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How do I know if I'm in love?

194 Answers
Last Updated: 08/12/2022 at 9:20pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Jennifer Fritz, LMSW, PhD

Clinical Social Work/Therapist

Day to day life can be stressful and overwhelming and my strength is assisting my clients in a supportive, empowering and practical manner.

Top Rated Answers
July 11th, 2020 6:06am
You will start envisioning your life with the person. They will consume your thoughts no matter how you are feeling. You will want to be with them frequently and you will want them to experience life with you. Sometimes it is difficult to know if you are in love, but when it comes to you, there is not a better feeling. The relationship will not feel forced; it will feel easy. You will feel like you are able to share everything and anything with the person. They will become your “go-to” person that is with you through everything. They will make you feel safe and loved.
July 16th, 2020 7:12pm
Well, I think you won't know that you're in love. It just happens. You start feeling things you have never felt before. Your partner's happiness becomes your happiness. His/her priority becomes your first priority. His/her problems becomes your problems and you feel a powerful sense of empathy towards them. You start smiling out of nowhere and the next thing you know, you are thinking about them. You start seeing a future with them. You fight for this person. You can turn the world upside for this person. Your heart rate and mind synchronizes with theirs. You wanna grow with them. You want to be good for them. Your everything starts with them and their happiness. You long to be with them. It's just a weird feeling and you're just happy about it.
July 22nd, 2020 4:04pm
When you are in love you are more forgiving than ever. You feel lighter no matter how much weight you are given by your life. You live by feeling an existence with you all the time who makes you feel you are not alone. You feel like you have someone whom you can go back to no matter what happens. You feel like you have a person who is home. You have a hard time thinking of drifting apart from that person. Simply seeing them calling or messaging makes you more than happy. Or hearing their voice makes your day. Funny is they can give you butterfies- both romantic and painful. Hope you realize you found your love at the right time in this world full of manipulating loves. Love.
July 25th, 2020 11:08pm
Love is something quite subjective to notice and there are also different types. If you develop a crush for someone, you may pay more attention when they are around, feel nervous and want them to have a good image of you. Gradually as you get to know a person better the crush may develop in falling in love which is a stronger feeling (it happens gradually). They might lift up your spirit just by being around and you might wanting to spend as much time as possible with them. You might become protective of them (although that's something you can feel strongly for friends as well) but there also appear wishes that will be different from that of a friendship - because you are attracted to that person, you may like when not only they give you attention and are affectionate, but also enjoy or imagine kissing them or generally being physically intimate. Overall, it's quite a distinctive feeling you can't confuse, you may simply overestimate or underestimate its strength.
July 27th, 2020 5:43pm
When I was in love, I usually think about the person frequently and have questions about the person in mind. I also thought about the person's well-being. Often, I find the person's habits quite adorable and note the person's dislikes and likes. Although it might sound creepy or weird, I usually catch myself noticing small details. The person's text would bring a smile to my face all the time. When I am around the person, I feel the happiest and smile like an idiot. I also find myself going great length for the person to make sure the person is safe, happy, and successful. Giving 10000% support when the person need it.
August 5th, 2020 7:36am
Love is understanding that a person is their own entirely separate entity, as are you. You both understand that at any moment one could walk away from the other and go on to live an entirely healthy and fulfilling life, but you choose not to go it alone. Love is committing to putting someone on the same level as you, to be never above nor beneath you. Love is arguing constructively, building positively and supporting equally. Love is a two way street with one lane. At times it's difficult to navigate, but with cooperation it can be done. Love is not saying that you love someone, but showing it through your actions. Love is being brave and secure with yourself, and taking a leap of faith to trust someone who owes you nothing. But in return they'll do the same. Love is consistent. Love is a sacrifice, but the reward is a best friend that cares for you as much as you do them, it's a warm spot on the other side of the bed and a level head to help you when you can't seem to balance your own. Love is the most powerful bond in the universe and it exists beyond the constructs of space, time and reality.
September 16th, 2020 9:05pm
Think about that person and be aware of how they make you feel. Do they make you laugh or smile? Do you look forward to seeing them? These are some feelings that might show you your true feelings but as with many other emotions, being in love looks different for many people. Don't rush falling in love but if you think you are there do not be afraid to embrace those feelings and immerse yourself in that love. Being in love can be a wonderful thing and each person is deserving of that. Hope this helps! Don't forget to always love yourself as well as others.
October 2nd, 2020 12:08pm
You would know when everyday you think about that person. When you want to involve them in everything that you do. Wben you don't want them upset or crying because of you. When you are with them you feel a calm feeling. Every thing settles down when they are near. There will be fights and there are fights in every relationship but after each fight you both realize that the fight was not with each other. The fight was with the problem and then you both work it out together and grow stronger. That's when you know you're in love.
October 14th, 2020 4:15pm
People who are in love generally feel a powerful sense of empathy toward their beloved, feeling the other person's pain as their own and being willing to sacrifice anything for the other person. When you're in love, you begin to think your beloved is unique. The belief is coupled with an inability to feel romantic passion for anyone else. Fisher and her colleagues believe this single-mindedness results from elevated levels of central dopamine — a chemical involved in attention and focus — in your brain. People who are truly in love tend to focus on the positive qualities of their beloved, while overlooking his or her negative traits. They also focus on trivial events and objects that remind them of their loved one, daydreaming about these precious little moments and mementos. This focused attention is also thought to result from elevated levels of central dopamine, as well as a spike in central norepinephrine, a chemical associated with increased memory in the presence of new stimuli.
October 15th, 2020 8:47pm
If you think at that person most of the time, and when you do pleasant and intellectualy exciting thoughts come to your mind, then it can mean that you are in love with that particular person. If you seem an urge to talk to them everyday or you want to be around them and care for them, might also be a strong indication that you are in love. If you sometimes talk and you end up guessing what the other will say before they open their mouth or have time to think about that, that is also an indication to that particular conclusion.
October 17th, 2020 4:01pm
The moment you realize that you want the happiness of the other person more than anything else. If you feel like the happiest person in the world when they are happy and can't see them sad even for a moment, I think you can say that you are in love. But you can't define how much you are in love with someone. You can either be completely in love with someone or not be in true love. When you can not even think of seeing them hurt, but at the same time, you are ready to give them the space that they need to be themselves and be happy about it. That is when you can say that you are really in love with someone. When their happiness matters more to you than your own.
October 30th, 2020 5:55am
Well, you kinda just know. You love this person for there flaws as well as there talents. They make you feel happy and a sense of warmth and togetherness. When you see them you can be open to them as well as quiet. They understand you and you understand them. Such as every time you dream or meet them, you count the seconds the minutes the years to see them again cause you know down deep you can’t live without them. The feeling is quite unexplainable but when you encounter it one of the best feelings you will have. :) Also depends who your in love with.................. me overthinking: Cause your question really broad most people might think about a person though the category clears this. But you might be talking about your love for pizza or a thing you think you have great fondness or fancy for. jk:)
November 7th, 2020 11:00pm
There won't be any subtle doubts or nagging issues. If you're in love, you'll know and itll be crystal clear to you! If you can see yourself being with the person you know inside out for as long as you live, confidently and passionately, then you know you're in love. I guess a connection of some form either through shared opinions, the same sense of humor or just being on the same wavelength will help you decide. Being in love isn't all the complications and worries about if they truly like you or if you belong with them: you'll just feel it!
November 11th, 2020 2:34pm
1. You’re happy and just a little bit nervous. When you're in love, you're genuinely a happier person. It's like you're on a natural high. The thought of spending time with your partner really excites you and just looking at the dozens of selfies you took together is enough to put a cheesy smile on your face. But being in love also makes you a tiny bit nervous. You're anxious for what the future holds. Because you know that you want your relationship to last. "Lots of people compare love to something they could not lose or let pass them by, yet the uncertainty of its unknown outcome is exciting," Maria says. 2. Everything feels new and exciting. When you're in love, you're excited to do things you've already done a million times before because it's with your partner this time. They're the first ones you think of when you see a romantic movie preview or when you're planning to make a quick trip to the nearest fast food place. You'd even be willing to sit through four hours of a sports game if it means spending time with them.. Maria says that's because love sparks a new change in you. "When you’re in love, the basis of your perception changes. I compare it to a feeling of being really awake and excited," she says. "You have found someone that makes everything feel new and intriguing – even if it’s just sitting on the couch watching TV.”
November 22nd, 2020 11:14pm
First of all, I have found that being in love and loving someone are two very different things. When you are "in love", it is typically a warm, fuzzy, and happy feeling you get when you think about the person and maybe even a little bit of nervousness when you are around them. If you find yourself thinking about them a lot throughout the day, wanting to text them or share moments with them, that is a really good sign that you are in love. Actually loving someone, however, is less of a feeling and more of an action. For example, if you've been in a relationship for a long time, the feeling of being "in love" comes and goes. It will not be a constant feeling of infatuation for years and years. That is where loving someone comes in. In order to love someone, it means that you put their needs in front of your own. You consider them and their feelings and try to treat them with respect and care even if they are annoying you. In short, being in love is relatively easy because it doesn't require any effort to feel how you feel about a person. But love is difficult because it requires hard work.
November 30th, 2020 5:37pm
Well, besides what happens in a purely biological sense, I think you love someone if you deem them to be an irreplaceable value to you. Who you will consider a value essentially depends on the virtues you hold as the most important to yourself, and love is when you see these same virtues embodied in the character of another person. There's also physical attractiveness which does matter to some extent. To give you an example, you may admire a friend of yours because they embody your virtues, but at the same time you might not find them physically attractive.
December 3rd, 2020 1:49am
Love is a relative term that means a different thing for every single person who can relate to it. To me, love is a feeling that my life isn't complete without that person. I would say that you know when you're in love when you can think about the future and every single place you think of going, you imagine that person beside you. When you truly believe that whoever you are thinking about is the person that you can spend the rest of your life with in a Disney happily ever after story. I would say that's when you know you're in love.
December 11th, 2020 6:35pm
If you feel that a person silences your inner noise, makes you feel calm, helps you believe in yourself more and their presence adds more to your life in some way then you can say its a kind of love worth staying for. On your part, you may find yourself concerned with the other person's well being and you may think about their happiness time to time despite the flaws in them. The flaws may annoy you, make you crazily mad at times so much so that you won't want to speak to them but even then if their well being concerns you and seeing them happy makes you genuinely happy inside then it can be said you're in love. Love takes time so it cannot be decided in a hurry if you're in love or not. If you are patient enough to wait for someone in a world where things change with a swipe and a click, you might just be in love with that someone.
December 16th, 2020 6:30am
That is an extremely personal emotion to every person and can vary based on the relationship. I knew I was in love when I looked at my partner and could see that he not only accepted me for all of me including my faults but loved me deeply because of them. That is all I needed to feel loved is to be accepted and admired for what makes me me. He has a different experience where he felt like he didn't know until a rush of feeling came over him that he was certain was love. It can be very different for even two people within the same relationship.
December 20th, 2020 10:26pm
You think about them even when doing the smallest things. You catch yourself trying to impress them, or wonder if they're looking. You want to make them happy and you unconsciously realise that they make you smile and make you feel a certain way. Whenever the topic of love comes to mind, their name is the first name that comes to mind. You think about them constantly and want to become a better person and help them become a better person too. You realise that the reason you are asking this question is because you already have a person in mind and that person is the person you are falling in love with.
January 4th, 2021 1:29pm
Love itself means different things to different people and there is no standard single definition. To some it means togetherness, to others it is caring. To some it defines loyalty and others convert it to common goals. Think deeply about what LOVE means for you, then place that person to your own yardstick of love. That might help you answer your question accurately. At the same time, it would be important to understand what Love means for the person you're wondering about. If their understanding is completely different to yours, there would be a lot more effort required to make a potential relationship work.
January 27th, 2021 3:28pm
This person will treat you with respect, love you for you, doesnt tell you what you can and cant do but most of all he treats you as an equal. You should be able to be yourself around them and feel very loved and special when in their company. He should be there when times get hard even when you dont ask for it which shows he understands and cares. he should give you things that you never dreamed of meaning that he knows you from the inside and not what you have told him. he will take time to get to know you.
April 4th, 2021 12:50am
You notice that literally EVERYTHING reminds you of them. Eating a chicken nugget? That's their go-to McDs order. Listening to Celine Dion? Oh, their mom really loves her. Wearing black jeans? You rocked the same pair on your first date. And the moment something reminds you of them, you miss them. When you say, "I miss you," it's because you really do miss them after only a day apart. It's not just a cute thing to say, it's a real ache that says they are a part of your life now. And the reason you miss them so bad is probably because You feel safe when you're around them. It's hard to describe this feeling, but it really is the best thing in the world. Like nothing bad can happen.
April 28th, 2021 4:48pm
To know you’re in love is when you always want to be around that person, you always want to make sure they are happy and it hurts to know they are hurting. Being in love means you see a future with this person, you want the absolute best for them, and you miss them the second you leave their side. Being is in love is always thinking about that person being happy they are in your life and not caring what anyone thinks because that persons makes you feel safe, happy and just feeling absolutely amazing when you’re with them
April 30th, 2021 12:48am
Symptoms of falling in love include pupil dilating, you may feel nervous when around the person you love. You would give up anything for them and let them into your heart, you might even ask them personal questions. Other symptoms might be that you feel extra clingy to that specific person and can easily be jealous is they were around someone else and not you. Signs of someone else in love would be the same, but their friends would laugh whenever you walk past the person who has a crush on you. They would want to get close to you and point their feet in the same direction to where you're standing.
May 6th, 2021 4:28am
You will know you are in love when the person is everything to will know you are in love when you want to do everything you can to be and stay with them. You will know you are in love when you will want to do everything to make the other person happy. You will know you are in love when you can’t stop smiling around them and they make you so happy. You will know you are in love when you can’t get enough of them and always want to talk or be with them. You will know you are in love when they treat you like the queen or king you deserve to be.
May 12th, 2021 1:52pm
If you are in love you want to tell that person everything that happens in your life and that person can make you smile by simply looking at them. Being in love is caring for somebody and helping them when you see they are struggling. Being in love is feeling romantically attracted to a person and enjoying the warmest hugs from that person. Being with that person makes the complete difference of having a good or bad day.
June 16th, 2021 9:18am
Love is a difficult feeling to 'pinpoint'. There are different types of love that you give to those around you, such as the love given to family, friends, or romantic partners. You can also search for 'Love Languages' to understand how you feel loved, which may also help you to come to an understanding of what you are feeling. Your emotions and the way you feel are important. Love is complicated, so give yourself time to reflect and understand yourself! Love is an experience that is unique to every person, so don't let anyone invalidate your experience. You are worthy of love.
June 20th, 2021 6:51pm
I feel like love is different for everyone because everyone is unique and has their own definition of love. People have different criteria on what love is to them. I think love can mean a lot of different things you can love someone for who they are as a person or you can be in love with someone romantically. You know you in love when you find someone that will do anything for you and support you in anything that you do. You guys should enjoy spending time together but also enjoy time apart without your sig. other getting upset
July 23rd, 2021 5:38am
You will accept yourself and the person if you're really in love. You will pay attention to little details and not focus on materialistic or superficial things. You respect each others feelings, views, opinions and emotions without giving up on your core principles. You will feel free to express your feelings and thoughts without any hesitation but keeping in mind you don't hurt the other person and have a good rapport between each other. You will trust and have faith in the other person no matter what. Also, on the same note being trustworthy and honest with your partner.