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3 Key Things!
by GlenM
Last post
April 4th
...See more Please post here 3 key things you have done to help move 7 Cups forward. I will be doing this on a daily basis. Feel free to do it daily, weekly, or monthly. Right now we've got thousands of people doing a lot of work on the site, but we don't have a clear way of being able to support one another. The goal of this thread is to help all of us see all the good work that is going on. Please ask any questions or share thoughts!
March 2024 Forum Discussions Spotlight
by tommy
Last post
March 31st
...See more March 2024 Forum Discussion Spotlight The forum is filled with opportunities for personal growth with so many community users devoting time and energy into raising awareness and providing discussions on a variety of different subjects and topics. We want to spotlight these discussions more widely so that the entire community has opportunity to involve themselves in what the forum has to offer.  Please find below just a glimpse of the discussions which have taken place over the last month: * Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month [] | Learn about MS [] * Dissociative Identity Disorder Awareness Day [] * Easter Celebrations [] * International Day of Happiness [] * Epilepsy Awareness [] * Cerebral Palsy Awareness [] | Living with Cerebral Palsy [] PM me if you think I have missed any off! 🔗 Links * Do you want to join our taglist so you are notified of the next discussion spotlight? Click here []! * Do you have a thread which you've recently posted that you feel could be highlighted in our next monthly spotlight? Let us know about it here []!
7 Cups for the searching soul book - Read and review to get a badge!
by Hope
Last post
March 16th
...See more Hi everyone, I hope you are doing well. Some of you may be aware that we have our very own book! It's called the 7 Cups for the searching soul. There is even a training /self-help guide based on the same book. The book focuses on helping you understand your behavior better, provide you with tips and tricks to grow as a person, and provides in-depth information about how our platforms can support you with your journey of growth. We encourage everyone to read the book and reflect on its contents. The admin team and I have read the book and we have really enjoyed the overall experience. You can download your copy of the book on Amazon for free here [] * Please note that the book is available in the following Amazon marketplaces: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, India, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Spain, France, Italy, Australia, and the Netherlands. Don't see your country listed? We've got you covered! Please find PDF and MOBI versions here []. To get the Soul Searcher badge please follow the following steps: Download the e-book from Amazon (if your country provides it) or use the second link and read it. Leave us a review on Amazon [] or Good reads []. Respond to this thread, let us know you did step 1 & 2 and tell us what were your favourite bits! We will appreciate your support in downloading and reviewing the book as more downloads/reviews help us reach and support more people.
Forum Functionality: Provide Feedback Here!
by theriverissinging
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2 days ago
...See more Hello, everyone! As you might be aware, there are some on-going forum changes [] taking place. You can use this thread to provide any feedback, suggestions on forum [] functionality (functions, features, utility, any technical aspects only) or bugs that you encounter. This is mainly being done to help keep things organized as it can be hard to gather it from various places/people and ease up the process for everyone to pass on feedback further to the 7 Cups team. We encourage everyone to use this thread for its purpose anytime and use it for only that. Kindly review this post [] for any other feedback/behavior reports that don't involve forum functionality.
How to Use the Steel Man Technique
by GlenM
Last post
2 days ago
...See more A big part of life is problem solving. Problems can create relationship challenges. This is true in romantic, parenting, friendship and work relationships. We say the “problem is the path” because new problems are constant (they just keep happening!) and the path naturally unfolds as you solve them. The key skill is to try to get as good as possible at solving them.  7 Cups is one giant community wide problem solving exercise. Together, we have solved tens of thousands of problems. That is largely why 7 Cups looks the way that it does. Each feature you see is likely the result of a problem being solved. And our ability to problem solve together and more effectively accelerates year over year, which means we tend to make more progress with each new year.  I’ve spent a lot of time trying to think about the best way to solve problems. Not just at work, but in other relationships as well. Here are some things that have helped me out. I share them with you today with the hope that you find them useful. Please also share any ideas that have helped you as well!  * Use the Steel Man technique - this one is a little challenging. Let’s say we have a disagreement. I would imagine I’m you - like really step into your shoes or try to see the world through your eyes. Then, I would make the argument you are making towards myself. If I can, then I will even try to make it stronger. The Steel Man technique can help you gain deeper understanding during disagreements, which helps turn communication challenges into productive discussions. Steelmanning involves identifying potential shortcomings in the initial argument by evaluating the strongest points a person might be putting forward. This way, you can use trust and empathy to present their argument alongside your additional thoughts. It's about understanding, not winning! Examples: Partner 1: I think we should go out tonight. It has been a while and I’d like to check out a new coffee shop. Partner 2: I’m tired and don’t really want to go out. Partner 1 Steel man (thinking to self…Okay, my partner doesn’t want to go out tonight because they are tired. I want to go out tonight because I have energy. If I was them, and I was tired, then what would I say to myself to convince me to not go out? I’d say something like, “I understand you want to go out. And I know it has been a couple of weeks. I’m sorry I’m so wiped out. We could try to go, but I don’t think I’d be much fun. Can we plan for next weekend and I’ll do a better job this week to make sure I have energy to go out next week?” We can even let the other person know we are steel manning their argument and repeat it out loud to them. This usually helps them feel less defensive and like you are working hard to try to figure it out. * Understanding that being right or winning an argument isn’t ultimately all that great of a reward. Being right can feel good for a little while. However, if you are paying attention, then you quickly realize that it isn’t too terribly long until you are wrong. Maybe the other person wins the next argument. Or maybe you just see that you had the wrong assumptions in another area of life. You can also think of how you feel when the other person is right and you are wrong. Usually that isn’t a great feeling. If we give up on being right, then we can get to the place where we can see what is correct on both sides of the argument. A lot of the time reality is complex and looking at it from different angles helps. If we have to be right, then we limit our visibility, ability to map the problem, and ultimately solve it.  * Let the data show the way. Sometimes you can get in a stuck place in an argument where you feel very strong and the other person feels equally strong. In this situation, you can just say, “Okay if you are right, then we can expect X to happen. If I am right, then we can expect Y to happen. Let’s just treat each other with respect and see how it unfolds.”  Big picture - life is just incredibly complicated and we’ve got limited brains. We can only see so much. The other person arguing with us is often trying to help us see another angle or another perspective that we are missing. The need to be “right” can blind us from seeing things in a clear manner. If we give up on this need (b/c it isn’t that great of a reward), take the other person’s perspective (steel man), or let the data show the way, then we can increase our own visibility and make more progress in life.  Of the three points, which technique are you most likely to use? and why? Or, alternatively, do you have another technique you use that you can share with us?
Spark of the week 4: You are loved!
by Hope
Last post
2 days ago
...See more Hi everyone!  I hope you are doing well. Please note the spark of the week series will conclude on week 6. You have two more chances to have your quotes featured. If you are a teen, please submit it here.  [] This week's Spark of the Week comes from @WatermelonLover22 with a beautiful message: "You are loved no matter how you feel!" This quote reminds us that love surrounds us, even when we're feeling down.  It doesn't matter if you're happy, sad, angry, frustrated – you are worthy of love. Chances are there is always someone who is loving you right now even if you are unaware of it.  Questions for reflection * What helps you feel better? * Share similar quotes!
Can we notify people when their post or thread gets deleted?
by walkalot
Last post
April 19th
...See more I recently had a thread deleted that was between one to two years old. This was frustrating to me, because it had many comments, and people were still commenting on it from time to time. Perhaps the site could be updated so that posters would be notified when their thread or post is deleted (and it would have to include an explanation as to why).
Learning about Cognitive Distortions: Distortion No.1: Catastrophizing
by Hope
Last post
April 18th
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. Last week I announced the cognitive distortion series. You can read about it here. [] Today we will be looking at the first cognitive distortion of the series, ‘catastrophizing’. Catastrophizing is when a person focuses on the worst possible outcome and treats it as likely, even when it is not. Some common examples: * I am not feeling better after this treatment. I will never get better. * I will for sure fail this test because I forgot to study chapter X. * I could not keep up with my exercise regime, I will never become physically fit. * I have not been able to keep in touch with my friend. I bet he is no longer my friend * I forgot to put the right spacing in my essay. That's it, there goes my A in this course. Other names for the distortion are magnifying, and negative fortune telling. We get what catastrophizing is now and it's likely we all do it, some more than others. But how do we tackle this, how do we stop assuming the worst possible outcome? We can do this by engaging in the following: (Taken from Glen’s post on How to Worry Less and Not Panic []) * What are the odds: On a scale of 1-100%, how likely is this to happen? “Okay, if I had $1000 in my pocket now, would I bet that $1000 that this would happen?” If the answer is no, then it is likely that I am worrying too much about it. * Your Personal Hit Rate: Think about how often you are right when you think of the worst-case scenarios. Don’t be selective and remember the times you were right, try to think of all the times. Chances are it's less than 2%. Then does it make sense to consider something as true when your past predicting success rate is just 2%? To truly practice reframing your thoughts when it comes to this cognitive distortion. Let's experiment for a week together! * Start a doc/take out a notebook. * Write down your personal hit rate on top of the doc/page so you can remember your level of accuracy as you look at your daunting problems. * Every time you are thinking of the worst outcome, write down what is on your mind. * Then write down another opposing (positive thought) that you believe to be true. This can be hard but if you think enough, you will find it! It helps to look into facts to support your case Due to the nature of these exercises, it is advisable that any interested listeners use their member accounts so they can freely share their experiences. What we are attempting to do is to nudge our minds away from jumping to the worst possible conclusions and present some realistic alternatives that cause us less anguish. 📢Points of Action: * Find out your personal hit rate, don’t just assume, look into your past and get an accurate percentage. * Counter your catastrophic thoughts with counter-positive thoughts based on logic/facts/experience. * After practicing this with at least one thought. Tell us about your experience with this exercise. 📝To help us get started. Let's all share about a time when we truly believed the worst possible outcome or a very bad outcome was likely but it did not happen. Recommended Resources: * Forum Post: How to Worry Less and Not Panic [] * Book: How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (Chapter 1) (the book is long, the most relevant chapter to this post is Chapter 1). []
Learning about cognitive distortions
by Hope
Last post
April 18th
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. Did you know not everything we think is actually true? I know, shocking! But it turns out that is the case. However, it does not stop us from believing everything we think. According to the National Science Foundation, 80% of our thoughts are negative and 95% of our thoughts are repetitive. If we are thinking negatively so often, we must equip ourselves with tools to help weed out the thoughts that are not true. This brings up the topic of cognitive distortions. Harvard Health describes them as ‘Internal mental filters or biases that increase our misery, fuel our anxiety, and make us feel bad about ourselves’ Examples of these distortions: * Everyone hates me * Everything sucks * I will for sure fail this test * Life will never get better * This always happens * I can never resort to anything There are many distortions but they all have one thing in common, they magnify the worst, minimize your ability to deal with negative outcomes, and make you feel pessimistic. Everyone falls victim to them but some of us more than others. But how do you save yourself when you don’t know what they are? That is why if your life feels all negative, if your days feel only gloomy, or if you feel no hope, it's worth following along with this post series and identifying these distortions to improve the quality of your life. I will be making a series of posts addressing one distortion at a time, hopefully once a week. What we will do is look at one distortion at a time, notice it in our thoughts and slowly cultivate the habit of challenging negative thoughts with more realistic less flawed thoughts. If you wish to be tagged in the posts, please fill out this form. [] All the posts made so far are linked below: * Catastrophizing []  * Mind Reading [] * Black-and-white thinking []  * Personalization [] * Emotional Reasoning [] * Fallacy of Change [] * Comparison [] * Labeling [] * Should statements [] * Mental Filtering  [] [] [] []
Spark of week 3: It can't rain forever
by Hope
Last post
April 18th
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. It is time for the spark of the week’s next post. This is an initiative where every week I post a quote/thought/reflection submitted by a teen from our community, adults are welcome to partake in the discussions around it. But submissions are limited to only teens!  This week’s quote comes from @CraftyCat3606 "Be strong now because things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it can't rain forever" - Unknown Thank you for the quote! This is your weekly reminder that you only need to focus on dealing with the storm at hand, not the rain that happened yesterday or the weather forecast for next week!  Other quotes that share some of the same meaning! * Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance but to do what lies clearly at hand. - Thomas Carlyle  * live in day-tight compartments - Sir William Osler What does this look like in action? * Do whatever the hour demands of you. If you have a class at 11 am, all you have to do is attend that and not think of what is at 1 pm or 11 am tomorrow. You are only concerned with doing whatever the class demands of you.  * Realizing that you are only responsible for this exact moment and what to do with it. If you can show up every day and do your best, then you have done your job! 'For us, there is only the trying. The rest is not our business.' - T.S Eliot Share any quotes that have the same meaning as our quote of the week! You can also share your thoughts on what balance means to you.  Note: Please keep the comments light-hearted, and avoid sharing content that can be triggering to others or disrupt the light-hearted theme of the series.  ------------------------- Teens please submit quotes, thoughts and reflections to be featured as part of spark of the week through this form.  []
Taking Care of Each Other - Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups
by Hope
Last post
April 16th
...See more Hi everyone! This is a forum post linked to the path 'Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups' [] What have you done today/recently to prevent burnout in a fellow community user? This can look like: • Encouraging self-care • Reminding someone of the importance of boundaries • Covering for someone so they can take a self-care break
What have you done to prevent burnout today? Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups
by Hope
Last post
April 15th
...See more Hi everyone! This is a forum post linked to the path 'Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups' [] What have you done to prevent burnout today? This can a variety of things like: • Saying no to a task because you have enough on your plate • Taking part in self-care activities • Taking a self-care break from 7 Cups
Tea & Cake — Compiling automated taglists
by RarelyCharlie
Last post
April 15th
...See more This feature can compile an auto-updating taglist so you can copy and use the latest list. To enable Tea & Cake in your web browser, first you must have Tampermonkey [] installed. Most desktop and laptop browsers can install Tampermonkey, and also some on Android (for example, Kiwi []). But apps and Apple iOS devices do not support it. Next, install the Tea & Cake script []. (If Tampermonkey is working, you should see a green Install button there.) Then go to your Listener Settings [] or Member Settings [] page, and check the box "Compile taglists". This setting autosaves, unlike the rest of that page. In any taglist control thread, press the "Compile the taglist" button (beside the subscribe button at the bottom of the original post). To provide feedback on this feature, please reply in this forum thread or message me. For more information on automated taglists, see: Manage taglists [] Charlie
What's some life advice you've heard, read or have told others?
by Heather225
Last post
April 14th
...See more Life's a journey, and sometimes a little advice from a fellow traveler can be a big help. Our community is a global melting pot of wisdom. I'm inviting everyone to share yours. Whether it's a quote you stumbled upon, a lesson someone's taught you or something you've learned through experience, let's spin a thread of helpful advice and life mottos. If you see one that resonates with you, drop it a heart and reply to them! And tag someone you know to share with us!
Turning Pain into Purpose: Share Your Redemption Story (#GotHope)
by Heather225
Last post
April 14th
...See more Have you ever experienced a difficult time in your life that ultimately led you to become a stronger, more compassionate person? Maybe you faced hardship, loss, or personal struggles that made you question your path. But instead of letting those experiences define you, you used them as fuel to grow and give back to others. These stories of overcoming challenges and turning pain into purpose are powerful. They remind us that even amidst darkness, there's light to be found and a way out to a brighter future. They instill hope that anyone can find their way and we’ve seen countless successes through the support of our dear caring community.  You might be a member who has made significant progress under the care of a listener. You might be a listener who was helped as a member and decided to give back by becoming a listener. You might be a user who has a story that has helped you share your vulnerability to touch others’ lives through the power of peer support. Our community is stronger for our wounded healers who prove that healing and growth are possible, even despite adversity. The possibilities are endless: 7 Cups is all about giving hope. As part of an upcoming campaign, we would like to gather your stories to inspire others, show the power of overcoming challenges, and celebrate the impact of our community. Please consider submitting yours via this form [] and we'll be in touch with next steps! Thanks in advance! #GotHope

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