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My dad likes to touch me. Is this sexual abuse?

279 Answers
Last Updated: 06/03/2022 at 1:24am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lisa Groesz, PhD


With evidenced based therapies, we find the root of the problem together to implement solutions. We all face crises, transitions, or disorders at some time.

Top Rated Answers
July 13th, 2018 10:02pm
It depends on in what way he is touching you. If you feel violated in any way it is. You should get in touch with someone.
July 25th, 2018 3:01pm
If it is in a sexual way then yes. Always try and talk to someone you trust about this sort of thing like a friend of someone close to you. I spoke to my friend about this and was taken seriously
July 26th, 2018 11:04pm
Yes. This is sexual abuse and I feel you should talk to someone you trust about this. Everyone has a voice to be heard.
August 1st, 2018 9:29pm
Any form of unwanted, non-consensual contact is sexual abuse. How/Where does he touch you? Do you think this is crossing the boundary?
August 9th, 2018 5:34am
If this gets serious, It can be sexual abuse. Love is shown in many different ways, But once something makes you uncomfortable thats when you seek help.
August 11th, 2018 5:54pm
It really depends on where he touches you and how he touches you. And if it makes you uncomfortable just tell him to stop
August 26th, 2018 9:27pm
I think it is normal for families to be affectionate with each other, but there is limits to that affection. Is it ok for dad to give a hug and kiss on the cheek to his teenage daughter? How about snuggling with her on the couch during a movie? I think the answer to these types of questions all depend on the motive. If dad is doing it out of love for his children and nothing more, than I believe it is good and OK. But if he is doing it to gain pleasure, or to replace some missing affection in his life, then it may be a problem and inappropriate.
September 6th, 2018 2:52am
How would you define this touching? I believe if this touching brought you to this thread, then there is a problem that needs to be addressed. We are not aware of the details so, I recommend you talk to a trusted adult. If you feel uncomfortable when he touches you, then there is underlying problems. I am not sure where you are talking about but if he is sexually touching you, then yes, that is sexual abuse. If you even have to question it, then that is a definite sign. Please go talk to a trusted adult, school counselor, teacher, etc. I was raped about a year ago and it actually took me a month to actually say out loud that I was raped. I did not open up about this or get help with it until a few months ago so I urge you to reach out right now. Please feel open to message me if you need to talk and keep me posted. Be strong and the best thing to learn from my mistake, speak up please. ❤️
October 3rd, 2018 5:53pm
Sexual abuse is clearly defined as an abusive act that is beyond of what a normal father would do to his son / daughter. I do believe that touching may be included, but is not limited to signs of sexual abuse. I do believe that if you feel uncomfortable with this happening, you should try to speak with your father. If he harasses you sexually that may also bridge to verbal and physical abuse, thus, don't hesitate to seek legal guidance. Nobody deserves to be abused regardless of age, gender, spiritual belief, ideas, thoughts, etc. Abuse is abuse. No matter what happens, even if he is your father, this is not okay.
October 27th, 2018 2:09pm
If you do not want him to touch you are you try to resist than yes It is I would contact authorities right away this is only if you are under 18. If you are not I would see if you can find another safe place to live try telling you dad that you do not want him to touch you and see if he responds to that. Try talking to another adult in you life and tell them about this. If they know your dad they may better be able to give advice on what to do I hope this gets better!
November 29th, 2018 10:21pm
That really depends on many factors. Such as your age, your consent and how he touches you. However, it most likely IS sexual abuse if it makes you uncomfortable or if he does anything you don't want to do. If that is the case, you should either report it to the police or tell someone around you that you trust. If you do not want to do that, you can start by having a talk with your father about what makes you uncomfortable. Unfortunately, most of the sexual abuse comes from people you know and trust, so please, take care!
December 1st, 2018 7:26pm
It depends on where he touches you and under what intention. If he touches you on your chest ir ass or genitalia (even over your clothes then yes it is sexual abuse. Even touching you without you wanting it is not. Even if you like it its not allowed. You need to talk to someone about it and figure something out to make kt stop before he tries something else. Dont be afraid to reach out to 7cups or friends and other family members because its for your well being. Maybe you its not even his intension to be inappropriate so you can also talk to him and ask him why he does that and that he needs to stop because you feel uncomfortable with it.
January 2nd, 2019 11:57am
where is your dad touching you?, if your dad is touching your genitals then yes it is very much inappropriate however if he is just ruffling your hair then it is not furthermore, if he kissing you on the lips then it could be a sign of sexual abuse ultimately though what do you think, does this bother you? if it does you need to think carefully on a course of action.
February 8th, 2019 9:04am
If he touches parts of you no father should go near or touches you sexually then it is sexual abuse. If he is touching you in ways that make you uncomfortable but isn't genitally then it is probably sexual assault which is just as bad. You have the right to tell him NO! And the right to tell someone when he steps out of line. Sexual abuse is often someone making you do something sexually to them that you don't want to, or them doing something sexually to you. Either way it is wrong and you do not need to put up with it. Reach out to someone and talk to them about it
February 14th, 2019 8:03pm
Any contact between an older person and a child that is for the purposes of sexual stimulation and results in sexual gratification for the older person is considered sexual abuse. If your dad is touching you in that way, or even if you're not sure and it just makes you feel uncomfortable, then it is not appropriate. If you feel this way, I hope you are able to find someone who you trust and feel safe with, and tell them what is happening. If you don't have someone like that there are most likely local resources you can reach out to. Telling someone what is happening can be difficult, but it is an important step.
March 14th, 2019 10:35pm
First, I am so sorry that this happens to you, but the truth is that yes, this is sexual abuse. If you didn't consent to being touched, or you didn't want him to touch you where he did, then it is sexual abuse. No one should touch you without your express consent. It doesn't matter where he touched you or for how long, it's wrong and you should to talk to someone about it, maybe someone close to you that you trust. Whatever you end up doing, you can't let this continue any further than where it has gone, you deserve better.
May 3rd, 2019 10:05am
Does he touch you inappropriately? If yes, then it is sexual abuse. It is a crime. Child sexual abuse is a form of child abuse in which a child is abused for the sexual gratification of an adult or older adolescent. It includes direct sexual contact, the adult or otherwise older person engaging indecent exposure (of the genitals, female nipples, etc.) to a child with intent to gratify their own sexual desires or to intimidate or groom the child, asking or pressuring a child to engage in sexual activities, displaying pornography to a child, or using a child to produce child pornography.
June 14th, 2019 3:55pm
Yes! Definitely. It’s sexual abuse and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. You need to talk to someone. This is not okay and he doesn’t get to get away with it. Please report it to someone you trust. I’m here for you if you need anything. Remember it’s not your fault. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. What he’s doing to you is wrong and atrocious. I’m sorry you have been exposed to such abuse. But you can stop him, let your voice be heard. I know a lot of people who have been sexually abused and they got the help they needed.
June 20th, 2019 2:21pm
In anyway or with any person shall you feel uncomfortable then yes. You have the right to your body— speak up to protect it and you! The hardest part may be to say no but the easiest part is moving on from this and accepting that it is not what you want. While innocence of a child and their parent involve touching this is out of love, once the touching becomes not innocent and you question yourself and the touching— it doesn’t seem as innocent or comfortable anymore. Speak to someone, say no to your father and the way he “touches” you.
August 14th, 2019 12:40pm
Most of the time, sexual abuse comes from people we know and because of it, we're afraid to acknowledge it or reach out. Sometimes it's because we're not sure whether it's sexual abuse and it's harder to accept that it is because it comes from someone close. But it's sexual abuse if the touching is inappropriate and makes you feel uncomfortable. It also counts if it's inappropriate remarks about your body. If this is the case, then you should reach out to a trusted person or to the police and they will get you the help you deserve
August 18th, 2019 6:29pm
I guess it depends on where he touches you. If he touches you in intimate areas then this is sexual abuse. If he touches you and you do not want him to then that is also sexual abuse. If you ask him to stop and he doesn't, again this would warrant sexual abuse. There are support groups out there that support people going through sexual abuse just as they support survivors of sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is not okay and you do not need to put up with it. Your Dad is an adult and should know better. Nothing excuses that behaviour. I encourage you to speak out.
October 3rd, 2019 4:03am
Depends on the situation but most likely I would say yes. If it strays from something you're comfortable with, even if just remotely, then definitely. If it's just pure affectionate perhaps hugging, and your father tends to do that with any family members and is himself a very open and touchy, then still be on guard but it would likely be okay. However if you ever get a bad feeling from this, feels uncomfortable, or if you feel like your father's affectionate with perhaps only you or only a group of people that you're included in, such as your age range or your gender, than be very careful about this. And since you have this suspicion, always be ready to be able to distance yourself away if anything goes wrong.
October 17th, 2019 3:10pm
He is your father so maybe he is just the touchy type; however if you feel uncomfortable then let him know and I'm sure he'll stop. However, if he is touching you inappropriately then yes, that can be classified as sexual harassment/abuse.
December 8th, 2019 5:38am
Short answer, yes. Any form of unwanted physical contact is abuse, and you don't have to push yourself to go through it at all. If you've made your boundaries clear to him, and he still doesn't stop, it would be a good idea to get in touch with Child Help Services in your area. Sexual abuse is a punishable offense, as you may know. Once again, there is absolutely no need for you to bear with this, whether it is out of fear or a simple desire to preserve peace. Never let people take advantage of you, regardless of their relationship with you.
December 8th, 2019 6:53am
i believe it is if you find it uncomfortable and feel am indication of a sexual intention. talking to someone you can trust and who also could do something about it is a good precaution to take. Make sure you don't make wrong assumptions and try to explain his inappropriate behavior as fatherly affection. No father should try something like that with their child. If you want you can try and tell him to stop but it might be better idea to inform someone who can handle the situation as if he really is doing it in a sexual way, he wont be very keen to stop.Everyone deserves a good and caring parent and no one should have to put up with this kind of behavior.
January 22nd, 2020 7:38pm
It depends how he is touching you, and how old you are. Always be sure to confirm his intentions. If he is hugging you for a long period of time don't assume he is trying to abuse you, maybe he was missing you or was having a rough day and just really needed a hug to make him feel better. Depending on how old you are him cuddling with you at night isn't always abuse, maybe he is just trying to hold onto you while he still can because you are growing up fast. I have personally experienced this and I know that my dad isn't sexually abusing me. Hope this helped. :)
January 25th, 2020 2:55pm
If he's touching you in a way that is fatherly like for example patting your head etc then that is not sexual abuse. However if he is touching you in areas that you are not comfortable in for example for private areas or he is becoming quite aggressive when coming to touch you then I do think it is sexual abuse and you should talk to a trusted adult about it straight away whether its your mum or a teacher. Someone who you can trust. Don't feel embarrassed, it can be quite nerve wracking but if it puts you in danger then your safety matters most.
January 29th, 2020 10:01am
I suppose it all depends what you mean by 'touch'. There are different types of touching, some of which are acceptable, others of which amount to sexual abuse. Some families are naturally tactile and hugs, cuddles and embraces are just part of normal, affectionate daily life. And this is all well and good as long as it's above board and consensual. But there are limits to what is acceptable. If your dad starts to 'touch' you in a way you don't feel comfortable with and doesn't stop when you ask him to, then in my opinion that verges on, or is actually, sexual abuse. Any deliberate sexual contact between a parent and a child (especially repeated contact) is sexual abuse and shouldn't be tolerated. If he continues to touch you in ways you feel are inappropriate, you should tell someone. Never let him tell you that this is your fault or it is just because he loves you. This kind of guilt-tripping is typical abuser behavior. You need to put a stop to it one way or another.
April 1st, 2020 5:33pm
It depends on the kind and place of touch. Usually, it is appropriate for fathers to have physical contact with their children. However, if the father touches the child/daughter in intimate areas and against the child's will, that can be sexual abuse. Usually, it is sexual abuse when your dad is touching you under your clothes and in intimate regions against your will and may force you to touch him back in his intimate areas for his pleasure. Your dad may threaten you to keep the experience a secret as well. Another good indication is when your dad is also physically or emotionally abusive toward your mother.
April 1st, 2020 11:07pm
Hey! i hope your okay but i know this must be such a difficult time but we're here to help. When this happens how does it make you feel and also how often does it happen? the most important thing is dealing with how you cope with this and making sure you're okay and can talk through any uncomfortableness of the situations. feel free to send me a request if you want to talk to anyone over chat to try and understand this a bit more. no judgement, you just got to remember that you're not alone! reaching out is a great first step to the recovery... Holly x