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Will I ever find someone else to love me?

281 Answers
Last Updated: 06/11/2022 at 2:46am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Alex DS Ellis, MA, LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

Feeling depressed or anxious can be so overwhelming. I want to help you feel better and be able to enjoy life. You are not alone and you deserve emotional support.

Top Rated Answers
December 2nd, 2021 5:39pm
Yes, lots of people love you mainly for your personality, now that I believe in you, you will not feel alone anymore. The most important thing you need to think about is life is full of joy you cant always focus on love but you can focus on having fun and enjoying your life! It does not matter what is on the outside it matters what is on the inside I know it is hard to believe but once you do you will remember this for a long time you can't dwell on the past for the future holds more in its hands
December 22nd, 2021 12:11am
I always believe that when it comes to love, there is no need for us to rush things. Love will find its way to you, love will come in the right time at the right place. No need to feel jealous of others lovelife. For the mean time, focus on yourself. Do the things that makes you happy, explore, and discover. Get to know yourself better, know your worth. So that when the right time comes, you're ready. Do not get into any relationship just because you are bored or feel lonely, be in one because you love the person.
January 20th, 2022 5:40pm
I was in a stage where I was accustomed to being in a relationship. After leaving my last long-term relationship, I began dating to try filling that void I had in me. However, that only made things worse because every time I thought I found someone I became attached and only ended up getting hurt. The moment I decided to quit looking, he came unexpectedly. I believe there is someone for everyone we just have to be patient and not try to force relationships. Getting to know a person long-term before turning it into something more can also help us avoid a painful situation.
February 24th, 2022 7:30am
I think, yes or may be one day, you'd definitely able to find someone who will love you unconditional, selfless and naturally. This world is all filled with humans, and humans are all full of emotions and the most beautiful emotion is love. So I believe with so many people around you, you will find someone who'd love you. love is something we always exchange among people and just need to realize the love you want from someone and when you find someone, staying, holding on to him is the best thing you can do. So just wait for the person you're looking for, when that person will appear, it'll make you realize that he worth the wait. Because of him only, you'd know why past things didn't workout.
February 24th, 2022 5:30pm
To find someone to love you, you can't just stay at home and expect for it to happen. Get off of your phone and start socializing with people outside. Love is always around us, that is a fact. Find someone that loves you for who you are. Have faith in yourself, tell yourself that you are worthy of love. I love you and I wish you all the best that life has to offer. Love is truly an amazing feeling and I hope you can find this in your life. Love is incredible and you will find someone who loves you.
February 27th, 2022 5:45pm
yes! of course, you will. It could take a day, a month, a year or it could be just around the corner but no matter what you will be loved and you will be happy. A lot of people think that after one break up that they will never be loved and that is not true at all love is everywhere and it will find you. :) and if anyone need help feeling more confident and anything else message me because I am here for any and everybody. I can not give advice but I am here to listen to you :)
March 6th, 2022 1:19pm
I can understand that you feel anxious about if you you will ever find someone else to love you. I can sense that you may feel scared, worried, disappointed and perhaps rejected. I have as well experienced broken down relationships before and I understand how it feels like. Have you thought what it didn't work out in the previous relationship and why this relationship has broken down? Also, have you thought of how would you feel about being single? Again, what do you think about being ready to start a new relationship and how do you feel you may be doing differently in the next relationship?
March 16th, 2022 4:56pm
You will find someone, you maybe just haven't found the right person. There is somebody or multiple people out there for you, that will love and care and cherish you. You just have to believe and have hope that you will find this person/people. They are out there and waiting to find you, just like you are waiting to find them. And you will know. You will know when you find them because it will feel right. It will feel so right. You will know and you will never want to let them go and they won't want to let you go. That is love. That is love and it will find you. Just have hope. Just hope that you will find this person/people. They are waiting for you. Go find them.
April 16th, 2022 5:06am
You will. And always will. But you need to know something before you believe with my words, 1. give an efforts, this is a must. You can’t stay in your home, and get a girl. 2. throw your ego. Yes and always yes. If you find someone that you love, it is a must to throw up your ego. Because she always has her ego also, and if both of you use your own ego. There will be no one that give in. 3. you need to love yourself at first. Know yourself better, know your surrounding better. It so much more harder rather than love other people. When you already done to love yourself, you will easily love other people without forgetting yourself. 4. be good to everyone. Nobody will know who is their partner of life. You can meet your partner everywhere. Just believe in one thing, if i be good, people do the same. If they don’t do the same, i still be good to them. 5. don’t ever believe with destiny. (i’m so sorry for people that still believe with god that gives partner). But let me tell you a secret, if you believe with destiny. You will no longer strive to find your lover. You just stuck in your home and pray to god, to give you the best girl ever. What you need now is to believe there will be a partner of your life. It will encourage your brain and heart to keep searching and searching, over and over again for a girl. If you already done with all of those statement. You will find a girl that didn’t love you, but you love her. Or vice versa, where you find a girl that loves you so much, but you don’t. And my last word will reveal it. 6. Love is a journey, don’t ever think the destination. Enjoy your journey to go there. Both of you will falling in love with the journey, and you will get the destination. Where both of you love each others. Tons of loves,
June 11th, 2022 2:33am
You will. It is tough to get past the person who hurt you, but you will. You may not notice, but you talk to people who love you every day- even if they have a funny way of showing it. Especially with depression or anxiety, we often times doubt ourselves and our self-worth, making it hard to believe that someone will love you just as much as you love them. The first step is to love yourself. It's a hard concept to wrap your head around. It was even hard for me. When you love yourself, you can say "I love me" and "I am worth so much" and more. It takes time and practice, but maybe look in the mirror one day at what you would describe as your "worst trait" and say, "you are beautiful, even though I don't say that enough." FIND the beauty within, force those positive affirmations from your mouth until they come without a second thought. You are worth it.
June 11th, 2022 2:46am
"Will I ever find someone else to love me?" If you want the short answer: Yes If you want the long answer: Yes... there's someone out there for everybody :) I hope you enjoyed this short and completely honest answer, because, well, it's true! Don't believe the lie that you have been telling yourself that you are unloveable, because you are. You not just loveable, but you are also unique, and wonderfully flawed and amazingly perfect in unpredictable ways. You are YOU! And somewhere out there, I promise you, there is someone who dreams of your smile and who has spent so much of their time longing for the day when they will be able to get to know the person that you are. :)