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I want to break up, but I'm scared that no one will ever love me again. What should I do?

306 Answers
Last Updated: 12/15/2021 at 9:08pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lauren Abasheva, LMHC

Licensed Professional Counselor

A sex positive, and kink knowledgeable therapist with an open mindset and a clear understanding that we are all different.

Top Rated Answers
March 1st, 2018 1:47pm
If you are not happy, break it off. You should be working on your own happiness dear. If you do not feel that this is the right relationship for you at this time, then it is not right. You will always find someone else :) Give it time and make sure that you are doing what makes you happy.
March 3rd, 2018 6:51am
the truth is .we shouldnt care about it. Because if you will love yourself then you will accept nothing less than you deserve and that person will surely love you..
March 14th, 2018 5:03am
Think about the reasons that push you to breakup, if you really can't handle the situation go with the decision what you feel is best for you. Love is always there , so don't fear of never loved again, it will happen eventually.. because of this why stay in a relationship in which you are not happy?
March 30th, 2018 4:27pm
if you are not happy, then there is no point of the relationship. relationships tend to keep you happy and feel loved but if you don't feel that way then its not a relationship its just a compromise and no one likes that.
April 4th, 2018 3:38am
Relationships are very common, especially early in life. They can be fun and sweet, but also stressful and troublesome. When a relationship turns out to be more toxic than it is good for the person, it's important to put yourself above anyone else. If a person believes they will be better off without someone, in the long run, then it's important that they lose them. It's better to live alone than with someone that isn't good for you. It might hurt at first, but you will thank yourself in the future.
April 5th, 2018 7:59am
You were capable of love once, you will be again. You should find love in yourself, accept that you are allowed to be loved.
April 5th, 2018 9:46am
Anyone would love you but you have to be willing to love your self if you feel like breaking up is what you need to do then listen to your heart 💜.
April 5th, 2018 6:17pm
Go with your gut. If you really want to break up for legitimate reasons then do it. Do whatever is best for you, don’t worry about the other person because that sometimes causes conflict.
April 6th, 2018 5:21pm
From my personal experience, break ups can be incredibly difficult and can hurt on both sides of the party, however, if you feel like it is right to break up, holding back in fear will only make it worse, as you are limiting your chances to find love again, and leading him on, however you are the expert on you, and you know what is best for yourself, and no one could ever tell you otherwise. Do what makes you happiest
April 12th, 2018 12:45pm
There are thousands of people live in this earth, and one of them will be the love of your life. It does not matter how many times you were in a relationship. Those are just some steps to go to your goal.
April 12th, 2018 8:15pm
That is a very common dilemma, and the answer is always the same. Brekak up. You will will lonely, and you will doubt your decision. It will be hard. Until you fall in love again and only then you will see it was a correct decision.
April 15th, 2018 1:55am
If you really want to leave your partner, the best decision is to leave them. Afterwards, spending time alone is a great way to recover, gain clarity and learn to be happy alone. When my fiance and I of 4 years separated, I thought that I would never find love again. I spent many months alone, depressed, sad, angry and many other emotions. I started meditating, counting my blessings each day (being able to eat, turning the lights on, etc.) and reflecting on myself. One day, I realized that I loved myself. And not long after, someone else started loving me just as much as I love myself. Take risks, live, learn and grow.
April 21st, 2018 2:24pm
Dear, the only love that really matters is the one you have to yourself. Love yourself first and you will not need someone else to do it also it will improve the quality of your relationships.
April 26th, 2018 6:59am
Do you love yourself? Please ask yourself. And the reason behind your break up. There are plenty of people out there who are in need of the same thing you want i.e,love. Try not to romanticize your life unnecessarily
April 26th, 2018 1:55pm
You need to understand that break ups are a normal part of life. You will find love again, because there are so many people who have love to give and they could just be waiting for someone like you!
April 27th, 2018 5:40am
It's a temporary feeling. And it will pass away you will be better again. Heart breaks are tough. But it will make you strong.
April 27th, 2018 11:42pm
If someone loved you in the first place, you're clearly lovable. It's only natural to fear loneliness and miss the relationship it self, but putting up with someone who doesn't treat you well or causes inconvenience is a serious form of disrespect to yourself. You've got this, mate. I promise, this too shall pass. :)
April 28th, 2018 11:30pm
Hey, you shouldn't think that personally i understand your situation completely as I have gone through a break up myself, it was devastating and I had the same feeling, but trust me, you might just think that way, because you're in pain right, slowly things will fall into order and you will find someone great, worth loving, just give a life another chance, meet new people, enjoy, who knows what's out there for you!!
April 29th, 2018 7:27am
It's okay to want to break up with someone who is not treating you right or is toxic to you. You should never feel guilty about it because you are taking care of yourself and someone will come along and treat you the way you deserve to be treated.
May 3rd, 2018 12:41am
There’s someone for everyone. If the person you’re with isn’t your someone then you’re not his someone. Follow your heart
May 3rd, 2018 5:31am
Do what you think is best for you! Love will find you and you will be loved again. If you do chose to end your relationship then use that time while you’re single to reflect and discover who you are and who you want to be! Things will work out as long as you follow your heart and do what you think would be best for you!
May 4th, 2018 12:16pm
You should break up. I know it seems harsh and who in the world really wants to be alone.. but staying in a relationship just because you don't want to be alone is the same thing as being alone. I can't assure you that you will find the love you want from other people but you can love yourself and that is the best and most important love you are ever going to need.
May 6th, 2018 5:47am
Believe in yourself and what you think is right. If you think that breaking up is the right decision go ahead but don't be scared because I believe that people see you for your true self which is adorable and you will find love soon
May 13th, 2018 10:09am
If you want to break up with a person there's always a reason. And along the lines one of the 'sub' reasons is that the person is not right for you, this then means that there is always the right person waiting for you out there somewhere. It will happen but it can't happen if you don't first take the step to get there. Just remind yourself why you want to break up, think of the future person waiting for you, and take that step. Don't be scared, they are just there waiting for you...
May 16th, 2018 8:58am
Be you first. If you aren't true to yourself and how you feel, you'll miss out on all the amazing people waiting to love you for who you really are! I've F e LT like that and let it drag out far too long until we both knew it wasn't the right thing any more. And in giving myself the time and space to really be me (with some more bumps in the road!) I found d my current partner and I am open and just me, with him.
May 16th, 2018 5:06pm
Don't be scared... Don't stay with someone that you don't want to be with just because what you think people will think about you. Surely there's a good reason for wanting to breakup. Just because you break up with someone doesn't mean you are a bad person, or that no one will like you anymore.
May 17th, 2018 9:57pm
You are more than that. If someone treats you badly and lowers your self esteem, they are not worth your time. Someone WILL love you after them, I'm sure of it
May 19th, 2018 8:20am
That happens with everyone. but more you stay in toxic relationship worst it will get. And you wont find someone is not a good reason to stay in the relationship. better leave it and focus on yourself.
May 25th, 2018 3:09pm
You need to do what is best for you. It's not easy to end a relationship but don't believe the lie that no one will ever love you again. Focus on loving you and being your full self and the right partner will happen. Try not to have a set timeline and know that love will happen.
May 26th, 2018 3:04am
If you have fallen in love before, it can happen again. You shouldn't stay in a relationship you aren't happy with, as that can result in something toxic. Someone will end up loving you again, don't worry, even though it may take time.