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Why do I feel so alone?

118 Answers
Last Updated: 04/21/2020 at 1:47am
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Jui Shankar, Ph.D


My worldview offers a systems perspective that values diverse clients and their struggles. I believe supportive and nonjudgmental therapeutic relationships empower clients.

Top Rated Answers
September 9th, 2015 11:15pm
Do you go to school/ work? Do you talk to people? How many friends do you have? Any relationship partner? Do you have family?
September 6th, 2015 11:11am
On my 25th birthday , nobody remembered , I kept expecting a surprise party or a lavish candle light dinner. I honestly thought it was a sick joke , but by 9pm I realized it wasn't happening. I sat in my bedroom crying with a migraine, and felt so I insignificant. I hit my rock bottom that night , but it was also the start of an epic adventure , Becoming my very own fan club. I sat upright and decided then and there , I was going to fall inlove with me , and learn to love my own company. I realized I am an awesome human being and NOBODY has the power to make me feel anything I dont want to , even when Its me putting me down. Its been almost a year now , and I have pushed past my comfort zone and got to know how special I am , yes we do need to hear certain things from others but honestly all the answers are within you ... You are never alone when you are you're own fan club.
September 5th, 2015 7:02pm
Feeling alone can be brought on by mental illness, or just lack of friends and compassion from others.
September 4th, 2015 8:12pm
Its hard to know exactly why one feels alone. It could be due to many reasons in your life. If you are experiencing difficulty you can always come to 7cups of tea to talk with one of the many listeners. Or you could perhaps look into you local community for volunteer opportunities to help extend your time to others. Including Nursing homes, hospitals, churches, or animal shelters.
September 4th, 2015 12:19pm
I have a hard time fitting in with people at my school and have to pretend to be somone i clearly am not as people will judge me for being who i really am. . . its hard to be someone your not when no one you know is anything like your true self.
September 3rd, 2015 6:10am
We feel alone because we are human. It's normal to feel this way. So when we do feel alone the first thing to remember is that, we are not alone feeling this way and, like everything, it will pass. We need this solitude to reflect on our real self sometimes (not society's self) and make the appropriate changes to better "I" first. Glad to read you're human. B-Blessed
September 1st, 2015 4:44pm
Why do I feel alone? There are many reasons. I guess it's not exactly because I am alone. I have my family. But I don't have the one person I need in my life. That person is gone and is never coming back. I'm alone because this person took a piece of me with them. A piece that I will never get back.
August 31st, 2015 10:31am
Sometimes we can be in a crowded room and feel alone other times it maybe because we isolate ourselves from friends or family. Sometimes it is ok to want to be alone but always remeber to do things you love so you do not feel alone.
August 30th, 2015 4:02pm
Sometimes people can fell alone even if they are actually not. This is because of condition which cause us to fell lonely. We just must look around us more carefully and notice people there for us
August 29th, 2015 11:51pm
Loneliness is not something that is external, it comes from within. You can be in the middle of a carnival and still feel lonely. Why are you feeling alone? Are you talking much to people? Are you getting enough love? Or is it physical love that is the issue? Maybe you are craving for a different type of interaction? With animals? I have a cat and sometimes i just want to becwith him even though i can talk to my friends. I can recommend a book to you called 'Grace Of Solitude' from Valerio Albisetti. It really holds many answers how to cope with loneliness. Feeling alone is not unnatural but if it prolongues, can affect mental and even physical health at some point. People are social beings. Hope this helps, dear questioner :)
August 29th, 2015 5:51am
It is one of the most Human things to feel alone. Loneliness is something no human being can escape. We all feel it. Some more than others. The good thing? If you feel it, it means you haven't surrounded yourself with a fake and surreal life. The people in your life right now actually matter and care about you. I'd suggest spending more time with them :)
August 28th, 2015 4:43am
Surround yourself with the people that you love and who love you. Hanging around with people that treat you like dirt under their shoe is nobody worth hanging around with. If you feel like you have nobody to hang around with, perhaps it is time that you meet new people. There will always be someone out there who will thoroughly enjoy your company.
August 27th, 2015 6:59pm
Sometimes when I feel alone, I try to make engaging with others a priority. Everyone is different of course, for me I enjoy being around people. I will make a point to make time in my life to schedule being with friends whether it's people coming over for a glass of wine and discussions or a board game night.
August 27th, 2015 2:39am
When I feel alone that must be the time I feel lonely or down. But I would try on something to get me distracted like yoga, some funny variety shows or hang out with friends etc. these help me better.
August 26th, 2015 4:01am
Sometimes it can feel like you're alone. But there's always someone willing to help you. Either a friend, family member, listener, counselor. There's always someone. Always have hope.
August 23rd, 2015 5:48pm
Feel alone because the person you share everything with once goes away half of your life vanishes...
August 23rd, 2015 12:13am
People who often feel alone tend to isolate themselves. Isolating is usually a coping skill that people do when they don't think others can help them.
August 22nd, 2015 5:23pm
Everybody could fell so alone in their life. That is life stream. If you feel so alone and you don't want to talk somebody. Please read book that is about your problem and you can understand you are not alone in this big world.
August 22nd, 2015 2:31am
Many times I feel alone is because I am depressed or upset about a situation. I may feel people do not understand me or what I am going through. Or sometimes I feel I am the only one going through a situation. In reality, it is the perception of the situation that makes a person feel so alone.
August 22nd, 2015 12:05am
That's nothing I can answer for you. Loneliness is a common feeling when you don't have many friends, family members, or anyone to talk to.
August 21st, 2015 10:17pm
I believe everyone feel alone at some point in there lives, i feel alone at times because at a time i may not have anyone around, anyone to communicate with, anyone i can hug and hold close or just laugh. Sometimes just thinking of some memories loneliness sneaks up on you and you fall into a sudden sadness.
August 21st, 2015 4:03am
Maybe because you don't have a person who you can speak and tell her how do you feel really. You must go out and meet new people for have a little fun in your life!
August 21st, 2015 4:02am
Sometimes feeling alone is the worst feeling. I remember when I felt alone the best thing I could do for myself was distract my mind with games, music, etc. Also thinking about the positive things I had going in my life helped over come this emotion
August 20th, 2015 6:04pm
I feel alone when I feel disconnected with the world, may I be in crowd or with loved ones or alone. It might be some thing same. Being disconnected makes one feel alone.
August 20th, 2015 10:03am
The feeling of loneliness can be caused by lack of good friends you can talk to or just being introverted and keeping yourself distant from your friends for a long period of time, so if you feel like that, talk to parent, go out with friends your friends so you don't lose contact or talk to your therapist.
August 19th, 2015 4:02pm
Sometimes it feels as if the world is against you but it isn't. Whether you believe it or not, there are people out there who care about you. Your parents or teachers or friends. There are always people there for you.
August 19th, 2015 9:50am
I guess all of us feel alone at some's easy to get lost in your problems and not understand your emotions , the main thing to remember when feeling this way is that your never on your own , the listeners here at 7cups will always be on hand to help you out... stay positive!
Anonymous - Expert in Depression
August 19th, 2015 8:29am
Loneliness often needs to be cured with human interaction. Not just any human interaction, but contact with supportive people you enjoy to be around. Maybe try joining clubs, going out and socialising more and see if that makes a difference.