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Weekly Prompt #1: What are some unexpected challenges and triumphs you've encountered in your 30s and beyond?
by ASilentObserver
Last post
4 hours ago
...See more Welcome to 35+ Community,  As we navigate through our 30s and beyond, life presents us with unexpected challenges and triumphs that shape our experiences and perceptions and define who we are. These years bring a unique set of experiences and test our resilience, patience and push us out of our comfort zones, and ultimately lead to personal growth. Let's explore and share some of the surprising obstacles and victories that many of us encounter during this stage of life. Question of the week: What are some unexpected challenges and triumphs you've encountered in your 30s and beyond? Please share and discuss together. Also, you can join us in 35+ group support chats [] for live discussions and exploration as well.  Click here to join! []
Attention All 35+! Join your 24/7 Group Chat today!
by ASilentObserver
Last post
April 24th
...See more Hello community, We are excited to announce that we are opening 35+ group chat as an exclusive 24/7 chat group, just for those of us who are 35 and over w.e.f Monday, April 22, 2024. This is a space to connect with others in your age group, share experiences, have meaningful conversations, and build a supportive community to encourage and empower each other. To ensure this group remains a safe space for everyone, the chat will be badge-locked. This means only users who have their age as 35 or over will be able to access the group chat.  Here's what makes this group special: * 24/7 access: Keep the conversation flowing, day or night! * Exclusive community: This group is badge-locked, ensuring only users 35 and over can join, fostering a space tailored to your life stage. * In-depth discussions: Dive into meaningful conversations on topics you care about. A few group chat guidelines to keep in mind: * Respectful Communication: Let's all treat each other with kindness and courtesy. * Positive Vibes: We encourage uplifting and engaging conversations. * Life Experiences: Share your wisdom, stories, and support. * Open-mindedness: Be receptive to different perspectives. * No Spam: Let's keep the chat focused and respectful. Let’s join and participate. Please spread the word to your 35+ friends and invite them to participate with you in the group chat for some supportive & meaningful conversations. 
by communicativePond1728
Last post
3 hours ago
...See more Are you struggling for some reason with boundaries? CREATING BOUNDARIES: Be assertive, learn to say no, safeguard your spaces and get support. DEFINING BOUNDARIES: Think "What are your rights?". Follow your gut. Determine your values. BENEFITING FROM BOUNDARIES: Better self-esteem, conserving of emotional energy, more independence and agency. Pick a number between one and 19 or choose an option below to explore with the boundaries guide. * Negativity * Dishonesty * A bad job * Abusive relationships * Stonewalling * Abuse * Disrespect * Infidelity * Debt * Dismissal of feelings * Disparaging remarks about your potential * Disrespectful behavior * Emotional manipulation * Gaslighting * Inaction * Lies * Poor hygiene * Triangulation * Violation of personal boundaries Share any insights, takeaways or anything else below.
by communicativePond1728
Last post
3 hours ago
...See more If someone is exposed to negativity or constant criticism early on in their lives, they may mirror that behavior. Children raised in an environment where criticism, pessimism, doom and gloom, and negativity are common will end up having that mapped into their developing brains as typical behavior. Here's what you can do to deal with the negative people in your life without losing your mind: Hold back from casting judgment. ... Set firm boundaries. ... Respond, not react. ... Don't take things personally. ... Try to disarm their negativity. ... Accept this person for who they are. ... Find bright spots of positivity in your life. Prompts to consider  1. What's an example or examples of a time you prevented yourself from flying over the cuckoo's nest? 2. Are there things you're going to work on or working on to increase your health, wealth and happiness? What? 3. All ice cream is snared by aliens and you can eat one flavour forevermore...which one do you decide on?
Weekly Prompt #1: What are some unexpected challenges and triumphs you've encountered in your 30s and beyond?
by ASilentObserver
Last post
4 hours ago
...See more Welcome to 35+ Community,  As we navigate through our 30s and beyond, life presents us with unexpected challenges and triumphs that shape our experiences and perceptions and define who we are. These years bring a unique set of experiences and test our resilience, patience and push us out of our comfort zones, and ultimately lead to personal growth. Let's explore and share some of the surprising obstacles and victories that many of us encounter during this stage of life. Question of the week: What are some unexpected challenges and triumphs you've encountered in your 30s and beyond? Please share and discuss together. Also, you can join us in 35+ group support chats [] for live discussions and exploration as well.  Click here to join! []
Getting a divorce after 12 years
by sunnyBunny8240
Last post
5 hours ago
...See more On Saturday, March 2 my soon-to-be ex-husband mustered up his courage to tell me he wanted a divorce. I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with him. I thought the worst thing that could happen was him dying on me. I never anticipated this. He is not happy with me and he had endured and tolerated me for more than several years. He is very tired, and wants his own life alone. I am not resentful of him. He is a kind, smart person who deserves happiness. I am not giving him any. I am devasted but trying to take in day by day, step by step. I would really like some words of encouragement. Thank you.
Checking in with friends
by placidAvocado2692
Last post
9 hours ago
...See more @mytwistedsoul Hi! I can’t find my other thread but you’ve been on my mind. I’m curious how you’re doing? I hope you’re ok….❤️
I've tried dealing with people (humans)
by toughHouse8139
Last post
18 hours ago
...See more I've NEVER belonged anywhere and I wish it didn't matter to me. I wish I could remove that feeling and recycle it for something more useful and less depressing. I'm going to try to accept that some of us are just born to be alone, stop fighting it🤷‍♀️  Maybe I'm just supposed to do some stuff, see some stuff and call it a day Trying to find a "community" has exhausted my bones, plus most the of the time people just aren't ... IDK, not worth all the anxiety
Is it possible to reconnect, become attracted to and genuinely love your wife again?
by Wildone42
Last post
19 hours ago
...See more I moved out a month ago as i thought i wanted something else in my life.. I miss my family and my wife.. But i do not love her completely as a husband should. Is it possible to reconnect. to become madly attracted to her again and want to be with her once again?
You don’t have to read this, I’m just in a bad place
by MissLady82
Last post
21 hours ago
...See more I don’t know how to start this. My head is a mess. I’m so confused and I’m in the fog. I’ve been married for 14 years. The first seven years seemed idyllic. The relationship move quickly we bought a house within seven months, were married within a year, and we had her son within two years. We used to brag that our marriage was perfect, our friends were jealous. We had known each other as friends before we got together. He was always the shy one, the quiet one, the one who got friend zoned. I was the younger, pretty blonde. We were an odd couple. I was raised with a malignant, narcissistic father, and a covert, narcissistic mother. I thought by choosing him I was choosing the opposite of what I was raised with. I thought I was breaking the cycle . The generational trauma. And so it was for seven years. Then we lost the house, the SUV, the middle class perfect existence. I didn’t care about those things, I was never raised with material possessions. But he came from a nice middle-class family, and that was his dream. When we lost it all, he slowly started changing. Our three year-old found porn on his tablet. He knew how I felt about porn. I don’t care what other people feel about porn. Everybody has their preferences, but for me, it’s the equivalent of cheating, and he knew it going in. He promised never to do it again, and I believed him. Over the years, I would find it again and again . He knows how do use incognito mode, and the amount that I found was minimal. Just enough to let me know that he was doing it then he started stealing my pain medication. He’s an addict. I knew that going in. But he had been clean , for almost 10 years. But he stole my medication, and would convince me that I was using too much, or that I lost it. Then, he would watch me be in pain because I didn’t have it, all the while he was high from injecting it , I eventually found out, and he made all the promises to go to rehab. He even went to a private rehab that his mother paid for that cost over $30,000 for a month. At that point we have been together for about nine years. We’ve never been apart. He didn’t even like going to the grocery store without me. He had no friends. He said I was all needed. I was his wife, I was his mother, I was his friend, I was his therapist, I was everything. At this point, I realized he lied to me constantly. About everything. He would go to the store, but he would lie about which store he went to. I don’t know why, I don’t know why it would matter. But He would lie, and I couldn’t trust a thing he said. I think this is what broke me the most. I pride myself on telling the truth. I ask that he told me the truth, I can handle the truth, as long as you’re dealing with the truth you can fix a problem, as long as you’re dealing in reality, you can work on it. But if you’re dealing with lies, there’s no foundation to work on. Lying is such a fundamental betrayal, it goes to the heart of marriage. And once it starts happening, there’s really no going back from it. our arguments started to become predictable. He would turn everything around on me. If I was upset with him about something, somehow, it would end up with him being mad at me and apologizing to him. Whatever I have been upset about forgotten about. He would forget things. His answers were constantly I don’t know or I don’t remember. The gaslighting just got continually worse. He would try and tell me that my memory was false, even when I had hard proof that something was true. I could have a text message where he said something  and he would just deny saying it. If I confronted him with it, he would just say he didn’t remember saying it, and that I’m crazy. When he was away at rehab, I got a call from family services. It turns out that our son saw him doing drugs in the kitchen. Family services, then got involved and we’re monitoring us. I told him he had to come home that I couldn’t handle this on my own. He left rehab five days early. He’s been relapsing on and off for the last five years and he blames me for bringing him home early from rehab. Like those five days would’ve kept them clean forever . He blames me for everything. He shifts the blame for everything on me. All his emotions are my fault. If I didn’t get upset with him, he wouldn’t get angry. Etc. However throughout all of this, He’s always idealized me. He tells me I’m perfect. He never raises his voice at me. He rages, but he rages internally. He rages at himself. He’s always found ways to hurt himself. But he started cutting seriously. He uses it as a way to manipulate me. He’s admitted it to me and to the police when I’ve called them. There’s nothing the police can do because he doesn’t really want to kill himself. He’s cut himself in front of me for hours. I used to try and stop him, but there were a few instances where I got hurt, so I stopped. I also saw a video, where it says that if you give them the attention, that is what they’re looking for. So I ignore him. I don’t know what to do. I never know what the right thing to do is. Our son started acting out against us when he was five. He had rages. A crisis line told us to take him to a children’s hospital to have an assessed and get him services. He was taken by family services from the hospital and he’s been gone now for 2 1/2 years. I lost my son because of my husband. It gets very complicated after that. He triangulated me with his mother. A lot of things have happened in the last three years. Things I’d rather not talk about. The things I’ve said so far enough really. The things that have happened last three years are a lot worse. As it stands right now, I have gotten my husband out of the house . He is living in a room. I have blocked him on everything but email. I am struggling. I don’t know how to survive on my own. I was reliant on him. I have a lot of health issues and I’m struggling physically. I’m getting my son back June 28 . Family services has wanted to give him back to me for a long time but I wouldn’t leave my husband. I thought I was doing the right thing keeping my family together. My son loves his father. He wants us to be a family I didn’t want to break his heart . I didn’t realize what my husband was until a few months ago. Since then, I’ve been devouring videos and books and articles. I can’t believe I didn’t see it. Knowing what my parents were, I can’t believe I didn’t see it. But he was so insidious. He kept it hidden for so long . His mask didn’t come off until a few years ago. And it came off gradually. The cognitive dissonance is driving me mad. The trauma bond that’s been created through the intermittent reinforcement. He did so well I’m finding very difficult to break. I keep going back-and-forth between Knowing absolutely that I don’t want to be with him, that I can’t be with him, and needing him desperately. I’m trying to run a business, I’m trying to take care of a home on my own for the first time, I’m trying to be a single mother for the first time, I’m trying to be on my own for the first time, I have no friends because he made sure of that. It’s impossible to explain to people what happened, what he is, because it’s so subtle, So gradual. It happened over a long long time. And I defended him for a long time. So how do I now explain to people that I was abused, seriously seriously abused for so long? How do I explain to the people that I’m barely functioning? How do I explain any of it? I don’t know if I can handle this. I have no one to talk to. No one who understands. Thank you to whoever read this. I know it’s so long post. I know it’s a bit rambling. But if you read the whole thing, thank you. 
Likely divorce after 22 years... I'm so lost
by BlueEyedBaby01
Last post
21 hours ago
...See more My husband (44) of 22yrs moved out a month ago to stay at his mom's saying he needed time to decide if I(43)/the marriage is worth the effort. No fight occurred . Our marriage had been emotionally distant for a while and threats of divorce used to be fairly frequent. He isn't a bad guy but has poor communication and coping skills that have lead to some emotionally abusive behavior throughout our marriage. I never set boundaries either and accepted it so that's on me. We fell into a routine of me seeking connection and him feeling me expressing what I needed was a criticism so he felt attacked and withdrew. Over time I stopped looking to him for support and affection as much bc I didn't want to be rejected, didn't know how he would respond and didn't feel emotionally safe. Since leaving he's promised to return on certain days but then there's a reason he can't. He came home "for good" Sunday then changed his mind monday. I told him I couldn't continue this way. That I needed him in the house working on the marriage with me but I couldn't stay in ambiguity due to the hurt it caused. He said he needed to do therapy and"fix" himself prior to returning. I held my boundary (I used to beg and plead and I refuse to do that anymore) and he said he saw no other way than divorce as our timelines didn't match up even though he says that isn't what he wants. He says it's to hard to see and live with me when we aren't happy and he needs time to think and work on himself. The one boundary I set he continues to break. & Didn't seem concerned about the pain his choices cause me. I genuinely don't want him here if he doesn't love me and honestly I'm not over being told he has to think for a month on if I'm worth the effort or my questioning if he's talking to someone but I am gutted. I know some of it is just because we were together 22yrs but this hurts and I really don't have support. I found that he's been calling/video chatting with a number out of state several times daily since at least October. He always calls when he leaves for work in the morning. He said it's a male friend (who I do think he told me was moving to this state and I have seen him talk to). I called the number and got VM. Whoever it was told my husband bc he ask me about it shortly after. He dodged the question of who it was but finally stated he ask me not to see anyone and he wasn't either and that it was this friend not a female. All month he has sent mixed messages. He's said hurtful things, told me he didn't think I/the marriage was worth the effort, that i suffocate him bc I like to try to address and solve concerns and that he wants a divorce. But then if I don't text him he will text me. He's sent messages telling me he's sorry, he doesn't want to lose me and he loves me. He says he's returning but then there's an excuse. Yesterday I told him I could no longer be an option to someone who had been a priority to me. That I wasn't asking for a divorce at this moment but I could not guarantee how I would feel if and when he decided whatever he wanted to do and that I needed to start to heal so I really only wanted to communicate about our adult kids and bills. That he stated he needed time/space and he should take it. He said he understood and was sorry. I didn't text again. A few hours later he text telling me his whole life had been him being submissive and helping others when he was "dying inside and not mentally normal" and that he was done being around people who wanted him to be something he wasn't. I validated his feelings and ask if he were referring to me and he said just in general. He reinforced this had occured for 44yrs. I told him I hoped his therapy he said he was starting helped and that he found a way to be stable and ok bc he deserved that. I kept responses minimal. He text later telling me to sleep well and again this morning telling me to have a good day. ??? I don't understand the mixed signals at all! He has a pattern of getting his ego boosted with other women ( 3x in 22 years) one of the times we were separated for 3 weeks and the other two I found the texts and while they were not romantic or sexual he was still prioritizing the other women over time with me and stated it made him feel good to be able to help them.l while minimizing the pain it caused me. All of those instances were years ago. He also has a pattern of falling into episodes where he feels sorry for himself and takes everything as an attack. Tbh the fact that I haven't begged him to stay and to love me is likely one of the reasons this has went on so long. I have communicated my feelings and been vulnerable though and made to clear i was 100 in to work on it if he was. Until I set the boundary yesterday. I know he has some self esteem, depression and anxiety issues and a traumatic past and he's made a lot of progress. But that isn't an excuse for ignoring my pain or for treating me poorly. A part of me thinks I should wait just in case but the logical part of me is screaming he's made it clear what he wants with his actions and if we tried again the cycle would likely continue. I do fine at work but at home it's so hard. He's the one I talked to, texted etc. he's all I've known for so long and I'm scared divorce is a mistake but I'm scared it's a mistake to wait for him to figure it out. We were happy once ( with intermittent emotional outbursts on his part) so I think we could be again if we both wanted to be. I almost expect him to come back as that's been previous behavior but I'm scared I'll allow it and scared I won't and that either would be a mistake. I don't even know what I'm asking other than for opinions on if I'm doing the right thing holding that boundary, I feel like a month is more than enough time if he really wanted to be with me. Am I being naive giving him the benefit of a doubt with this number ? Is it ok to leave even if it may be mental health related or should I stay and support him instead ? Why am I even wondering all this when he hasn't cared too awful much about my feelings over the last month (but I am)? When does it gets easier not to automatically pick up the phone to call or text them, when does it gets easier in general? Any advice is welcome but please be kind. Thank you and sorry it's lengthy.
OCD intrusive thoughts
by kornfields567
Last post
1 day ago
...See more Is anyone struggling with OCD intrusive thoughts.
Enough is enough!
by Aishah0812
Last post
2 days ago
...See more Anybody else ever had, or still are, to deal with TOXIC in-laws? smh
by Faizazakria555
Last post
2 days ago
...See more I'm so exhausted and anxious and depressed and low... when will this all end when will I become independent I'm tired of trying nad and trying and trying... God enough please enough... losing the luv of your life and facing family issues, financial issues is Very difficult for me...I fell in luv when I was 17, now it's been 7 years I'm waiting and waiting and waiting for him... I'm Muslim so haram relationships are not allowed in our religion and I know my family wouldn't accept him because he's out of our cast..from the past 7 years I'm just praying, making duas and waiting for miracle and he knows this... I'm afraid of the moment when he left me past 7 years we have just talked once as i said talking to na mahram is not allowed in our religion and I respect this but sometimes I can't...I just can't.. I'm tired... In Pakistan becoming independent is very difficult and I'm facing this thing too.. I'm 23 and still not independent... I'm tired of doing efforts again and again... I'm human being not a stone..I took have feelings, I took have wishes, needs I wish I could make my parents proud, I wish I can make him mine, I wish I can independent, I wish I can go some far away from this duniya, i wish i can die💔

Welcome to the 35 and over community!  Our aim is to provide an inviting space for those of us who are over 35 to find like-minded people, discuss our concerns, and reminisce over a cup of tea  :)   

(Adults), Join us in the Thirty-Five & Over Room every Wednesday! 

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The following are the guidelines which are specific to the 35 & Over Community. We ask you to follow them, as well as the Forum Guidelines. Their purpose is to ensure a safe and supportive environment for everyone.

The main goal of this sub-community is to offer support and a space to share and socialize, for the 7 Cups users who are 35 years old, or older. After reaching a certain age, people have specific life concerns that might not be shared by people who don't have as much life experience.
However, age isn't a requirement to participate in our sub-community.

All Adults are welcome!

However, please understand that teens as young as 13 years old can access these forums, so please keep topics appropriate.

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Welcome to the 35 and over community!  Our aim is to provide an inviting space for those of us who are over 35 to find like-minded people, discuss our concerns, and reminisce over a cup of tea  :)   

(Adults), Join us in the Thirty-Five & Over Room every Wednesday! 

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Our ever-growing support team are here to help you with any questions, so feel free to send us a message :)  Interested in joining the team?  Please PM

Please respect others' opinions, even if we strongly disagree. There is no right or wrong answer here. Please avoid conflict or arguments. 

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