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Why do people think that I'm depressed to get attention?

42 Answers
Last Updated: 03/02/2020 at 9:23am
Why do people think that I'm depressed to get attention?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Stacy Overton, PhD.


I am an enthusiastic life-long learner and also a professor of counseling. I have a passion for peoples stories and helping to guide and empower the human spirit.

Top Rated Answers
February 13th, 2015 10:44pm
A lot of people just don't understand depression, and don't know how to react when they meet someone that's clinically depressed. Try not to blame them for their ignorance; it's simply a consequence of the society we live in. Know that here, on 7 Cups, you're in a safe space, filled with people that understand and are willing to take you seriously.
April 19th, 2016 2:33pm
Some people just don't understand what depression is. They think that we are overreacting. They think that we want attention. I believe that it is a lack of knowledge. If people have not experienced depression, they think that we are making a big deal out of nothing. However, those people are ignorant in regards to depression. They don't know what it's like. This is mainly why I think people tend to think such things. We know what it's like, her on 7 cups. Many of us have experienced depression so know that you are not alone. We are here for you and we know that no one pretends to be depressed for attention. It's a real struggle and you deserve all the help that you can get. We are here for you. We understand you.
June 23rd, 2015 8:19pm
Why do u care about people , sometimes all u have to do is just mute the whole world and live for yourself you're not born to please people and I hope you find the right person who doesn't judge :)
August 4th, 2015 1:45am
They don't really think that, they just want to think that because believing you are actually depressed scares or overwhelms them--also, they're probably in the habit of dismissing & invalidating you and if they started taking you seriously now they would have to admit they were wrong the whole time. Essentially, they are lazy cowards.
December 21st, 2015 9:43pm
People suffering from mental health are still poorly understood by people who are unfamiliar with these issues. Depression is a complex problem that invades all sphere of the life of those who suffer from it and it's hard for most people to really understand what goes on into your head. Ignorance is the root of all jugments.
April 11th, 2015 10:05am
Because they've never been depressed and cannot relate to it at all. Since it is an alien concept to them, the idea of people faking it to get attention is a plausible explanation to them.
December 7th, 2015 2:45am
That's only because they want you to snap out of your depression. They believe that they are helping you
June 30th, 2015 1:12am
the symptoms of depression can manifest themselves in a very external manner and the extra noticeably you are displaying may lead people who do not properly understand the problem to think you are doing it for attention.
June 7th, 2016 6:18am
In my experience, it can sometimes be because we DO need attention, and needing attention should never be seen as a bad thing. We all need attention, care, and support in order to cope effectively with our emotions, especially when we are dealing with something as difficult as depression. Alternatively, it may be because of the stigma surrounding mental health issues, or because of a misunderstanding on the part of those who imagine you're seeking their attention. They may also have their own issues that they're dealing with which cause them to lash out at you unnecessarily. Whatever the reason, please know that this is definitely not a "you" problem! This is someone else's problem.
January 25th, 2016 8:53pm
Because they are not depressed and they don't understand you. It really amazes them the fact that you're revealing you're sad because people use to pretend they're always happy. Being sad is normal. If you feel like crying, do it, you have feelings. Ask for help and advice and you will feel better. I'm always here!
August 15th, 2016 8:57pm
Sadly there is a minority of people in the world who pretend to have a mental disorder to gain attention which can cause even more stigma against depression and the people who struggle with it. The best way to deal with it is to explain to these people that you have genuine struggles with it and need support.
February 19th, 2018 7:40pm
Some people may not understand depression so they think you are doing it for attention. Some people are just awful though. It helps to ignore those people and focus on the people that really care.
September 19th, 2016 11:30pm
A lot of people who think people who say they have depression are asking for attention because they do not understand it themselves. They do not realize that it is a disease that should not be taken lightly.
May 30th, 2016 6:01pm
There are lots of negative connotations associated with depression, such as attention-seeking. This is due to some people being uneducated and not understanding depression for what it is. Usually these people have only seen social media where people have uploaded pictures of their scars or dramatic paragraphs where they romanticise mental illness, which leads them to believe that this is what everyone suffering from depression is like, rather than the minority.
January 12th, 2016 2:25am
Because some time they see this outgoing person and have issues of their own so it's easier for them to put some one else down then face their issues.
January 11th, 2016 10:35am
Because people don't know what it's like. They only see the fake parts of you that you can muster. They can't know what you're going through. So they make an excuse. They tell themselves that it's just for attention because they've never had heart-wrenching depression.
December 29th, 2015 1:41pm
Most of the people don't understand depression, and it's a difficult thing to talk about, they are not really judging you, it's just something you don't understand when you're not going through it. Just acknowledge that they might misunderstand you and what you're going through.
December 22nd, 2015 5:12am
Because they are uneducated about depression. I think a lot of people are afraid of depression as well, so they aren't sure how to respond.
May 28th, 2015 6:06pm
Some people might have issues with the idea of things like that. Especially with people on the internet and in their weird "Cool kids trends" that involve pretending to have mental issues that make people perceive different veiws.
January 8th, 2018 10:23am
I believe everyone is suffering in their own way. Some people more than others. I think some people don’t want to face the reality of depression and there is a stigma around it that people need to educate themselves more on. I also believe people think they are best helping you by masking it.
February 5th, 2018 6:52pm
Depression requires care for those around the person as well as care inside the person for them to get better. Depression can also be connected with loneliness, so some crave affection and validation. Sadly, there are people who have used depression for mass attention, regardless of whether or not the person truly had depression. A few people sadly ruined it for those who actually struggle and just need love and acceptance. It belittles the internal struggle people face, and so people learned to be wary of those who say they have depression. It's not the way it should be, but sadly it's the way it is. (Besides, attention isn't inherently bad. It's usually the way you get said attention that can be a problem).
March 2nd, 2020 9:23am
People think this because depression is heavily misunderstood. People who have never experienced depression cannot empathize with those who have, and are currently feeling depressed. It is important to be true to your feelings regardless of what others think or say. It is also crucial to protect yourself from others harsh and uneducated thoughts and words. If you feel that someone is creating more issues and making you feel worse about your situation, you need to distance yourself from them. Depression should be met with empathy and support and love. Not judgement and harshness. It is important to always feel safe.
August 22nd, 2017 3:47am
People these days just don't seem to fully understand depression. Most schools ignore depression completely so students are not fully aware of what it is. Some might not even now it existed as badly as it does, and could think you are making it worse than it really is. People are just not as educated on the topic as they should be.
April 12th, 2018 3:14pm
Some people just have it a little to good going in their lives. They will never understand and just think it's for attention and that we are overreacting. No, it's a chemical imbalance within the brain caused by a heavy amount of sadness.
July 9th, 2018 11:18pm
Because there is some people out there that do say 'act' depressed to recieve attention so when some people hear of you being depressed, they can make assumptions and assume you're like that too. The most you can do is prove them wrong.
July 17th, 2018 6:44am
People are ignorant. Most aren't like us so they don't understand. They see us as dramatic but they don't know what it's like to not be able to get happy and to feel worthless. They try to place a rational explanation to something they can't comprehend
December 10th, 2018 2:48am
Alot of people think this, because they do not understand what youre going through. Its not fair of them to be treating you like this. In today's world there are many people who pretend to be depressed in order to recieve attention, and because of this, even when someone really is depressed, people think everyone is lying. You couls try to jot worry about what they are saying, and try to find someone who cares abiut what youre going through and understands, and does want to help. Ive expreieced the same thing, and it is really bad. But eventually you'll find someone who does want to help you.
January 7th, 2019 9:22pm
People that do not suffer with depression honestly do not understand what it feels like to deal with, they believe that Mental Health is not real or that is not that bad to deal with . They are not educated in Mental Health because they do not want to be or they are scared of learning about it. People say things because they do not know what else to say or they try and believe that their loved one can just get over it really easy. We can not allow what others think of us affect us because when we do it sets us back and we will retreat and not seek the help we need.. Become your own Advocate. Search for all the resources you possibly can and know that you are not seeking attention you are seeking Help and Moral support.
November 18th, 2019 9:21pm
They themselves do not understand what depression is and how it affects a person. It is a new concept to them and so they react by thinking that it’s an attention stunt. People who don’t understand mental illness find it harder to relate to those with it and so often do not take them seriously. They don’t know how to deal with the issue, or actually refuse to acknowledge that there is an issue. Some people can’t wrap their heads around it. Others are cynical and believe that people take advantage of mental health to get ‘perks’ or ‘advantages’ such as attention. If attention isn’t you intention, then you don’t need to worry about what they think.
February 17th, 2020 7:28am
It is because people who don't struggle with depression don't understand what depression is. No one taught them what depression is, no one was taught about it at schools (unless they studied psychology, psychiatry or psychotherapy or any other science closely connected with mental health (social work for example)). Most other people haven't got a clue about what depression really is. Furthermore, word depression is overused and abused in media. For example, they say that you are depressed if you are stressed due to long work and that some exercises and relaxation help in this case. But it isn't depression, it is stress which, btw, has some of the symptoms of depression but it isn't the same as depression, such as pain in leg muscless after 5 miles run isn't the same as pain in muscles and joints due to arthritis.