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SoulfullyAButterfly profile picture
Evolution of Values: Embracing Change
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
February 8th
...See more Values are fundamental beliefs and principles that guide our attitudes, behaviors, and decision-making. They play a crucial role in shaping our identities and influencing the way we interact with the world. It's fascinating how these values can transform throughout our lives due to a variety of factors. Life experiences often serve as catalysts for changes in our values. These experiences can be both positive and negative. For instance, personal achievements, such as landing a dream job or achieving a long-term goal, can lead to a greater emphasis on values like ambition or perseverance. On the other hand, facing adversity, loss, or hardship can prompt a reevaluation of values, placing greater importance on qualities like resilience, empathy, or compassion. Cultural exposure and diversity also contribute to the evolution of our values. Interacting with people from different backgrounds and belief systems can broaden our perspectives and lead to a deeper appreciation for values like tolerance, inclusivity, and cultural sensitivity. Moreover, as we progress through various life stages, such as adolescence, adulthood, or parenthood, our priorities and values often shift to align with our evolving responsibilities and personal growth. Think of a value that you have now that you did not used to have, or one that has become more important to you. What life experiences led to this value changing? How does this change affect you now? Please share your thoughts and experiences on how your values have evolved. Reflecting on the evolution of our values can help us embrace change while cultivating the Being (Relationship to Self) Dimension of the Inner Developmental Goals.
SoulfullyAButterfly profile picture
Cognitive Skills Activity: Future Mental Health Scenario Analysis
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
January 17th
...See more Ready to develop critical thinking, complexity awareness, perspective skills, and long-term orientation? We have an interesting activity for you! Scenario: Imagine a future where the prevalence of mental health challenges continues to rise due to various societal factors, such as increased stress, social isolation, and economic uncertainty. Instructions: 1. Research the Scenario: Gather information from credible sources on the factors contributing to the projected increase in mental health challenges. Explore different viewpoints and expert opinions on this issue. 2. Identify Key Factors: Identify the key factors and driving forces that contribute to the complexity of the scenario. Consider both short-term and long-term factors, such as the impact of technology, healthcare policies, and social support systems. 3. Create A Scenario: Develop 1 more future scenario that envisions how mental health challenges might evolve over the next 5 years. The scenario should cover a range of possibilities, from optimistic to pessimistic. 4. Analyze and Evaluate: Apply critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate each scenario. Assess the credibility of the evidence and assumptions underlying each scenario. 5. Complexity Mapping: Create a visual representation (e.g., a mind map or diagram) that illustrates the interconnectedness of factors and causes within each scenario. Highlight potential cause-and-effect relationships. 6. Perspective Consideration: During your analysis, actively seek and incorporate insights from diverse and contrasting viewpoints. Consider how different stakeholders, including individuals, healthcare providers, and policymakers, might perceive and respond to each scenario. 7. Long-Term Vision: For each scenario, explore the long-term implications and potential outcomes for mental health and society as a whole. Formulate a vision or commitment that aligns with the broader context and takes into account the extended future. 8. Compare and Reflect: Compare and contrast the different scenarios, considering their complexity, credibility, and long-term implications. Reflect on what you've learned about the future of mental health and your ability to think critically and anticipate future developments. Share your brainstorming, analysis, or reflections in the comments to this post!
Elephi profile picture
Courage: A Valuable Skill
by Elephi
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1 hour ago
...See more Courage requires the willingness to take a stance on a particular position, and the tenacity not to give up in the face of discomfort. Emotional courage can be practiced and cultivated like any action-oriented skill. Personal values may serve as a foundation for emotional courage, upon which purposeful action may be developed. Those who struggle with feeling courageous might find that a period of self-reflection on their most important values can be used to identify what goals align best with their intention and purpose.  Courage takes some grit, and a little bit of confidence that one's efforts will yield desirable results. One way of building more confidence is to seek support in others. Surrounding oneself with positive people who believe in them can make the difference between the ability to stand strong, or to fall short, when faced with challenges that need courageous attention. Displaying courage by taking a stand for oneself, or for others, in accordance with their core values can contribute to a person's sense of overall efficacy in the world, and employing assertive communication styles (being clear and firm) can positively impact a person's self-esteem.  Developing courage is a learnable behavior that can be strengthened through practice and applied focus. Discussion Questions: * Who is the most courageous person you know, and what have they done that has impacted you personally? * Has there ever been a time where you took a risk that required courage, but it didn't pay off? If yes, what did you do regain your confidence?
sierrarain03 profile picture
Perspective Skills
by sierrarain03
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2 hours ago
...See more Something I really valued from the Inner Development Goals growth path is the section on Perspective Skills. I think with living in such divided country, being in America, it is hard to see others perspectives sometimes. Of course, I don't think we have to agree with people that don't share our same thoughts and beliefs but who's to say that it isn't important to share and learn from others? I think it is important to healthily debate with one another and have discussions. It is how we grow as people and as a society.  How can we practice perspective skills? 1. Active Listening: Listening to understand the other person's point and perspective. Reflecting what they are saying back to them. Asking genuine and thoughtful questions about their side.  2. Open-mindedness: With active listening, as well as broadening your perspective, you need to have an open mind. Don't be so rigid in your opinions and be willing to listen to others and their perspectives. You may learn something new! Approach conversations with an open mind and a willingness to learn. 3. Branch Out: Don't stay in your bubble with people like minded. Talk to people you wouldn't normally approach. Read about subjects you wouldn't typically gravitate towards too. Talking with people that think the same as us and reading things that we already agree with is okay to some degree, but to only live this way is going to keep you stagnant. Branch out socially and intellectually! What are some other ways you can practice broadening your perspective? What are aspects of a respectful vs disrespectful debate/discussion?
globalWillow3000 profile picture
by globalWillow3000
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2 hours ago
...See more We are always told to see the glass half full instead of half empty and that is the basis of optimism. However, it is alot more diverse and complex than just a simple metaphor. Optimism shapes the way we approach challenges and opporuntities. It is the ways in which we navigate the ups and downs of life. The course lists it as ‘Ability to sustain and communicate a sense of hope, positive attitude and confidence in the possibility of meaningful change.’ But how do we remain optimistic when life seems to not be going our way?  I have always found that optimism has driven my motivation to do better and see better. When we remain optimistic about our efforts it does often lead to success. It can also foster trust and cooperation in relationships as we help others believe in their own potential. Optimism is key in fostering and embracing the possibility of success, support, anf growth. It transforms our challenges into doors of success and allows us to face our darkest fears.  It is not to say that optimism and hope should not be used as interchangable terms. In your opinion what is the difference between hoping for something and remaining optimistic that something will happen? Aswell, how do you remain optimistic in your own life when things are not going your way. 
Mushroomandswiss profile picture
Trusting Your Inner Compass for Decision-Making
by Mushroomandswiss
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2 hours ago
...See more I've been thinking a lot about how we can trust our own inner compass when making decisions. For a long time, I’ve looked to others for advice or tried to follow what’s expected of me. But recently, I’ve realized how important it is to listen to my own instincts and values. When I actually take a moment to pause and tune in to how I’m feeling, it often leads me to make choices that feel truer to who I am. There are still times when it’s hard to trust myself. External opinions can be loud, and it’s easy to second-guess what I truly want. But I’ve learned that when I make the effort to trust my gut, even if it feels uncertain, I often feel more aligned and at peace with my decisions. It’s not about having the perfect answer, but rather about honoring what feels right in my heart, even if it’s not what others would choose. In the end, embracing my inner compass has helped me make decisions that fit with my values and long-term goals, and I’ve become more confident in myself. It’s been a huge part of my growth, and I’m learning to trust myself more each day. How do you typically navigate tough decisions? Do you find it easy to trust your inner compass, or do you tend to rely on other factors more?
sierrarain03 profile picture
Learning Mindset v. Fixed Mindset
by sierrarain03
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1 day ago
...See more One of the things that really has struck me during the Inner Development Goals course was about having the Learning Mindset. I have heard about this in a few classes as well and I wanted to share what I have learned about it and how it resonates with me. I have always been a perfectionist. So although, I try to embrace the learning process, I often see mistakes and small setbacks as a complete failure. This has been a very toxic mindset for me as I go about adulthood. This also makes it hard for me to try and learn anything new because I am scared of failing (which is bound to happen!) All of this is what would be considered a fixed mindset. Believing we are not capable of certain activities, projects, and goals.  But with the flexible or Learning Mindset, you change your mentality to embrace mistakes, setbacks, and other things we may deem as "failures" as part of the learning journey. There is nothing that we can not learn! There are no inherent abilities or inabilities. We embrace this idea that we are capable of anything if we work towards it.  So I have decided to adopt this mindset. Of course it will be a challenge, and I will have to reframe my all-or-nothing thinking to something more rational and reasonable. But I think I am willing to start this journey of unlocking my true potential! Discussion: What are things that you think you are inherently good at? What things do you think you are inherently bad at or unable to learn? How can you change your mindset to be more open to learning the things you are "bad" at?
delicateMonkey profile picture
The Beauty of I-Statements
by delicateMonkey
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1 day ago
...See more ~tell me how you feel~ Many people struggle with effective communication and look for ways to improve their social skills. One excellent way to greatly enhance your social skills by promoting clearer, non-confrontational, and empathetic interactions is by using I-Statements. Using I-Statements helps to focus on your feelings instead of blaming or criticizing the other person. This can help prevent the other person from becoming defensive and be more open to understanding another perspective. I-Statements can also improve the way your relationship with yourself. I-Statements help you become more aware of your feelings and emotions, as well as being able to identify the reason why you are feeling the way that you do. •─────────•°•discussion•°•─────────• How can you remind yourself to use I-Statements in conversation? How do you feel when you notice other people using I-Statements in your conversations?
CharisB21 profile picture
Building Empathy in Difficult Conversations
by CharisB21
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1 day ago
...See more Empathy is a key focus in the IDG course, and it plays a critical role in building meaningful connections. However, it’s often tested in difficult conversations, especially when emotions are high. I've been reflecting on how to maintain empathy when faced with disagreement or frustration. One tool I’ve found helpful is non-judgmental listening. By setting aside biases and assumptions, I can truly hear the other person’s perspective, which helps me acknowledge their experience without feeling the need to fix it right away. I’ve also learned the importance of self-awareness. When emotions get intense, I have to check in with my own feelings. If I’m feeling defensive or overwhelmed, it becomes harder to stay present and empathetic. Recognizing this and stepping back has been crucial to maintaining a compassionate approach. How do you stay empathetic in difficult conversations? Have you faced moments when empathy was challenging, and how did you manage it?
EliseLeaf profile picture
Felt connected to the 1st domain about self :)
by EliseLeaf
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1 day ago
...See more The domain I most related to was the first one we learned which dealt with the relationship to self. This is one of the most important relationships to me which is the one I am still developing with myself. I took an interest in having openness and a learning mindset. With having a learning mindset I am also embracing being open as well. I am comfortable with being a student and seeking more knowledge. I see this in my life when I am trying to get a better understanding of spirituality, my purpose, my strengths, and even my weaknesses. I see having a learning mindset helping me to grow in connectedness with myself. I am open in my life as well I am open to new possibilities, brighter ideas, and a new version of myself. My relationship with myself which is present in this domain represents someone who is a student who is accepting of those new possibilities through learning. For example, I am open to the fact I have my past, my present, and my future. I have learned and I am still learning from the past which is a version of myself I am trying to accept and understand why I took the actions I did. All of these actions, and the learning contribute to who I am, and my authenticity. I am still trying to learn myself so I do love this domain because it will help increase my self-love and my understanding of myself.  Question to you all who may read this how are you embracing openness and learning at this time in your life? I understand that a lot of us have weaknesses and strengths and they are a part of us, however, how do you work on those weaknesses? Have you experienced your weaknesses turning into your strengths?
themerlin profile picture
The Silent Struggle
by themerlin
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1 day ago
...See more In a world that demands expression, what happens to a man who chooses—or is forced into—silence? This is the journey of a soul who battles within, trapped by the walls of a broken mind, unable to speak, but yearning to be heard. 'The Silent Mad Man' delves into the depths of emotional pain, internal conflict, and the eventual journey toward acceptance. Through this exploration, we find that silence is not the absence of words, but the cry of the heart.
Soelsawyer4901 profile picture
inner development goals
by Soelsawyer4901
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1 day ago
...See more it is essential to care and appreciate and feel connected to others such as neighbors friends family coworkers all of that helps us creating more sustainable systems and societies for everyone. For example empathy and compassion and that the ability to relate to others and i think it's important to connect with people also appreciation is relating to others and to the world with a basic sense of gratitude and joy and this is with experience appreciation is really helps with our mental health also appreciation is not a skill in the traditional sense, but a mode of relating to people and the social, material and natural worlds, and can be strengthened by effort. A basic appreciative attitude is helpful in building connection to and trust between people, and is thus conducive to creative and collaborative work performance. it is related to Humility, Openness and Learning Mindset and Presence, and can be an important factor for Mobilization Skills. As for humility is being able to act in accordance with the needs of the situation without concern for one›s own importance, it means the capacity to act without concern for looking good in the eyes of others or of oneself. The stance of humility is here understood to be a consequence of not being (overly) identified with a certain self-image and a need to be confirmed in that self-image by others.
Meloverse profile picture
Perseverance: When to give up
by Meloverse
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1 day ago
...See more Perseverance has always been an interesting quality that many people praise others for having.  It is defined as the ability to continue pushing forward towards your goal even when progress is slow or when obstacles are thrown in your way.  It can lead to great accomplishments, like earning a degree or overcoming a personal struggle.  However, perseverance towards a harmful goal can become destructive, hurting yourself and others along the way.  I see this play out most often with my mom.  I have to admit that I do not have the perseverance that she does but I see often how it becomes destructive.  For example, it was her perseverance that allowed her to earn her degree despite multiple setbacks and examination failures along the way but she did not give up until she earned her degree.  However, this same characteristic also causes her to sacrifice her own mental health and well-being to help someone who doesn't want to be helped.  She just can't let things go until her goal has been reached.  Seeing this growing up, I learned that despite being told that I need to persevere, there should be a limit, a time to give up.  I was involved with someone who kept stringing me along, and despite knowing it wasn’t healthy, I couldn’t let go. I kept pushing, trying to show how caring I was and hoping he’d see what he was missing. I also pressured him to give me a clear answer on whether he wanted to be with me or not. In the end, this persistence only caused me to develop mental health issues, leaving me miserable. Looking back, I realize I should have walked away much earlier. In my opinion, perseverance can be an amazing quality.  However, when trying to reach that goal, your own health starts to decline and it's starting to take over your entire life, it might be time to give up.   What signs might indicate that it’s time to stop pushing for something and let go?
helianthus19 profile picture
Empathy, caring for others and the world
by helianthus19
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1 day ago
...See more Empathy is such a wonderful trait a human can have. Kindness, empathy, and caring are something that keeps this life positive and can make us feel supported and understood. All of that traits not only should we show towards others, but also towards ourselves. When we're kind and gentle towards ourselves and others, life indeed becomes more joyful. It makes us feel faithful. We can do something little every day to make someone smile; giving a small compliment, opening the door for them, or just asking how are they doing can really make them feel better. With those things we can change someone else's day, it's the little things like those that matter that can brighten this life. Kind and caring people are what we need in this world the most and each one of us can become one of them. Something that made me feel better at understanding other people's emotions is being open-minded. I try to 'crawl' into their skin, feel what they feel, and see all kinds of perspectives with no judging at all. Asking open-minded questions(usually with 'What' and 'How') can make them also better at understanding their own emotions.  Discussion ~ what is something that you can do today to brighten someone's day or make them smile? 😊
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