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Why is it so important to share your feelings?

304 Answers
Last Updated: 12/29/2021 at 5:24pm
Why is it so important to share your feelings?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Tracy-Kate Teleke, PsyD, M.A., LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

I assist adults and couples in CA experiencing relationship challenges and interpersonal struggles including anxiety, depression, and a myriad of other life challenges.

Top Rated Answers
September 24th, 2016 8:00pm
When you bottle up your feelings, it all builds up. All your anger, sadness, stress all starts getting one on top of each other. Eventually when it all adds up, the smallest thing can trigger it and you will fall apart. You will feel worse than you wouldve if you let your feelings out each time and you will explode.
June 30th, 2015 2:57am
Bottling things inside can lead to isolation and feeling overwhelmed. Sharing allows you to compare experiences and bond.
September 24th, 2016 9:53am
we are not super humans and we all need to discuss or share our joys and sorrows. .........................
February 11th, 2017 1:15pm
Because you need to grow and prosper as a human being, you cannot achieve this without letting your inner emotions and feelings out, expand yourself and achieve true evolution
September 24th, 2016 9:45pm
To allow the opportunity for someone else to understand where you're at, and thus for them to support you if you're feeling them. It's also therapeutic to do so!
October 7th, 2016 4:47pm
It's important to share them so that others can understand you, and vice versa, This is essential to a healthy relationship.
October 12th, 2016 1:34pm
You can admit your problems and connect with others so that you can fix them and live a happier life
October 15th, 2016 3:01pm
As humans we are far too sensitive and complex to bottle up our emotions. It's incredibly unhealthy to not let whatever you are holding onto out. It can cause great distress in our life if we do not communicate and vent to others about what is happening,
October 22nd, 2020 1:34pm
Feelings and emotions are intricate part of us humans, that's what makes us "us" . It's encouraged to share your feelings with your close confidantes or on an anonymous platform, whichever way one is comfortable, because when we share our feelings, it helps us be freee, sharing any stuff that's bothering us instead of bottling it up and feeling suffocated, might not solve the problems, but can definately make one feel lighter and calmer . Also when it comes to sharing positive feelings and emotions, it's good to spread that around tooo, if one person shares that happy vibe with another , the other person can further share too, creating a chain of good vibes amongst many people.❤🌻
November 3rd, 2020 6:11am
It's significant to share you feelings because botteling up never helps. You might feel "okay" or "good" botteling them up for a short period of time. However, in long run, they may end up making you feel overwhelmed and you may burst up(not literally, of course). Gathering your feelings not only affects your general mental health but also the relationships with your near and dear ones. You may often catch yourself annoyed/irritated with little things, uninterested in things that you used to enjoy or a heavy feeling in your gut saying you need to let something go. While sharing is important, it's not necessary that you share it with people around you. If you have a trusted one to share things with, please talk to them. If not, don't be disheartened, you have other ways as well. For instance, journals are an excellent way to let your feelings out. They help you validate, reflect and acknowledge your feelings as well. If maintaining journals sounds too much work for you, try talking to yourself. Choose a silent, peaceful place, where no one is listening and ask yourself questions if you want to talk about a particular matter like, "What am I feeling?", "Why am I feeling this?" etc. The deeper the question is, the more you acknowledge and open up. If you don't have a certain matter to talk about, try venting out. Talk anything and everything that you think. Word out the first thing that comes to your mind, gradually, you would be able to explain your feelings to yourself. I request, don't stop yourself if you feel the next thing you are going to say is inappropriate. It's only you and when you can think about that, why can't you accept it with only yourself present? In certain situations, you may need a third perspective to better understand the situation, hence, you can try share your feelings with someone you trust. Again, for people with trust issues, you may try to do that anonymously.
December 12th, 2020 2:46am
It is very very important to share your feelings..The main reason is that bottling up emotions is not healthy..You end up bottling more and more and then feel like exploding..Think of it like a table in a restaurant..If you want to try new dishes, you need to empty your table and plate..You cant keep stuffing more and more on the same plate right?:p I have found on many occasions that expressing my feeling to my friends or closed ones or even listeners on 7cups, made me feel soo much better..I realised that I was not alone, not the only one facing those challenges and I gained more clarity! So, all the best ! Lots of love and strength to you!🧡
April 5th, 2018 10:38pm
Sharing your feelings gives you the freedom to express yourself. Achieving this gives you the chance to gain awareness about yourself and to look from another window to yourself which is an important step in helping yourself. Sharing makes the pain easier to cope with and makes the laughs bigger.
August 12th, 2017 7:18pm
When you keep what bugs you inside it turns into a monster and start you eat you up from the inside and eventually you becomme succumbed to it. When you share it with others the monster gets divided in two so it can't hurt you as much and you won't be lonely. Some people can stumble with the things you told them because not everyone is meant to understand because whether they haven`t been where you have or just aren`t good with feelings BUT there ARE people who are willing to listen and save you from your monsters. Your family, your friends, some strangers and many more. Sharing is the beginning of the path of feeling better.
January 12th, 2018 5:36pm
I think we've all experienced that feeling of having bottled things up, to the point where we may have allowed everything to just explode out of us, leaving so many people confused as to what was wrong with us. Because we didn't share our feelings. Something that could have easily been prevented by sharing our feelings in the first place. Sharing your feelings not only releases you from that pressure, but it also helps you feel supported and gives you a sense that you aren't alone. For all you know, the person you share it with may be feeling the exact same way as you :)
May 14th, 2017 6:13pm
Because keeping all your feeling inside all by yourself can be hard. It almost always works to talk about your feelings to get them out.
November 23rd, 2019 7:04pm
It is so very important to share your feelings because catharsis truly is the key to feeling a little lighter and unburdened sometimes! You do not always have to share your feelings with anyone and everyone. You may share your feelings with the person closest to you or maybe even a complete stranger (if you want purely a non-judgmental perspective) - whoever you are comfortable with! Just remember that whenever you unburdened yourself, you have to make sure to stay true to your feelings Represent them in the best way possible by expressing yourself wholly. I know that sometimes it can be hard to face these emotions and feelings, but once you’ve done it, trust me, you’ll be so happy with yourself and you will feel a lot more relieved. Whenever you are talking about your feelings, make sure to just let things flow. You can never really script something like this, if you want to reflect it accurately. So be strong, be true, and love your feelings. Cherish yourself!
July 12th, 2018 6:59am
It's important to share your feelings so that they don't get all balled up inside. By sharing, you avoid a major mental breakdown.
May 21st, 2017 5:53pm
Bottled feelings eventually burst out when something or someone opens the cap! Sharing takes a lot of courage even with the right person but it is relieving to get the intense and scattered feelings of your chest, and perhaps, you will be able to think more clearly and of course, make rational decisions :)
May 27th, 2017 6:12pm
It is important for us as humans to share, and discuss our feelings. We are complex creatures that have a complicated emotional system. Sharing feelings means to explain yourself to another person. It helps us understand ourselves.
June 3rd, 2017 5:17am
It is important to share your feelings because emotions can be a bit of a time ticking bomb. The longer you suppress them, the messier the outburst will be. We tend to suppress our emotions until we can no longer keep them inside and we explode and have a completely tragic breakdown. It's self destructive. Of course, you can't share your feelings with just anyone, but its safe to have someone you can pour your heart out to. Contrary to what some people may think, it is healthy to share your feelings, it does not make you weak.
June 28th, 2018 1:35pm
Feelings are like food and you are the refrigerator. The longer and more food you keep it in the refrigerator that you dont eat or put it out, the more disgusting and unhealthy it is in that refrigerator because the foods are rotting.
December 8th, 2017 8:14am
Sharing emotions is not the easiest thing to do for a lot of us. But it can be hugely beneficial. It may feel better to unburden yourself by sharing how your feeling. Sharing your feeling can also help you feel more connected to people. It can help you achieve more intimacy with a partner. It's also good for your health! Holding in emotions creates stress in your body that can lead to things like hypertension, heart attacks, and high blood pressure., muscle aches and tension headaches. Even your body doesn't want you to bottle up your emotions.
November 23rd, 2017 11:56pm
We don't always have to share our feelings, but we do have to process them, and one of those ways is to share them. We all have different feelings as you know, but they vary in intensity. When we get super angry we need a way to process it so that we don't lash out and punch people, and when we get super sad, we need a way to process that too so that we don't just cry for days on end. There are lots of different ways to process them, but sharing is always helpful because it can allow you to talk about what's going on and try to make sense of it.
November 22nd, 2017 3:41pm
Sharing your feelings is one of the key aspects of good communication, which enables people to create relationships based on trust and understanding. On many occasions it is a good way to reduce the intensity of negative emotions and boost the positive ones.
April 29th, 2018 11:03am
If you don't share your feelings people wouldn't know what you're feeling and say if you feel sad they wouldn't be able to tell so they can help, feelings are very important in the world, just imagine how boring and sad would an emotionless world would be!
September 4th, 2019 4:41pm
Speaking is only useful to clarify things (that's why old friends do not speak too often). You're not sharing your feelings to make others able to understand you and solve things out. It's only logical that there will be incomprehensions if you do not, it's not right or wrong but you'll have to be at peace with the consequences of not being understood.
August 18th, 2019 12:25pm
Because if you always keep everything to yourself and never share everything you put a huge mountain of pressure on yourself to try and fix, which of some things aren't even possible to fix on your own, which makes you anxious when you can't fix those things which just add up to the pile of things. Alone, you literally have half the brain capacity of two people. Imagine how much easier it would be if you were able to use some help instead of trying to overcome things you can't overcome alone? Sharing stuff saves you from a lot of unnecessary stress!
April 26th, 2018 3:14pm
Our feelings have purposes. By sharing our feelings we learn to understand the purpose of each feeling..understanding our feelings clues us into what is best for ourselves. By knowing what is best for us, we tend to live healthier lives.
June 16th, 2018 5:21am
Sharing your feelings is important because when you bottle them up inside, someday a trigger will appear and those emotions that you were holding back will come out stronger and it will be harder to reduce the tension.
January 6th, 2021 12:32pm
When we don't share our feelings, many other "negative" (or in better terms uncomfortable) feelings may surface. For example, if you are angry for some reason and don't share the feelings with the person you're mad at, it can lead to frustration like "ugh, he/she doesn't even see that I am mad". And furthermore, If you say to the person that their action made you angry and give them an explanation why they will be able to stop themselves from doing the same action in the future. Also, not everyone can sympathize and understand what are you feeling, and to improve our communication and our relationships it is good to share the feelings (so others can understand you better). Additionally to that, if a person empathizes with you (understands what are you feeling and also shares that feeling) it can lead to a stronger and healthier relationship