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Is it still worth trying if he/she broke up with me several times?

250 Answers
Last Updated: 06/15/2022 at 2:32pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Alex DS Ellis, MA, LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

Feeling depressed or anxious can be so overwhelming. I want to help you feel better and be able to enjoy life. You are not alone and you deserve emotional support.

Top Rated Answers
December 6th, 2018 7:03pm
Since you broke up several times. I guess its okay haha. If she meant breaking up with you permanently then she would not have came back, right? So you should try yes. Just do not let her break uo with you this time. Dont make mistakes. And if you think you are forcing her then do not try. She might not be interested in yiu anymore. In that case, you should not try. I hope you get that. You might try it. Love is not easy. Dating is not easy. Relation is not easy also. :( :)
October 26th, 2018 10:01am
Are you worth being broken up with several times? It's okay to try once, twice or even more than that for the sake of love. But afterwards it becomes clear that they have other expectations from life. You're worth someone who wants you, and tries for you. Know your worth, love yourself till you find the one who'll really choose you. If they really are the one they'll come back, you don't need to be the one pulling them back every single time. As they say, if it's yours it will come back to you. Give yourself a chance.
October 25th, 2018 2:28am
In my experience, no, you gave it your best go, but now it is time to move on and see if you could both be happier and more stable in different relationships. Whether or not you remain freiends is entirely down to your personal and unique relationship but if it ended on bad terms or you both still feel strongly about eachother, I strongly suggest cutting off all major contact until you are both in good places and all romantic feelings have left. If you have already tried several times to make it work and it hasn’t, this is a clear sign to move on to a healthier relationship.
September 13th, 2018 6:14pm
Absolutely not. From experience that person is unsure of something within themselves and therefore cannot commit to you in a relationship. It is not worth the fight to keep trying to hold on to someone that only makes you feel second best. It is difficult to leave someone like this because sometimes they are so manipulative that they make you feel like you need them in your life and they are your only option. Take it from me they are not. There are plenty fish in the sea and you deserve someone that makes you their first and only opportunity. Always look after yourself first and the right person will come along.
September 7th, 2018 2:56pm
An on and off relationship is an instable relationship you need to watch out for all the other patterns of your partner and if he/she is ready to have a meaningful relationship...Life is too short to waste time over fixing a relationship if things doesn't work then believe that universe has much more better plan for you in store.Most of the times we get stuck in this situation just giving ourself the false hope that things will eventually be like it use to be the time you both started dating and above all let go anything which is causing you lack of mental peace
July 21st, 2018 1:30am
Breaking up is hard process but when the same person is breaking up with you and you going back to the same thing, i think and own experience has taught me that you have to take moment and say is this worthed cause your heart gets broken by the same person and you not able to let go. It will make you depressed and feeling you have done something wrong.
July 13th, 2018 10:05pm
It depends on what you feel. Do you love this person? Or were you dating just to date? Do you believe there is a possible future?
June 27th, 2018 4:48pm
It really depends on the person's true self.. if u really love his character and agree people make mistakes then go again
June 24th, 2018 1:29pm
it is good to give our loved ones 2 or 3 chances because they deserve this. but giving them more than that is like allowing them to commit mistake again and again. we need some sort of restrictions and control to be on the right path, if we get all the freedom there is a great chance that we will go or let them go on the wrong path... like a lot of love and care along with fulfilling all the needs and demands of a child in spite of right or wrong.. we end up spoiling the child.. we should only allow for the goods and stop the bad so we should not overdo anything .. we are humans and we commit mistakes but repeating the mistake is not a good thing..
April 8th, 2018 7:33am
If that person broke up with you several times, it really means they don't have any interest in getting back with you. You shouldn't be chasing after them again and again after-all, they don't want to be in a relationship anymore so why spend precious time of your life chasing after them for something that isn't going to happen.
February 3rd, 2017 7:22am
I don't think so. Just imagining if this happened to me, I would question why he/she broke up with me and why he/she kept coming back. If this person wanted to be with me and was serious about it, a first break up most likely wouldn't even have happened. Why does he/she keep coming back after deciding to leave me? Did this person just not find what he/she was looking for in anybody else so then just settled to come back to me? Is he/she wholeheartedly considering my feelings when making that decision? How is this affecting me? Do I feel like my feelings are being played with?
June 23rd, 2017 2:52pm
That totally depends on what kind of relationship you've shared so far. IF all the good memories out weighs the bad ones, there's no problem giving it another chance. But make sure he/she is making equal efforts as you, what's the point of chasing someone who doesn't wanna be with you as much as you want to.
August 27th, 2017 1:56pm
To be honest, if you broke up several times, it means there is a problem which remained unsolved. If you solve that problem, you might find the answer.
December 23rd, 2017 2:27am
No because it means the person is stringing you along, it would be best to find someone new who actually thinks you're worth their time
June 5th, 2017 9:54am
Well, in all honesty nothing is worth your emotional and mental health. If the case with your s/o proves to be emotionally or mentally draining then the answer is simple, it's not worth it. While I agree that relationships require time, patience and effort from both sides, it's not healthy for you to become a slave to your partners change and needs. Talk to your partner, communicate how you feel about the situation, i.e, then breaking up with you several times. They can offer their own insight of the matter as well. More importantly, you'll know where the both of you stand in terms of a relationship. If you think their perspective offers comfort and promise, then give it a try, at-least. If not then give yourself space and time to fully consider whether being with them is the right path for you to take in your life. Remember, sometimes relationships can be a 60-40 or a 10-90 rather than a 50-50. However, the result should always be a 100%
April 30th, 2015 9:26pm
It's a lost cause. Breaking up creates so much negativity that it becomes a struggle to hold on to and remember the good times.
October 23rd, 2016 6:43am
It all depends on your breaking point. We can take only so much before we break. Make sure it doesn't take a toll on your everyday life. Have a serious conversation with him/her to see where you both stand.
October 26th, 2016 4:25pm
No, if it doesn't work out then you should give up after sometime. Maybe you're not meant to be and you're destined to find someone better.
January 13th, 2018 1:14am
Maybe. It depends the quality of the relationship.If it is a abusive, stressful relationship that brings negative feelings , I guess no.
November 16th, 2017 7:36am
Yes unless she likes some one else. You should keep trying and not give up no matter what and I hope you succeed
January 31st, 2018 8:00pm
If the reasons why you broke up have changed, it's possible it may be worth it. Or maybe not. In other words, will the problems you guys had reoccur? Or do you see yourself in a deadly cycle of breaking up over and over again? Have you guys spent enough time apart to see why you guys broke up, and have one or both of you changed enough to start again? Or is the feeling of wanting to try again an impulse, which might lead to a regretful, hasty decision?
December 2nd, 2017 5:29am
I would try to talk it over again with the person, if you think they are going to break up with you again it is up to you to take that risk,].
November 17th, 2017 8:43pm
Definitely people make mistakes all the time. Especially when they think it's the right decision. It's always good to forgive and forget. It'll take time but it'll be worth it.
November 9th, 2016 1:14pm
they say that things happen for a reason, maybe the multiple break ups is a sign - sometimes it's best to move on instead of going through pain and suffering multiple times.
July 15th, 2020 4:51am
Take a long look at why you want to continue on with this person. What are the pros and cons of trying to work our a broken relationship - X 3 - ? What is the worse case scenario if you do not get back together? What is the best case scenario if you do not get back together? What is really important is your health. Your heart, mind, and soul health. You must take care of yourself first. Is this person going to hurt you again? How does that make you feel about your self? Do you trust yourself? Respect yourself? Accept yourself? Love yourself. You must learn to love yourself first. The answer is you are worth the best of everything.
April 22nd, 2020 3:41pm
Know that it's normal to feel anxiety, frustration, sadness, and every emotion in between after a breakup. However, the time following a breakup can give us a great opportunity to look inward. This is a time to take a step back and reflect (or even make a list) of the pros and cons in your relationship and ask yourself some difficult questions like "Why do I want to get back together with my ex?" Or "How can I work on my self-love?". After really reflecting and taking some time for yourself you may find a different perspective on why you might want to or not want to get back together. After all, this choice is very personal and entirely up to you and your partner. For now, allow yourself to feel some of those difficult emotions and make sure to practice self-care. Take care!
April 16th, 2020 8:29pm
I would say no .. If you've proceeded to break up this many times that's a likely chance that the relationship would end up very toxic if you were to try again especially if your experiencing a lot of arguing which wouldn't surprise me if you were.. The best thing to do is stay friends if possibly , take a break . Maybe see other people and try again in a year or two of you feel it's possible it may be hard but typically it's the best way around it , I hope this answers your question and you make a sensible and safe decision , good luck !
April 12th, 2020 9:11pm
The only person who can really answer that is you. If you feel that the investment is not working for you anymore, then that leaves one answer. Ask yourself if you would continue to be in this cycle of being together and breaking up. Ask yourself if the stress or the pain is really worth it. You're the best judge. Maybe discuss it together, that way nobody is left out of the decision. It should go without saying that if you're currently questioning this, it may be the right time to get the discussion set up and handled. Good luck!
June 3rd, 2020 12:54pm
It’s definitely not worth it. The relation might be too toxic which is causing fights and breakups. It’s good to move on from the toxicity and live a healthy life. It takes time to get over but be proud of yourself. I’m sure you’re feeling really sad at the moment but I swear you’ll find someone better who won’t keep breaking up why you over small things. He’ll or she’ll know how to care about you and will protect you at all costs. Until then keep your self happy and healthy. Keep yourself engage in activities you love and admire.
June 18th, 2020 4:00am
Honestly, I understand wanting to hold on to the good memories of the past and not being able to understand or get over a relationship, but it’s all about what’s best for you. Was this relationship good for your mental and physical health? Was this relationship worth your time? Were you treated as though you deserve the world, because you do? Also, take into consideration what the other person wants, because they might not want to get back into the relationship and if they don’t that’s okay! There are plenty of people who would love you for who you are, sometimes we have to understand our limits and at what point do the cons outweigh the pros.