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I want to break up, but I'm scared that no one will ever love me again. What should I do?

306 Answers
Last Updated: 12/15/2021 at 9:08pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lauren Abasheva, LMHC

Licensed Professional Counselor

A sex positive, and kink knowledgeable therapist with an open mindset and a clear understanding that we are all different.

Top Rated Answers
September 30th, 2020 3:39pm
No one deserves that kind of treatment. You just stay on the relationship not because you love your partner but because you were afraid that no one will loves you again. Its pretty unfair, and no one deserves to be treated that way. Be in a relationship because you love and you care for the person. Love comes with commitment. Do not get into any relationships if you are not ready, get into ones when you know how to love and value someone. Do not take other people's feelings for granted because we do not have any idea how much emotional and mentally damage we can caused by taking them for granted. Respect yourself first before others respect you. No matter how bad the world might be, I do still believe that if we only know how to give respect to everyone then it will lessen the pain and troubles in the future.
October 1st, 2020 8:37pm
This is a valid fear many have, especially those in toxic or abusive relationships. It is okay to be scared or afraid, we are humans who have emotions and not robots. Sometimes we are scared to do something, but we make the choice to follow through. A good tip for me is to really ask yourself what love looks like to you. If it doesn't match your current partners behaviors, maybe it is time to break up. The first bit after a breakup can be an adjustment due to that single feeling being so new and you may miss some memories or experiences. But sometimes we have to find the love we truly deserve and sometimes, it isn't in our current relationships.
October 25th, 2020 7:05pm
If you want to break up with a person, just do it because I know it's painful to leave a relationship but, if you keep dragging it on the happy memories of the relationship would fade. Also, about you feeling that you'll never be loved that's not true. From the question I feel like you should love yourself more because then you'll see how much great qualities you have as a person. I know it's easy to say Love yourself but, it's truly one of the hardest journey a human being goes through. Also, you'll never not be loved so, don't feel that way.
November 4th, 2020 3:08am
You are the most important person in your life. You live and die with you. You know you dont want this relationship just like you know someone else will love you when you love yourself. You are stronger than you think and give credit to your self. The relationship has ran its course and it's time your path takes a different route than the relationship you are in is leading you. There is so much more life to live and it's a more enjoyable and exciting life having it filled with people who truly love you and that includes you loving yourself.
November 8th, 2020 8:11pm
Ask yourself why you think that no one will ever love you again. Surely, that's impossible. Learn to know your own worth and accept the fact that you deserve to be with someone who loves you and not in a relationship where you feel undervalued. There are two paths you can take - stay in your current relationship and remain unhappy, or end your relationship and move on to someone/something that will make you happy. It sounds as if you don't love yourself enough. If you can face the reality of knowing that you are worthy and you can be happy, then moving on will be all the better.
November 12th, 2020 12:49am
I believe you shouldn't be scared to break up. You will love and be loved again one day. It might take a while, and it can be scary to be on your own again, but it gets better with time. If you are not truly happy in your relationship, it will just fester until your relationship is toxic, ends in a messy breakup, or your mental health suffers. You should be as honest as possible with your partner. If you are not happy in your relationship, sit your partner down and talk. You might be able to come to a compromise.
November 12th, 2020 8:49pm
I believe it certainly depends on what sort of vision and perspective you hold towards life and love and the quality of those two simultaneously. I believe there are two options; you either risk not finding someone who could really make you happy whilst wasting the other’s time as well, or admitting your true feelings, working on yourself and waiting for the right time to find your real love. I think it is really unfair for the both of you to hold onto a relationship that you would not even want anymore.. Now, the decision is yours; what will it be?
November 19th, 2020 10:19pm
You deserve to be happy. If the person you're with doesn't make you happy, then it's not helping either of you to stay together. The only way to find someone that makes you happy is to open yourself up to that possibility. The more comfortable that you are with your life, the more other people will be drawn to you and the more opportunities you will have to connect with others. When you become your best self by catering to your own needs, people will want to be around you and you will feel more comfortable connecting to other people.
November 20th, 2020 9:21pm
If you want to break up with your current partner, there must be a reason for it. Presumably, you are not happy in your relationship. In my experience, staying in a relationship you are not fully happy with is not fair on you OR your partner. You both deserve the opportunity to find a relationship where everybody involved is happy and fulfilled. The fear that nobody will love you again is a scary one, but you just have to remember that there is a reason your current partner wanted to be with you, and there will be somebody else who feels the same way. In the meantime, maybe consider reaching out for support to assist with your self esteem - the most important relationship you will ever be in is the one you're in with yourself.
December 3rd, 2020 1:48am
I thought the same exact thing when I was in this relationship with this person I don't like. It's not uncommon to think that way. Some one will love you again. You cannot just sit and wait for them however. Find a hobby and figure out what you want to do with your life and if someone comes by and likes you? Great!! When you feel like that, you are putting yourself low. Confidence is what you need. I believe everyone is lovable, because everyone is good at the core. Breaking up is painful, but nothing is more painful that staying stuck somewhere that you don't belong. Without change, you can't grow. As hard as it is, if you want to break up, it wouldn't be fair to you or your partner, to stay in a relationship when you aren't committed anymore. Everything happens for a reason. You will find love again. Try to hold onto faith, and stay positive. Stay strong.
December 12th, 2020 2:55am
Aww honey, it's never like that..You know from my personal experience, I had to break up with a guy who I thought was perfect to me..I neglected all his faults, differences and when he told me everything happens for the best, I didnt wanna believe it..But it is true indeed...Guess what? I soon found a guy who is exactly what I always wanted..It feels tailourmade like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and I'm thankful I broke up with my ex bf at that time..So you never know unless you try..everything happens for the best..Just have faith and be positive..Things always have a way of working out for the best!Loads of love and strength to you🧡
December 13th, 2020 9:48pm
In my experience of relationships I would rather have time to myself alone to reflect than be with someone who makes me unhappy. Weigh up whether it is worth it or not. Avoid sacrificing your happiness to benefit those who make you unhappy. The fear of being alone can be overwhelming but there's billions of people on this planet who have taken the same risk and are now in happy relationships. My ex was manipulative and emotionally abusive. I was afraid of being alone but now I know its the best decision I ever made. Love isn't about fear of being alone.
December 23rd, 2020 3:50pm
The fact that someone did love you means that no one loving you is impossible. Learn to appreciate yourself and know your worth because you are amazing on your own. Heading into a relationship before you learn to be okay on your own can be detrimental and can cause vicious cycles that can trap you if you happen to be in a toxic relationship. It takes strength to end a relationship and that strength can be found by practising self-love and independence. Relying on someone is good and makes hard situations easier but depending on someone emotionally is not healthy.
December 23rd, 2020 5:06pm
This is a difficult decision to make and your concern is not unreasonable. I have not been in your shoes before, but I can imagine the scared feelings you are experiencing. Have you thought about what would be best for you? Have you considered the benefits of breaking up as opposed to the negatives? This is a decision that is yours to make and I cannot advise you as to what you should do but I can listen to your concerns and empathise with you. How does that make you feel? I hope that I can listen to your ideas and thoughts on this.
December 30th, 2020 12:15am
I know a break up is hard and especially thinking about the consequences is even harder and I understand so well. If the other person is not treating you well and if this is the best decision for you, i suggest you to do it. It will make you feel free and have freedom and don't worry about the part about no one loving you. Because people will understand you and love you. And if people do not love you, they are not good people. There are so many amazing people out there that are willing to love you. The entire seven cups community is here with you along this journey, we love you! thank you
January 2nd, 2021 3:22am
You should think about your happiness. Love yourself. When you start loving yourself others will love you aswell. There is someone out there for everyone. In time you will find someone who will love you for you and love you unconditionally. If you have already realised that you want to break up, then you realise your not happy. If you want to break up then you should do whats right for yourself. To make yourself happier. You need to take time to decide what is going to make you happy.
January 3rd, 2021 2:25pm
Love yourself. Every day, every night, you are enough. If you being in a relationship that you don't want to, that's is going to do no good. If you want, you can try a self care break, something engaging that you do being away from your partner like camping. May be that gives you a better perspective to have. Having said that if you can't go out just distance yourself from your partner telling him or not, whatever works best for you. But most importantly, don't lose yourself in the process. No one can love you more properly than yourself.
January 17th, 2021 7:42pm
I can not give advice, but you know you the best. Believe your instincts and do what you think is best! I will always be here to support you and help you through these hard times. Here at 7 cups, we value your words. I wish the best for you and I believe that you can do anything! It sounds like you are experiencing anxiety. You are and will be loved by many people! If you think it is best yo let go of someone, follow your gut instincts. You know your life better than me. Again, reach out again for more support.
January 27th, 2021 6:11pm
Being in a relationship you do not want to continue in is a difficult situation to be in. However, it is made more difficult when there are concerns about whether love will find you in the future. Ultimately, allowing your fears about the future to impact what you want to do right now is going to limit you. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to gain the courage and momentum to move on, should you still want to in the future. If you want to break up with your significant other because you feel the relationship is unhealthy, toxic, not conducive to personal growth, or does not bring positivity to your life, you should not allow a fear about the future to deter you from doing what you feel would be best for you right now. No one can predict the future, but if what's happening right now isn't working or is actively causing detriment to you, you have the evidence you need to move forward.
February 17th, 2021 8:38pm
Love yourself and you will always have what you need to get everything else in life. Its much better to be by yourself and content then with someone and unhappy. Staying in any relationship you're unsure of can turn out to be alot worse in the long run. If you really want this one to work try talking through any issues with your partner which hopefully they're willing to do and also want to see the relationship get better or at least part on amicable terms without any resentments or hard feelings. Be happy with you always, first and foremost.
March 5th, 2021 6:02pm
Break ups are really scary at times and when the thought of being ever loved again comes to your mind then it's seems more scary. In such situations, you could always close your eyes and listen to heart and ask yourself if the reasons for your break up is valid or not. Even if you think that you may not find someone who will ever love you, you also know that you want to break up and your reasons for break up do count. And talking about if someone will ever love you, just remember that your first partner also loved you and you're in relationship. Hope things get better for you.
March 14th, 2021 3:09am
If you feel like you should break up then it's not the right relationship,it definitely means something somewhere is going wrong. Also you should not stay in something wrong for such silly reasons. Listen here bunny if you should be bothered about someone loving you,it should be you! Love your self,flaunt you for who you are,loving yourself gives you confidence and boosts your self esteem and trust me that's gonna attaract a lot of people. Don't worry about people loving you,you should be worried about how to make yourself better. And you are beautiful so trust yourself,you gonna make it,go ahead
March 20th, 2021 2:26am
If someone fell in love with you before , someone else will find that special thing in you to love. Don't deprive yourself of happiness, because if you want to break up there is something going on that's not working for you.
March 27th, 2021 1:53am
Thanks for reaching out! I can really hear that you are fearing abandonment in future relationships if you choose to split or worry about feeling lonely in the future. As someone who has experienced a break up, they are hard which one cannot deny. You can ask yourself what are your expectations from relationships. Does your upbringing have anything to do with your way of experiencing a break up? What are your boundaries in relationships? Are boundaries easy or difficult for you to establish? All you can do is be honest to yourself and others along the way. Take decisions not with haste but with care. It will not be an easy time for you both but a learning process for you both depending on the nature of your relationship. Before you break up, identify what's It’s important to ask yourself what is causing you to want to leave your partner? How do you want to go by telling them/him/her you want to break up or how you feel about the nature of your relationship with him/her? Talking about a potential breakup and about your relationship with your significant other can involve a lot of doubt in how you think they may react but it's a team effort! Work together on fixing things and if you do decide to break up that does not mean your relationship has to end on bad terms. There are support organizations out there dedicated towards helping those with relationship stress such as Relate and One LoveFoundation. You are welcome to reach out to one of our listeners or therapists on our site too!
April 10th, 2021 2:57pm
If you feel like you should break up, you likely have a reason for feeling like this, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Just because your (current?) partner may not love you, this doesn't mean that nobody else ever will. In fact, it gives you more freedom to get into other relationships with people who love you. You never know, people may love you, but may not want to say it to you because they know that you are in a relationship so don't want to change anything between you and your partner or themselves. I recommend breaking up, and give yourself the opportunity to find somebody else
April 15th, 2021 12:46pm
be where you can be truly yourself and then the right ones will love you. sometimes the people we love the most end up not loving us that will keep being in this 3ay until the person that will really love you and deserve you will stay and keeo caring and adoring you always. but that we stay with someone even if the thought of leaving popped into our mind with them is so wrong. the right person will come and will let you see that he/she will love and care for you more than you imagined.. plus the only person that can love you really is just you 🤍
June 6th, 2021 6:08pm
I understand that you feel worried and scared about this but try to focus on your current relationship and how that makes you feel. Focusing on one thing at a time and the present may help you feel less anxious. Think about how breaking up will cause your mental health to improve now and make a decision based on that. Take into account your own needs and make the right choice for you, I know it can be hard but remember only you can understand what you need. If you need to talk again please feel free to reach out!
June 20th, 2021 10:11am
If you feel like your relationship isn't the same anymore or the person you are with isn't for you then it is a good idea to break up, although I am sure that you will be able to judge what to do best. Everyone has love to give really and there are a LOT of people in the world. A lot of people regret not leaving a relationship owing to the fear of not finding love again but honestly there is so much for you to learn and explore. You deserve love and you will get it as you go about life :)
July 14th, 2021 10:47pm
Remind yourself there are 8 billion people in the world. You will find someone. And if not? There's no shame in being in a healthy, loving and fulfilling relationship with yourself. As a matter of fact, it should be your biggest flex. Decide what kind of person you want to be and make goals to embody that version of yourself. Work towards it everyday, regardless of your relationship status. Once you have established yourself as the best version of yourself, you'll have higher, healthier standards for the people you let into your life and you'll get to decide whether or not you still want to break up or not.
July 16th, 2021 9:55am
i understand that once we are in a relationship, sometimes we feel like we would never find someone ever again but trust me, you will. It is better than staying in a relationship that you dont want to stay in. Don't you think its not fair on the other person too? You both deserve a relationship where you feel happy and content and which serves you both, and dont worry with time, you will find someone again. There are 7 billion people in the world, im sure there is out someone out there who will love you truly and completely, dont worry