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Do I need to tell people that I'm depressed?

402 Answers
Last Updated: 06/26/2023 at 4:18pm
Do I need to tell people that I'm depressed?
★ This question about Depression was starred by a moderator on 5/12/2016.
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Jennifer Patterson, LMFT

Art Therapist

Life can be messy. Sometimes you need a little support to make your way through it. I love to help guide people through their challenges & to find the beauty in our messes.

Top Rated Answers
January 24th, 2016 8:10pm
If depression affects your life you should let the surrounding people know so they can help you recover.
January 26th, 2016 5:54am
It's up to you and, most importantly, your comfort level. You have the right to decide who and who does not know about your depression. I've found, in my experience, that when people know that I have depression, they are very supportive. YMMV, of course!
January 28th, 2016 6:10am
You can speak to someone you feel you trust and tell them how you feeling an what you going through . You can also contact a support helpline and speak to a professional
January 28th, 2016 2:32pm
Yes, if you're comfortable of somebody knowing that you are, and if it's too much for you too handle. They may not understand, nor they can give an answer, but they can listen. Never underestimate the power of someone valuing that part of your life.
January 30th, 2016 2:21am
If you need support, then yes. You should never be afraid of telling people. There's billions of people so if you're struggling why wouldn't you use that to your advantage?
January 30th, 2016 11:50pm
you do not have to tell everyone. you should tell your parents if they dont know. maybe a best friend at the most
January 31st, 2016 1:13am
You definitely don't. It can be helpful to have a few trusted people in your life that know what you are going through, but it is certainly your information to give and you shouldn't feel obligated to tell anyone. One exception to this is any healthcare personel, especially if they ask you in the course of giving you new medication or treatment, as side effects could cause reactions that are dangerous to you.
January 31st, 2016 10:57am
I think the honest answer is - You have the choice to decide. I personally people should talk openly about their depression. For a few reason. 1) It will help towards ending taboos around mental health. 2) Talking about your mental health is the healthiest step to managing its control on your life. 3) Your acknowledgement may help others identify their depression. X
February 1st, 2016 7:58am
There is NO "need" to tell it to people, You can share it with people who would understand like your family or friends or a therapist, but only if you're sure that it will help you overcome the depression
February 3rd, 2016 9:59am
No, you don't need to. But, if you are open about it with people you trust, they will be better able to support you.
February 3rd, 2016 8:44pm
Only if you feel that you need the compassion of those around you. It is most definitely not required. There are lots of people who treat others with kindness and respect, and give them space regardless of their personal life. But there is nothing wrong with telling people what you feel you want them to know. It does not have to be a secret. It is not wrong to be depressed. It is part of life and part of who you are right now.
February 4th, 2016 6:05am
It's best to talk about depression to overcome it in experience people know how to make you feel better and keep you from closing up
February 4th, 2016 11:50pm
It will help you get over the feeling, most of the time. Tell people that truly care about you and that you trust. Talking about your feelings, and getting it on the table for another to see, can often help, because they can offer a fresh perspective and will have your best interests in mind.
February 5th, 2016 6:56am
I know it's hard to come out and say but yes you do. Telling the right people can allow them to help
February 5th, 2016 10:30pm
Yes. I believe so. I've been depressed and talking to someone really helps. You are not alone. Remeber that.
February 7th, 2016 4:53am
no you should talk to counselors about your depression don't talk anyone else except your parent and your counselors
February 7th, 2016 5:33am
You dont NEED to unless you feel as if that is what you should do. Approach this one step at a time and if you are comfortable with talking to someone, go for it!
February 10th, 2016 1:04am
That is up to you, it can help when people know about it so they can be aware of triggers of signs of depressive behavior.
February 10th, 2016 10:45pm
If you don't want to, no. Not at all. It's true that, if it affects your regular life, there may come a moment where not telling may make people wonder what's going on, but it's your call to share or not. It's your soul you're sharing, and you can't be forced to do it. By all means, though, if you want to, do not feel force to keep it to yourself, either. Each of us needs different things at different moments, and only you can judge what those are.
February 11th, 2016 5:08am
You don't need to tell people that you're depressed.. If you feel as though it is important and relavent, then feel free to do so
February 11th, 2016 8:06pm
Absolutely not. You should never have to divulge your inner feelings. If you feel very comfortable- you can if you want. If anyone ever makes you feel like you have to tell them- you have a right to tell them to back off.
February 12th, 2016 10:11am
No, you have no requirement or responsibility to tell people that. It's your own personal business, and you have the right to withhold that information. However, if you have someone close to you, it might help your situation to tell them; that way they can be aware of your needs and help you when you need it. Sometimes it's very comforting to have someone around who knows these things.
March 27th, 2016 4:06pm
It's no ones business to know if you're depressed or not. It's completely up to you who you speak to, you should only talk to people that you trust and feel you need to about what you are going through. Letting someone know that you are depressed can be useful for you as it can get you further support for it and it may be able to let you release some of the feelings that you are going through. But it is totally up to you if you want to tell someone and who you tell :)
April 8th, 2016 6:43pm
If you really need help, you shouldn't suffer in silence. Suffering in silence is not an option. But it isn't required to tell all people, just tell people you trust. They can try to find help for you, it will take all the stress off and make you feel better. It can make your life easier with help!
April 16th, 2016 8:41am
Only you can answer this question But in my humble opinion if depression is affecting your relantionships or you productivity then you need to tell people around you so they can understand and better help you
May 10th, 2016 11:12pm
If you feel the need to tell people around you, that it would help you to get better, then yes. Assuming you're already getting help, in regards of talking to friends about it, that's a personal decision that just depends on how comfortable you are. I found it was very useful to talk about my depression since my friends found ways to help me if I ever did fall back into it. All personal preference :)
June 28th, 2016 1:21am
You don't need to tell anyone about your mental health other than health professionals that are treating you. That's it. They're the only ones. You may *decide* to tell other people. Sometimes it helps to have a support group. You may decide not to share with others because there is a certain social stigma that comes with depression, despite that fact that millions of people are living with it every day. So tell a few people you trust. Or don't. It's up to you. Because it's your mind, and your health.
July 16th, 2016 3:01am
It certainly is preferable but not necessary. Its hard for people to understand others emotions especially when someone is depressed, it makes it even more difficult.Depressed people maybe living a normal life as like anyone but the only difference is they become emotionless, so it would be advisable for them to stay with someone they like more, know more, spend time more, so that it becomes easy for the other person to notice the change in the mood/behaviour/reaction of this individual in response to anything, and do their best to help the depressed person get back to normal.
August 30th, 2016 2:55pm
yes without saying something people will never know you must always ask for help your not bothering them
September 12th, 2016 3:11pm
well not really, you can tell it to people that are supportive and are close to you so they can help you but you don't need to make it public