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How do I start to live a life without the person I can't live without?

166 Answers
Last Updated: 05/22/2022 at 4:55pm
How do I start to live a life without the person I can't live without?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lisa Groesz, PhD


With evidenced based therapies, we find the root of the problem together to implement solutions. We all face crises, transitions, or disorders at some time.

Top Rated Answers
April 3rd, 2021 10:53pm
It's very difficult to move on without the person we thought our life was all about. But you know what... You really can move on. Embrace your feelings so you can grieve, avoiding them will be just a band-aid and make it worse. Write down all your thoughts and feelings on a diary. Seek support in your friends and family. And love yourself. Do pleasurable things and activities, invest in yourself, do some sports, learn a new language por other subject. Remember that thing you would like to do bit you kept postponing? Now it's the time to do it! Accept the end of the relationship, seek support and love/invest in yourself. When you realize it, you already started to live a new life.
April 18th, 2021 6:17pm
Be patient with yourself; give yourself time to process whatever situation you’re going through. I also recommend that you do not resist your emotions, whether positive or negative because anything that you resist grows stronger. Take time to do the things that excite you the most and open yourself up to other people who want to help and support you in your journey. The most dangerous thing that you can do to yourself is withdrawing from others completely. Always try to be positive with everything that occurs in your life and try to look at things from different perspectives.
May 5th, 2021 7:33pm
Start with the simple things you did before you knew the person. Of course, you will remember the person often. However, don't let the memories be painful to you, but rather beautiful and good moments that are with you in your life. The person not only enriched your life when he or she was there, the memories (especially the beautiful ones) will come back to you often and, if you let them, will brighten your day. Allow yourself to grieve in a quiet moment to process your emotions, don't try to hide from your feelings. Face them and don't let them take control. Discover a new chapter in your life, it has changed but that does not mean it is not still worth living. Your life depends on only one person and that is you!
May 16th, 2021 7:42pm
That is a tricky one and a tough one. It might be hard at first trying to live life without that person, but you have to hang in there because I am sure that person would want you to continue on and be happy. Also, it is important to find your individuality and your true self. Focus on growing as an individual. Slowly but surely, things will get easier and easier. I hope this helps at least some what. Just keep going and focus on your self-care, hobbies, and overall becoming the person you have wanted to become in the world.
May 20th, 2021 8:22pm
One of the most greatest way to love someone is to love them without possessing them, that includes knowing that you love that person but for one reason or another it won’t work out, maybe they are not ready for the kind of commitment you want and it’s ok, not everyone you met will meet you at the same level that you are and is nothing bad it means only they are not ready not at the leaves you are, if you feel you love them you learn to love from a different perspective. One without possession wish them the best in their own path and move forward, take care of your own path learn, grow, evolve, don’t give up the control of it to anyone, it has been given to you, as long as you keep that control you’ll thrive.
June 23rd, 2021 5:00am
I still relate to this question so much. Then one person told me, that in order to keep that person alive in my life, I had to really think about the characteristics and qualities that I loved so much about that person and implement them in my life. I had to start spreading energy the same way and do it while actively accepting that person no longer was in my life. It is also important to remember life before you knew that person and the things that brought you happiness up until that point. We have it in us to grow from hard times, but you have to be willing to put the work in. :)
June 25th, 2021 3:50pm
It’s difficult trying to start to properly live without someone you think you can’t live without, but this is something that happens a lot so your not alone! It’s not an easy road but is definitely is possible and doable like everything is if you put your mind to it. The first step is to start doing activities that you love and do them with other people that you enjoy being around. When that’s over, you can always try doing something in your house to pass the time such as a bit of cooking or cleaning or as I normally do, listen to music and game at the same time! When you start to do things with other people or your devote most of your time to moving on by keeping occupied with other things then it starts to get easier and you begin to think positively and find even more activities that you enjoy which will help you live your life without that someone. Always think positively and do not think you can’t do it, you can!
September 24th, 2021 3:28pm
It is hard to start a new life without the person you can't live without. Perhaps, I would be denying it for a while, and slowly accept the fact that they are not here anymore. I think there is nothing wrong feeling so upset. The important thing is you still have the desire to move on. Of course, maintaining such healthy mental state is not easy. But as someone who previously suffered from major depression, and with somebody who loved me so much, she taught me how to be brave. Not only be strong, but be brave. So, to those who are struggling from loss at this time, let us share the feelings and overcome it together.
October 15th, 2021 9:08pm
A way of starting to live a life you own it will be by focusing on ourselves, learning to be comfortable with ourselves and being kind with yourself through the whole journey. By taking our time to discover what we like, what we are passionate about and ultimately to understand the importance of our connections/ relationships in our lives. By educating ourselves, looking onto attachment styles, identifying ours for a better understanding of the causes why we think that we cannot live without a person. Being aware of all of the above, place us a step forward in the process of getting the life we want to have.
October 24th, 2021 5:09am
The first step is to affirm that you can, in fact, live without them. At the end of the day, all you're going to have is yourself, for the rest of your life. So you better love yourself and give yourself some more appreciation for being there through all your hardships! Focus on you, because you come first - always. You never NEED to depend on someone and that is for you to decide and affirm. You decide who has a place in your life and who doesn't, and you must affirm that you are strong enough to live without that person.
November 12th, 2021 8:15pm
It definitely isn't easy. It starts with you. It starts with focusing on yourself and being independent. Being independent and doing things on your own is key. It isn't easy to move from someone you can't live without, but at the same time, you can't wait for that person to continue to live your life. You just have to keep on going and take everything day by day. At the end of the day, you can't let the person who is no longer in your life control your future as that will not do anything positive for you. It will only bring you down.
December 1st, 2021 4:02am
First of all, you need to accept the fact that the person isn't in your life anymore. Acceptance is the first step in moving forward. Once you accept the fact that the person isn't there anymore, you will learn to stop being dependent on that person. Automatically, you will slowly live or start to live a life without the presence of that person. That person won't be required at every need and call of yours. You will be self sufficient and completely dependent upon yourself to fulfil your needs and look after yourself. You'll stop craving and missing and wanting to look for that person in your life.
January 2nd, 2022 6:12pm
Earlier this year, I lost my husband, the love of my life. It is hard to build a new life when such a big part is suddenly missing. It took me a while to dig out from the numbness and grief, and to find something that would help me look to a different future. It was artwork that helped me see I could exercise control over my surroundings and choose what emotions to surround myself with. Something as simple as changing what picture I have on the wall in the room where I spend most of my time made more difference that I would have thought. It was a first step towards designing a new life. Helping others is a great help in shifting focus away from my own loss.
February 10th, 2022 3:57pm
Find the things in the world that are yours, that you are interested in, that you value the most. And by doing so, you'll find yourself. Your dreams and wishes and talents and values are worth something. You are a strong and valuable individual! You are the one behind the wheel! You don't have to be good at things, you don't need to be successful in things - the most important thing is, what brings you joy by doing it. The rest will follow. Go focus on you as a wonderful, talented and feeling person who has love, energy, experiences and values that are worthy!
March 31st, 2022 11:04pm
By waking up each day and reminding yourself that you are the reason you wake up everyday. The things you do are for you. One day you will be able to look back and see that this was a tough time in your life, but you will have made it through because you are strong. We can live without people, it can be painful and emotionally draining, but we can do it. Surround yourself with people who love and support you for being yourself and eventually you won't notice that person is missing. Wether they moved or were lost forever, you can and will live without them. If you put faith in yourself and you can achieve anything.
April 13th, 2022 1:02pm
You have to take one step at a time and accept that you are without the person, talk to someone about it, get your emotions out and know that better days are on their way. Try go outside, read and spend time with your loved ones. Try looking at it as everything happens for a reason and don’t blame yourself for it. Take care of yourself. I know you’re going to get through this. I believe in you and I’m so proud of how far you have come. You are the only one who can change it, take this as a lesson to move on and learn