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How do I get over feeling that everyone is going to leave me?

188 Answers
Last Updated: 05/19/2022 at 1:32pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Andrea Tuck, LCPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

I tackle and discuss a multitude of social and emotional health issues. I have a belief that through empowerment and non-judgmental support clients' can thrive.

Top Rated Answers
October 26th, 2019 8:20am
I am sorry that you feel this way. It sounds like you are experiencing some anxiety, remember to take a deep breathe and remind yourself that these thoughts mostly exist inside your head. I understand it can be scary and painful if you experienced something like this in the past, learn that this happens and that there is disappointment to find out there was no investment from the other side, but don't let that close your heart; instead of clinging to those who want to leave remind yourself that the people who are still by your side are there because they truly love and appreciate you, be open to meet new people who are willing to join you in friendship. There are alot of great people to connect with, give them a chance to get to know you :)
November 6th, 2019 1:11am
Sometimes you need to self reflect & ask yourself why you feel as if everyone would leave you , What may have possibly led up to that feeling , Do you suffer from abandonment or gone through a rough breakup recently to where it’s causing you to feel alone or may be anxious. Maybe do some coloring , painting , or any activity that may push that feeling away , as a stress reliever. Happiness & being calm is key & keeping phobias , anxiety’s , & bad feelings away is the goal & in any way if you can side track the feelings , you may or may not feel better if not then check out the 7 cups help guide
November 29th, 2019 2:49pm
When you take small steps to be there for yourself, you will find that not only can you be there for yourself as if you WERE your own best friend, but that other people will begin to be there for you as well. It requires small steps and takes time, sometimes years, to build up the resilience to be there for yourself. As for the feeling that everyone is going to leave, it is important to re-focus that feeling onto yourself, and use self-talk that shows that even if everyone you know left, you, the deepest core of yourself, are still there. You can be your own safe space. Once this realization happens, you feel free to let others leave when they need to.
December 27th, 2019 6:12pm
This is very common feeling that i use to feel more than a couple times a day! I know that feeling is horrible and i want you to know that yes people do leave and it hurts like crazy when they do but you will never be completely alone. Someone is always there you just got to look and you will find them. Having this feeling is a burden cause you feel you can't let anyone in because you are scared of once you let them in you will only get hurt, and i am here to say that you will get hurt sometimes but you have to learn and grow! You will find people along the way that won't hurt you and leave though!!!!
February 14th, 2020 3:47pm
Have you thought about why you feel insecure ? Do you lack confidence ? What has happened i the past to make you feel this way ? Did one of your parents leave you ? Do you ever feel secure ? If so , what or who is around you at that time ? We all feel lonley and insecure at times . Get involved in a hobby or something you enjoy , with like minded people . Keep reaching out and finding supportive people . People that are available . Figure out what kind of people are healthy and safe .
February 29th, 2020 4:50pm
I believe that, whoever talks to you and keep hanging around you and is still present in your life. Want you in their life. Instead of worrying about when will they leave you try to deepen the connection! And to value the time with the right supportive people :D we always meet new people at the least expected areas of our lives. And if we keep worrying about those who will leave and those who are leaving then we will never find new ones because we are only looking at the past or the future while we should live the present!
March 4th, 2020 5:43pm
Figure out why you are feeling this way. Are you feeling this way due to not being about to see them, or are they ignoring you? Speak to your friends and family about how you're feeling. They can help you. The majority of the time the way you're feeling is due to self esteem issues. No one will leave you, i promise. Remember that you are valuable person, and that your value is not determined by appearance, how others treat you, your intelligence, sexuality, or race. If anyone is telling you this, they are toxic and are only trying to hurt you.
March 20th, 2020 5:42am
Personally, I have struggled with this also. It makes sense to fear being left--relationships are uncertain and we cannot tell the future, which can be incredibly stressful. While I cannot always let the feeling go, one thing that has helped significantly is remembering that it is okay to be flawed, and that I am still worthy of loving relationships even with my flaws. In addition, it can help to remember that we can become comfortable with the uncomfortable. In other words, we can radically accept the uncertainty of the future and make the best that we can of living in the present moment. Life is still worth living even though we cannot predict the behavior of another person.
November 18th, 2020 5:54am
This can be a difficult feeling to be faced with. While I am not here to give advice, as someone who as struggled through similar thoughts and feelings, talking through your situation can provide you with clarity and new mindset. It is easy as humans to continuously assume the worst, however, by reasoning through our problems it can help us realize that our anxieties are simply that - anxieties. Not realizations. Take some time and think about what leads you to feel this way, are there past experiences where individuals have left you that led you to this feeling? If so, what was the outcome? Could it have maybe been for the better? Chat with a listener about these!
April 24th, 2022 4:07pm
Sometimes, something that happened early in life, and one significant, gets stuck in your subconscious. It Becomes a part of you Even if it’s something that logically you don’t believe. Usually, if you repeat something over and over to yourself, maybe 30 days, your subconscious will finally realize, wow! This is important to me. I better remember it. Your subconscious will replace the new idea with the old idea. This isn’t simple to do of course because the old idea is stuck. But it is possible. Write yourself an affirmation, and put it somewhere where you see it every day, whenever you say it you should try to really mean it. An example information: I am worthy of long-term relationships in my life. My friends enjoy my company and come to me because I am fun, reliable and trustworthy. Family or friends that do walk away, will come back, after they work out their issues.
April 14th, 2022 9:41am
By accepting the fact that people do leave and its their choice. There is no need to think or imagine what would be consequences. If someone leaves there can be some reason which has nothing to do with you. Moreover if one can focus on building healthy relations, may it be friends or relatives, thought of their leaving becomes pointless, bcoz we realise its not something one can control. The idea underlining fear of someone leaving is a guilt that other person is leaving because of me, which is again a presumption. If we just be who we are work on relations with whom we feel comfortable, nothing else maters or to be concerned about.
April 7th, 2022 2:44am
You check the facts and make sure the message you’re giving yourself and ask yourself “Do I have proof that this is likely to happen”? Whether you have proof of it being true or not, you have 100% success rate of being able to handle it either way. Ask yourself why you stay for others? What kind of people do you want there for you and be that person to others and most importantly to yourself. Imagine what might happen if people do leave, think about those who have left already, and imagine how you would hope you would handle it. Come up with a contingency plan to care for yourself if that situation should arrive, write it down and be specific. This way if your worst imaginable situation does arise you are prepared and you are cared for by the one person who will always be there … YOU.
January 15th, 2022 5:14pm
First of all, it might help you to take some deep breaths at your own pace. Take as many as you want for as long as you need. Then, it might help to write down some things that you have accomplished over the years- it can be the smallest thing, you decide. See what you have written and feel prouf of them all; it doesn't matter how many things you have written. Then, remind yourself that everyone is worth acceptance, respect, love and compassion- including you. Sometimes you might feel doubtful, but you can overcome this. It can happen to everyone. Finally, you can try to show your appreciation to the people whom you care about in a way that comes natural to you. If this feeling doesn't seem to go away, you can always address a professional who will listen to you carefully and give you appropriate feedback.
January 5th, 2022 8:48pm
Start to be more comfortable with yourself, sometimes loneliness is not a negative thing unless you depict it as so. You can be emotionally indipendent from others and remember that you only are the key of your happiness, in addition, sometimes unconsciously when we are alone, since we usually believe that loneliness is a negative and toxic experience, we don't enjoy things that we will usually have enjoyed in company. Start doing an activity that makes you happy or satisfied when you are alone, so you will understand that happiness doesn't always come from others, if you want you can be happy even alone
December 29th, 2021 12:17am
This is a very valid question and it can be hard to deal with this situation as life continually changes and you are meeting and leaving people. My advice to this is that you invest in yourself and cultivate enough self confidence and self love to know that you got your own back at the end of the day. In addition, it helps to voice your concern to your loved ones and they can help reassure you! In the end, know that everything is always going to work out for you and there are many great memories and moments that will be ahead and that you have been able to live.
December 22nd, 2021 2:41am
The thought of everyone in your life leaving is terrifying, irrational, and gives you a lot of unnecessary stress. The people around you aren't suddenly going to disappear without warning. You can take a couple of deep breaths and trust that they're here to stay. Have they actually given you a reason to think they're going to leave? Is this your insecurities speaking? If so, positive affirmations can help. You can repeat a phrase like "I am enough", and challenge your negative thoughts. And if people in your life do leave, that's also okay. It may hurt, but it doesn't determine your worth. You're more than your friendships :)
October 12th, 2021 9:22am
Start investing in your happiness and stop waiting for someone to do the things you want with you. A friendly, happy person will find companions everywhere. Realize that you are worthy of love and loyalty. Life is change. Wanted or unwanted, change will happen. But, if you have cultivated your inner strength, it will be accepted more than mourned when the change comes. I know that all of these things take practice, and if you have had people bail on you during hard times, it gets a bit harder to trust. But, people who love you will be there during good times and bad. Throughout your life, people do come and go, whether by choice or by death. That happens to everyone. I would advocate taking some action so that you can shift your worry to doing something. If you have been giving them regular use, those worry muscles will need something else to do. For now, fear is a bit overprotective.
June 16th, 2021 5:44pm
It can be hard to get over the feeling that everyone is going to leave you. The fear of abandonment is a very deep seated and fundamental (but also common) fear. If you are struggling with the fear of abandonment, abandonment anxiety, separation anxiety, or other abandonment issues, therapy may be able to help. Therapy can get to the root of the issue and identify coping skills and strategies for better management of these feelings in day-to-day life. Other options include building and maintaining healthy self esteem, striving for a robust support network, practicing emotional responsibility, practicing mindfulness meditation, and/or reflecting on how and why abandonment impacts you as it does. It may seem like a lot of work initially, but you are worth it!
June 11th, 2021 7:13pm
Being able to trust them is important. And believing that no everyone is the same. Some people want to stay in your life and love you. It is nice to remind yourself that they love you. They will also show you through their behavior, gestures like make food for you or help you with something. Take notice of those things. It might also be useful to write about what you are glad about for instance your relationship with others etc everyday when you wake up in the morning. It will provide you with constant reminder. In the end, you should try to trust.
June 3rd, 2021 10:13am
Be the source of your happiness: It's the most terrible thing to depend on any kind of outer source for your happiness. If someone stays with me I'll be good. Bad habit. I had similar issue. I was praise oriented. I used to judge my performance & looks by people's opinion. Sometimes I was very happy but mostly it was very depressing. Also I've lived in three different cities so I'd to leave many friends but I had to. The key is never depend on any outer source for your happiness. Be the source of your pleasure. I've some projects & I've some friends for those projects but even if they refuse to be with me I'll pursue my goals because it's my life & my happiness and I'm responsible form my happiness.
June 3rd, 2021 4:35am
You got to love yourself. Which is difficult sometimes. Neediness can cause people to feel exhausted. You got to be sure of yourself and be comfortable during times when you are alone. Confidence helps and being ok with yourself. Childhood might make a difference too. If your parents always held you, that's a good thing. If you've had childhood trauma it might be good to work that out. People get busy and it's nothing personal. If people know you are there for them, they will be there for you. If you can add value to their lives by being kind and loving, everything should be ok
May 1st, 2021 4:56am
Focus on building positive relationships with people but do not base your self worth on them!! It’s so easy to do this but you are not alone. For example, sometimes we get insecure because we look at the people around us and let our insecurities cloud our judgment, making us think super negatively. You have to remind yourself that you are loved, everyone isn’t going to leave you, and the people around you value your relationships with them. I’m an overthinker too! But I remind myself, that i’m worth more than I realise and I will not let my insecurities rule/ruin my life.
April 22nd, 2021 3:44am
Well, do self-assessment. Find out when this feeling occurs; does it happen when you are with a particular person? Or just when you are alone? Or just after you've encountered particular type of experience? Dig the context. Then, find a day you are clear headed and analyze the belief behind your feeling: do you really think everyone will leave you? Will they? What makes you believe so? Is there something very biased about this feeling? Could there be any alternative thought to the context that led you to this conclusion? If things look very foggy and you couldn't make through it, take help of a mental health professional. Best of luck.
April 14th, 2021 11:33am
Life is short; things and people will come and go from your life, sadly there is nothing much you can do regarding this. Just know that this is all of a common purpose. If you are religious, you may believe that the all mighty up there has a plan for you. Either way, I believe, that everything is bound to happen for a reason. Dont stress too much regarding what will happen in the future, live in the present, live today. The people who trully deserve your presence in their life will be present throughout it. You may not notice this at first, but when you slow down, and breathe for a while, you will realise all the things you have taken for granted.
January 29th, 2021 6:56am
I think it's definitely a worrying feeling. You never know what somebody's true intentions/feelings are. However, you can't always assume the worst. (Easier said than done) There will probably be at multiple times in your life where people come and go. In a way it can be kind of a nice balance. Trying to manage being around to many people can end up being stressful in the end. You just have to try the best that you yourself can do to keep people in your life that you want to, and if they're worth having in your life they will give back as much effort. If you assume somebody is going to leave you as soon as you meet them it could effect how you interact with them and then you never really get a chance to have that authentic experience with them. Giving people a chance can be good or bad, just know that if they put in no effort towards the relationship you have, then maybe you are better off without them.
January 21st, 2021 1:56pm
I know a little but of what you're going through. I am constantly worrying that I will eventually separate from my closest friends, or forget about the ones I am closest to because we will separate from each other. I know, it's a scary thought. However, think of it like this. If you are fated to meet someone, one day that person will meet you no matter what. If you are fated to love someone and spend life with that person, you will meet that person. If you are fated to leave someone, or stay with someone, that too will also happen. Fate decided all, and fate will always happen one way or another for your own good. Somehow this always comforts me and makes me feel a little better when I am thinking of depressing thoughts or things like this. I hope this will also help you. Good luck!
January 10th, 2021 1:06pm
People who have suffered from abandonment issues and neglect usually always have this feeling and thought process locked in that everyone is going to leave out of fear. Anxiety kicks in and we start to have those feelings of fright. I believe the younger a person has been that has encountered abandonment and neglect in life, the worse it is for them. They are easily frightened and very fearful. Not having family, friends, make for a worse feeling of fear and a not so wanted outcome. It is additionally important to have people like Doctors, psychiatrists, therapists, counselors, also reserved because they are there to help in such situations and are there to be sought out for help. Finding support groups can help. It isn't easy to feel like you are going to be alone. It's hard to accept and no one really want to be alone or be abandoned. Going through most hardships in life alone is a hard thing to deal with and very troublesome. Surround yourself with loved one, surround yourself with friends. Do things that bring you joy and happiness and laughter, even if it's the littlest things in life that most people might not even want to do. Finding a balance and peace within yourself helps those feelings kind of dissipate a bit so you can have enough room to bring out the joy in yourself and express yourself how you should to attract what you need in life. Church is also there for a reason. Church members are always doing things to help one another. You'd be surprised at the kind people you could find at church that are so willing to be there for you and extend that olive branch that some of us feel when we are out alone by ourselves and frightened. I hope you can find peace with your situation and know you are not alone, and 7 cups is full of communities that you can explore and find some of the right people even if they're friends you can relate to.
December 6th, 2020 6:46am
At some points of our life, we will meet people we will like then get attached to them, but because of previous heartbreaks, we get a belief that everyone will end up leaving us. But the truth is, people don't necessarily leave, they just get busy with their lives, so the communication gets less than before or even diminish, and it's okay. It doesn't mean they forgot about you or intentionally left you. You, yourself as you grow up and as your life changes, you will become distant at some point, it's part of life. If you want to remain in touch with a certain person, find any activity you both like to do.
December 4th, 2020 11:19pm
I know that things like that could seem scary because many people who you think there always be fhere for you then disappear. But you can always count on them if they are real friends. Distance doesn't matter. My best friend last year has left me to continue his studies far away but he's still my best friend and I know I can count on him. So don't worry about people who leave you because they'll be always there for you. Try to find also new friends. I know that isn't simple but you have to know that you're not alone. Never.
June 18th, 2020 12:03pm
Noticing the difference between a feeling and reality can be tricky, and often times our brain crosses these over and makes them a fact in our minds. In psychology terms this is called catastrophising. We all do it from time to time, where we think the worst of a situation that hasn't even occurred. Sometimes practising mindfulness can lower levels of anxiety when we catastrophise the future. When the thought occurs, you can observe it for what it is- just a thought that is in your mind. Another way is to challenge these thoughts, much like having a debate with yourself in your mind. Ask yourself 'what evidence is there that everyone is going to leave me?' for example. And then ask yourself the opposite 'what evidence is there that nobody is going to leave me?' in reality nothing is black and white, so it's unlikely the thoughts you are having are true.