), burying it, tearing it up, putting it away in a memory box, etc.. Wishing you the best for your situation.
November 5th, 2020 3:57am
Just relax. It happens. There is nothing you can do about it. Let it pass. Do not interfere it. But at the same time try to take baby steps in rehabilitating yourself. Do not forget that life is not over yet. You will find love again. Give yourself sometime. Do not be harsh on yourself. If you think about your ex it is okay. If you cry or get scared or feel guilty or anxious it is okay. Do not control it. Try to do small things which still give you happiness. Try to stay close to those people who cannot see you unhappy but most of all you have to try to find little ways to be happy and sooner or later you will recover. Trust me. Take care.🤗
January 14th, 2021 7:01pm
Have you cut contact with this individual? That should be the first step to moving on. I would also remove any pictures or videos of them, or put them in a place where I'm less likely to look at them. It may help to write down the reasons why you guys didn't work out as a couple. Before you get into a new relationship with anyone, you need to sort through any issues that are present and make sure you're truly over your ex. No one wants to deal with any baggage. Getting over an ex is difficult but it definitely can be done.
January 29th, 2021 3:24am
I think it would be good to simply talk about it! I think sometimes it can be hard to get over something when you are only ever turning it over in your own mind. Sometimes just getting your feelings, ideas, or thoughts out into the open can help you feel as though they're more resolved. I tend to feel the same way when I'm angry. I'm super nonconfrontational so when things upset me I usually don't say anything, but when you say nothing those feelings just stay with you. The best part is that we have trained listeners at 7 cups who are always here to listen!
February 4th, 2021 5:20pm
I would take some time to focus on yourself, perhaps make a list of things you would like to accomplish ( with appropriate time goals) which will bring more joy into your life. You are the most important person in your life and you are your own expert. Take some time and to self reflect and write down the things that you need to focus on. Maybe you’d like to improve your sleep patterns or treat yourself to a new hairstyle or get your nails done. Find your friends and family that you can trust and spend some more quality time with them, of course I cannot understand the context of your past relationship without talking about it but moving forward would be the best option to help you grow as a person, self love is the best love!
February 6th, 2021 1:42am
There are some people that remain in your life forever due to the impact that they had on it. You might not - and probably won't - ever forget about him. You might still cherish the moments you lived with him, even if you wouldn't ever want to get back together with him. You might think about him every now and then. The important thing is not that you forget him and never think about him again, it's that you learn that you can move on with your life and love somebody else just as much if not more than you loved him. Or maybe just in a different way. If your relationship ended because you felt like he wasn't the right man for you, remember that. It's easy over the years to remember all the bad stuff, all the reasons we didn't want to be with that person. But remember, there is a reason why you aren't together anymore. And in 5 years, people change, so chances are he wouldn't be the man that you first fell in love with. Allow yourself to love someone who will always be the man who deserves you.
February 12th, 2021 4:21am
I will remind myself that if I do not shut this door another will not open. I would listen to pod casts on getting over your x daily. I would get some counseling, and work on making peace with my past. I would work on myself, and make a list of things that I would like to do or places I would like to go. Getting to know yourself brings growth. Loving yourself helps us to see what we like, and what we don't like. Building boundaries is healthy. I can make a dream board, and start thinking about the things that are important to me, and what I want for my future.
March 4th, 2021 6:01pm
I cannot give you advice, but I can listen to you. Sometimes it is very hard to get over someone, and I understand completely what you are going through. The emotions may seem like they are here to stay, but someday they will fade and fade more. Have you been feeling confindent in yourself? That could be playing a key factor in what you are feeling right of now. Maybe take the time to fall in love with yourself and notice the beauty inside of you. Falling in love with yourself could help you get over your ex.
April 8th, 2021 3:37am
5 years is a long time to be with someone. It is ok to grieve, but when that grief prevents you from moving on, then it is time to address it. You should seek things that make you happy and be around friends more. Open up your social circle and surround yourself with positive energy. Volunteering can also help distract you and also allow you to meet new people. It is ok to miss someone, but do not allow them to be the center of your world. Opening up your eyes to new ideas or hobbies can help distract you.
April 22nd, 2021 3:30am
I completely understand your feeling. Maybe if you chat with some help, you to go over your emotion. I get that you miss your ex, and somewhere in the back of your mind, you want your ex back, but be realistic. You guys broke up or divorce five years. Go out with your friends, have crazy nights, and let loose. Try to work upon yourself and be the best version you can be of yourself. You might love her, but a lot of changes have occurred in both of your lives and personalities. You both are different people now. And you deserve to be happy. So get drunk, make new goals, and try to achieve them. Learn to love yourself and then try to find someone else to love. The person who'll heal your heart back will come around the most unexpected time and in the most unexpected situations.
May 6th, 2021 10:22am
If you still have feelings for your ex many years after the end of the relationship, it is important to think about what void that person left in your life. Why do you miss him/her so much? How could you fill the void that this person left in another way than getting him/her back? For instance, this person may have been so important because of how he/she made you feel intelligent. Could you get the same result by taking a course? Often, we fall in love because we have unfulfilled needs and believe that one person can resolve them. However, it is often possible for us to learn to fulfill our needs on our own. Good luck to you.
May 7th, 2021 3:32pm
It is normal to still feel a connection towards someone that you spent a large part of your life with and who you have shared many memories with. Don't feel too discouraged by occasionally thinking about your ex or even checking out their social media. If you feel like you can not move on, try to remember why the breakup occurred in the first place. Consider the Pros and Cons of restarting that relationship. This list can help you understand your relationship needs which, in the long run, will help you form better relationships in the future. Always remember, You must give yourself time to heal and process after a breakup and that length of time is different for everyone.
May 9th, 2021 8:06am
Ask yourself, "what am I still doing that is the same as when I was with my ex?" Are you living in the same house? Working at the same job? Do you still go to the same restaurants you went to with them? etc, etc. Try changing anything that is still the same. Sometimes continuing activities and being in places that in your memory are still tied to a certain person, keep those memories recurring. That is why when people are grieving the death of a loved one, they tend to keep doing the routines and visiting or staying in the places they had with that loved one. It helps them feel close to the person who is gone. For someone trying their best to "get over" an ex, these same behaviours can be a hindrance and a source of bad feelings. Change it up! Do something thrilling that makes you happy and has no memory relating to your ex attached to it. Filling your life with new places and new experiences you will think back on in the future that do not include your ex is a healthy way of pushing them from your mind and getting on with the wonderful life you still have left to experience.
May 27th, 2021 10:57pm
The best thing is to focus on what you can do for yourself, what can you do now that you couldn't do before when you were in a relationship, what new things can you try to create memories for yourself and with others. Breakups suck, their emotional and consistent with remembering old memories, but eventually you will learn to cherish them, and appreciate the time you did spend with them. Make a list of activities, food etc of things you wish to do and experience and hold accountability to yourself to enjoy it in solitude and get into a relationship with yourself.
June 3rd, 2021 9:19pm
That is okay- it takes time to heal (even if that time is a bit excessive in your opinion). Look at your strategies to get over them- do you have anything in your environment that constantly reminds you of them? For some people, it helps a bit to hide pictures of you two together, limit contact, or focus on personal development- do you have any methods which help you? You seemed to have a very strong emotional bond- give yourself some time and do not judge yourself for doing so. It is not an easy task, so it is important to be gentle to yourself and forgive yourself for taking time.
June 13th, 2021 7:25pm
well, it´s tough at times to let go of memories when those moments meant so much to you. but maybe there is a reason why it´s in the past. the question to ask is why did it end? was it because one of you made a mistake? if it was the other person then think about whether you would be able to forgive the person for their mistake. if yes, perhaps you might have been together. if not, was it because of a mistake you made? if that´s the case maybe it´s the guilt. you might not be able to go back to past and erase it but maybe you can be kind to yourself and help to relief yourself from the guilt. it might feel uncomfortable but maybe apologizing for your mistake and being genuinely sorry to other person and letting them know how important they were to you will ease you from those pent-up feelings. rest, maybe waiting for time to heal is sometimes what we need!