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I still have dreams about my ex, sometimes they're good and sometimes they're bad. What does that mean?

214 Answers
Last Updated: 06/08/2022 at 1:20am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Andrea Tuck, LCPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

I tackle and discuss a multitude of social and emotional health issues. I have a belief that through empowerment and non-judgmental support clients' can thrive.

Top Rated Answers
June 27th, 2019 2:54am
It doesn’t mean anything really. The mind is a very complex thing. Sometime you can dream about you ex because you’re nostalgic about the past, doesn’t necessarily mean the relationship, just past things that have happened. Maybe memories you had together. Maybe they’re bad because they’re reminding you about what happened and you’re still upset about the past. Or maybe it’s because you’re thinking of the bad things because you know you’re stronger to go back to somebody who did you wrong (if that was the case). Don’t listen to the dreams. Follow what you want in your clear head.
July 4th, 2019 5:17pm
Sounds like you might have mixed feelings about your ex- You treasure the good times and good qualities that made you like the person in the first place, but you might also feel conflicted in terms of the possibly toxic or difficult properties of your ex that you seem to deal with within your dreams. If this is a possibility (you are the expert of yourself) it is completely normal and understandable to feel that way. That person was probably once very important to you so it is okay to have mixed emotions about him/her. Does this sounds like something you might be experiencing?
July 6th, 2019 3:12pm
In my experience it always meant that I missed them. But was conflicted about how I felt about them being in my life. When you love someone it can be difficult to differentiate behaviors that they are exhibiting as unhealthy for you because you love them so much, you are temporarily blinded. After it's over those feelings of love just don't disappear but they are accompanied with the hurt from the break up now. I was torn between loving my ex and being hurt by them. That's why my dreams about them were so conflicting. I hope this helped.
July 13th, 2019 12:52am
Our brains tend to keep things that are repeated. This is why practice makes perfect. Unfortunately, when we want to forget something or someone it makes life more difficult. Dreams are not well explained and an adventure of their own. You are not broken or addicted or "never going to forget them". You are recovering your brain from a long term or strong emotional state. Give yourself time and love so you can "heal" from the damage that occurred to your thinking. You will heal and grow to new places. If you have trouble more than a year or two, give a therapist a call and review what happened. You will improve your life and forming new habbits and emotions will help diminish the old emotions.
August 1st, 2019 2:17pm
It's normal for a person to think about past events. Especially during sleep. This is due to your thoughts about the past . Correcting the sleep wake cycle will help you to have a good slumber. There is nothing bad about dreams unless it effects you emotionally and influence your daily routine. It's normal to think about or dream about something that created a memory in our life. Your mind tends to remind you about the moments. Don't worry over it. It's really really ok until you have nightmares on daily basis. Try to have proper sleep with a schedule
August 31st, 2019 9:26pm
You know more about why than I do. We can chat and find out more about this. Consider the reasons why he is good or bad in these dreams; maybe there is a connection there to consider. A lot of times, our dreams are working to resolve these issues, and as a participant, perhaps you can draw connections between these events and your dreams. Try looking at these dreams like you are a reporter trying to get the facts. When you consider what the facts are, without including the emotions attached, you might discover more. What do you see? What do you think?
October 5th, 2019 4:18pm
Most people seem to have different interpretations as to the significance of dreams. For some they have deep meaning and relevance. For others they might feel more random in nature. Either way, it seems safe to say that the emotions involved in the dream are likely pertinent to an emotional state that is happening in one's life. Perhaps it is stress, perhaps it is loneliness or joy. Maybe during a happy time in life, the happiness summons a happy recollection of an experience with your ex while you sleep. And conversely, perhaps during stressful times, a dream might be triggered of an equally stressful time in a past relationship.
October 16th, 2019 7:57am
often times we would like to believe that our dreams are what it is. there were several times I had dreamt about people coming back after they’ve left me as well. I believed that it was a sign that he’s missing me in real life and he wants to come back to me. however, we have to know that our dreams are often times an indication of us and our unconscious thoughts rather than an indication of others’. for instance, I dreamt that my ex came back to me. in real life, he wasn’t intending to come back to me. it was just my inner desire wishing he would come back to me, and thus it was translated into my dream. perhaps try to focus on what these dreams are saying about you rather than thinking what this is saying about someone else. (: all the best!
October 25th, 2019 12:41am
Dreaming about an ex can mean many different things. Thankfully, usually it has nothing to do with that person. Sometimes, this dream is an indication that someone or something in your current life is bringing out feelings you felt when you were in the old relationship. This may be your brain telling you of something old. Do you see yourself repeating patterns from before? This could also be an indication you miss something from the past relationship (not the person.) Was there a part of that relationship that brought you happiness that you know longer have? Such as certain experiences you had together or activities you did?
October 27th, 2019 8:15am
It means your a normal person. We dream about many different things, most of which are based on our experiences. Strong experiences, especially ones with strong feelings, create memorable dreams that stay with us when we wake up. Dreaming about your ex just means that they were a part of your life at some point. It's not different than dreaming about a toy you had as a child or a sports game you were in. Even if the dreams were all good or all bad, that doesn't mean the experiences you are dreaming about are all good or all bad. In summary, I would say that these dreams just mean you are processing your feelings about your ex - the good ones and the bad ones - and you should take it as a healthy sign of emotional stability and mature dealing with your past :)
November 3rd, 2019 9:28pm
It just means, I believe, that you are still living with a hole in your life that is shaped just like your ex was, and the way you lived your life while together fulfiled you in a way that no longer exists. I also believe dreams can provide healing and restorative effects- clearly you have dreams about him because, when awake, and below the level of awareness, he is on your mind, so therefore will occur in your dreams. Also, you are trying to overcome it, and the dreams I believe are a way of your brain coming to terms with the loss that you can't control but only process internally and even unconsciously.
December 22nd, 2019 6:17pm
Romantic relationships carry a lot of powerful emotions. Our dreams are often our subconscious working through our personal traumas. It’s ok to be sad. Time heals all wounds. I’ve been through similiar experiences, and there’s no doubt it’s difficult. But as I healed through the breakup the dreams became less and less frequent. There is light at the end of the tunnel. It’s going to be ok. And if you ever need to talk about it, I’m here for you. It never feels good to keep things inside for too long, so if at any point you’d like to reach out, I would be more than happy to listen.
January 17th, 2020 5:14am
There is still a lot about dreams that science does not understand. One theory is that our dreams are our minds way of piecing together unresolved issues and events that happened during our waking day. You might want to ask yourself how these dreams make you feel? Writing a dream journal and comparing notes overtime might give you more clarity as well. For it can be difficult to know just from one dream. But with multiple entries you might find a pattern. Cross reference that with a food journal and a daily journal. Maybe even share your findings with a therapist.
February 19th, 2020 9:23am
I don't think there's one meaning that we can pinpoint this to, necessarily. However, it could point to the fact that maybe you are subconsciously thinking about your ex often. You may be worried about them. Whatever it may be, there is a high chance that you are probably thinking about them a lot, maybe even without you knowing it. I know what it feels like to dream about someone that you have loved before (and maybe still love). It is rough being reminded of that person in your sleep, where you have no control of what you dream of. But sorting through what exactly this could mean for you, and trying to figure out what exactly you might be thinking that you're unaware of, might help you actually detangle some of the inner conflicts that you may not even know you're facing.
March 22nd, 2020 8:00am
Dreams are hard to interpret, we sometimes dream about things that never happened to us in real life and sometimes we dream about things that can never happen truely. We might dream about someone just for thinking about them before we sleep. You might still feel like the relationship isn't over yet or you are over thinking stuff. Try to dig deep into these dreams and your emotions to see what do you want to do next. If you feel like you have things you would like to say to your ex then you should, some people say it's your subconscious message for you. Yes the sayings differ but that doesn't mean we can try.
March 26th, 2020 9:01pm
It depends on what your experience with them was. Have you moved on yet? Are you still stuck on the past and things you did with him? These all factor into how you are feeling. And don't forget, some dreams have meaning while some don't! It may be something with your brain - the best thing to do in this case is, if you can, get anything off your chest that has to do with your ex. This can be done in multiple ways like talking to them (it may be scary, i know, but who knows! It may end up helping you better understand what's going on) or even writing your thoughts and feelings (or your dreams) up on paper!
March 28th, 2020 4:41pm
This is perfectly normal. It means that you still think about them, with is expected since you have spent time with them. It does not mean anything in particular, simply that your mind still has memories of them. Try to focus on positives to avoid bad dreams, or read a book just before you fall asleep so your mind focuses on something else! Or listen to music. As a whole, it does not mean anything, no person is all good, or all bad, and thus neither will the memories of them be. If you need to talk over how you feel, please done hesitate to contact 7 cups!
March 28th, 2020 7:10pm
Dreaming about an ex can mean that you haven’t emotionally moved on from the relationship. I have a few reflective questions for you to answer: · What your ex represents for you? · How did they make you feel in the relationship? · What positive or negative associations do you have with this person? The people in our dreams represent either ourselves or unfulfilled wishes, repressed feelings. Dreams are symbolic. It may represent stressfully, and anxiety-ridden part of your life or symbolizes self-doubt, insecurity, uncertainty, and helplessness. At the same time, it may represent the best time you had that you are missing in the present relationship. Dreams are our way of dealing with unresolved issues. I assume because you still have many unresolved feelings, questions, or you may feel hurt, or still confused regarding your present relationship or breakup. Your subconscious mind may be still working on dealing with the breakup. Therefore, identify unresolved concerns of the past relationship, acknowledge and let them go. The dreams will eventually stop. Focus on nurturing present relationship. If you can’t do on your own, you can seek professional help. Gaining clarity on the relationship may help you to. Hope this is helpful. Rise and Shine, Apurva
March 29th, 2020 11:10pm
First, I think that having a dream about your ex probably means that you are still thinking about them, which is completely okay. After spending so much time and energy in the relationship, it makes complete sense that you are having dreams about them. As for why you are having both good and bad dreams, I think it is because at times your relationship was good, and at times it was bad (typically, these bad moments are why a relationship doesn't work out). I think your brain may still be processing that your relationship has ended, and is going over the pleasant and unpleasant times, which is why you may be experiencing good and bad dreams about your ex. I'm no expert, but I did go through a breakup myself and, like you, had good and bad dreams about my ex. This is just how I processed what was happening.
April 1st, 2020 4:01pm
You know, I can't exactly tell you just because I don't know the situation you were in with them. what I can say is that our brains are very complex and special organs, when are brains bring something up it might be because we have not found closure with that person. Or you just really want to talk to them and you miss them. Usually, your ex is someone you had a significant relationship with so it is completely fair to have those dreams about them. It might just be your body's way of saying you still aren't over them yet etc. Hope this helps!
April 19th, 2020 5:03am
This means that you are subconsciously thinking about him and this is normal. Whenever someone is coming and going through your mind this type of thing happens. It is your way of remembering the past. It is not bad. Try to think of this as a healthy way of your minds healing process of moving on from the past. I have had dreams like this and it can help give closure to any kind of relationship good and bad. Good Luck on getting to work this out in this sort of way. I still have dreams now and then of my ex who I lost contact with. I lost my daughter and he was her dad and he was deported. Then I lost all contact with him because I became ill. I still have these dreams.
April 23rd, 2020 1:20am
Could you tell me more about this dream? The answer to this most likely lies within you. Dreams can be ways that our subconscious mind attempts to communicate to us. The answer to this interpretation lies within you as its meaning is unique to your experience. Take some time to meditate on the idea if you choose to to understand its meaning. It may bring you to some wonderful and bad memories but I believe in time you may find the answer to it. We are here to help listen and guide you though these thoughts. We are not here to tell you.
April 23rd, 2020 10:25pm
At night, your body is at rest but your brain is very active. While we don't entirely understand why we dream or even how the brain works, we know that, at night, our brains spend time processing and organizing information that you take in throughout the day. When it comes to dreaming about your ex, it's probably because some part of your brain is still thinking about them. Maybe you didn't have closure at the end of the relationship. Or maybe you have small events throughout the day that trigger memories, good and bad. Smells, tastes, sounds, events, significant dates, even passing by a person who vaguely resembles your ex can jog your memory. Some of those triggers may be connected to good memories, some bad. A lot of times, we feel pressured to "get over" exes and stop talking about them, holding on to memories or things, and stop even thinking about them. At night, however, your brain has free reign to think about and remember whatever it wants. That could be why you are still dreaming about your ex.
April 26th, 2020 3:43am
More likely than not, it means it's something that you're thinking about a lot. A lot of times after a relationship ends you can think up a bunch of different scenarios regarding your ex. But in the end, it's what happens while you're awake that's important - to keep a level head and think through actual events that have happened. If you really want to, you can keep a dream journal of all your dreams, but otherwise enjoy the fact that your brain is getting good relaxing sleep. If it bothers you, you can try reading a book before bed to get your mind off of your ex and think about other things.
April 30th, 2020 1:34am
It means that you are still thinking of your ex. Even if you aren't doing it consciously, your subconscious mind still fixates on what you and your ex had. Usually, dreams are compiled of things we think about, our emotions we feel. Since you are having good AND bad dreams about your ex, it only means you mind is acting out your emotions. How your ex made you feel. How you feel about your ex. All of the good stuff. Probably, you need to dig deeper into yourself and figure out why you still think about your ex so much to the point where you are dreaming of them.
May 1st, 2020 6:36am
I once had a breakup and would have multiple nightmares of her in a single night. Other nights I had good dreams of her. It’s your brain’s way of compensating for their lack of presence and what you both had. Sometimes they are bad because you are feeling sad, angry and hurt. Other times you may have had a breakup, but in a healthier way and you have hope you may get back together or you still love them and you have good dreams. It’s important to not allow these dreams to convince you anything about the situation, person or affect any decisions thereof.
May 2nd, 2020 2:58pm
It would appear there are unresolved feelings towards the person. Mixed emotions. Acknowledge them in waking life as this might help your subconscious when you are sleeping. They have said the last thing we think about is what we dream about. I would encourage people to take an hour before work to read or take some time for more calming activities before bed to try and clear the mind of their worries and concerns to ensure the best night sleep if possible. Journaling is also a good tool to think about your victories for the day and once you have identified those you can think about them and fall asleep thinking of the great things that happened to you that day!
May 6th, 2020 3:45am
I think that it can mean multiple things. Sometimes it can mean that maybe you're thinking about them and you can't get them out of your head. But sometimes i think that dreams are just dreams and that's it. Dreams are your subconscious and you can't control them but maybe it means that you miss them a little? I think it depends on how you feel about them and the best way to find out is to reflect on yourself and your own feelings. I think that it is the best way for us to learn about why you're experiencing certain types of feelings.
May 15th, 2020 1:18pm
It’s normal to have them. It can be signs that you miss your ex or it can be somewhere in your unconscious mind. It may happen that there are some issues left to be discussed and it may be nothing. It’s not about anything good or bad until it is bothering you too much or causing a lot of distress. Many times it’s just about cherishing your past. You can’t deny the fact that your ex was a part of your life just accept that fact and it’s fine to have it. Don’t take it too much , you may talk to your ex if possible and if not go and talk about it to your friends who care find new things .
May 29th, 2020 10:16am
It's okay to carry your past along with you. Learn to accept the fact that it is still in the past. Give some time to heal your thoughts. Change your thoughts and savour your good memories. Dream is the outcome of our thoughts. Never confuse the dream with your reality. It's you who has the control over your thoughts and life. As the time passes, the dreams will change. Even a plant needs time to heal, think about the human relationships then. When we share the emotions, feelings with a beloved someone and due to some reason when they become a stranger, it creates a huge impact. Let us heal and love.