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I love two different people. What should I do?

185 Answers
Last Updated: 05/22/2022 at 6:12am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lindsay Scheinerman, MA, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

My work with clients is to help them recognize and build on their strengths to find solutions for the conflicts presented in their lives.

Top Rated Answers
April 22nd, 2022 2:46pm
Assume both cheated on you. Both of them are drowning..... You got one rope long enough to help only one. Person whom you will like to save even after they did wrong to you... Is the one you love the most. As you know the person you love the most is the one you care about the most unconditionally. So all you gotta do is trust your heart over it. Now imagine same but this time put yourself at their place.... Which one is gonna save you? The person who truly loves you will help you. If both of situation result in same person.... That's probably the one you should be with.
April 23rd, 2022 3:51pm
It's normal to love many different people. If it were me, I would view the two people and differentiate the types of love I have for these people. One I may love in a more romantic fashion, while, the other person, I may love in a more platonic, friendly way. If I loved the both of them in romantic ways, I would look at the qualities of the persons. I would examine the type of and depth of the relationships we have, and decide between which I felt more strongly for. I would look at their personality and character, and how well we get along together.
May 4th, 2022 7:30pm
I believe there is an initial language error that would have to be noted. Love is not the feeling of wanting to relate, but a rational act that recognizes a good. A mother, waking up at dawn to take care of her sick child, doesn't feel any, but she loves it because she knows that taking care of the child is a greater good than her pleasure at that moment. When we say that we love two people, as a companion for example, this must be a good that we look for apart from pleasure or well-being. Therefore, according to my thinking, and it is important that each one thinks with a calm and frank thought about it, which of the two is a good? Am I attached to what they provide me or do I have in one of them that help me develop as a person? I believe these answers help with the question.
May 9th, 2022 12:00am
This can feel like a very tricky situation and it’s important to recognize how you feel firstly. If you genuinely believe you are torn, it’s best to not consider either as a potential partner. If you commit to one, t your whole relationship will be you imagining what a relationship with the other person would have been like which becomes harmful for all parties. It’s a difficult situation, so if you choose to choose something else I would suggest thinking about both people critically, like the pros and cons in order to make a proper decision based on login and reasoning.
May 22nd, 2022 6:12am
Choose yourself first. Find out who you are, what you want to be, and what you want to happen in your life. By the time you realize what you want, then feel. Feel what is good for you, and feel what is necessary for yourself first. Loving two different people is a situation that may confuse. It is necessary to allow yourself to breathe and have space in moments of confusion. When you are ready to decide, you must realize that tides and times may change and take over, and at some point, choosing one over the other will not conform to comfort, nor to absolute satisfaction. When you love yourself enough, and you are firm of your decision, understand that love is all about sacrifice. To choose what is best, for oneself and for another person involved. You have to ask yourself first, "Can I stand the test of time with this person?" and/or "Will it be worth the sacrifice?"