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I'm dating someone who has cheated in the past. What should I do?

306 Answers
Last Updated: 05/15/2022 at 5:43pm
I'm dating someone who has cheated in the past. What should I do?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

D'Anna Davis, LCSW

Clinical Social Work/Therapist

The journey to where we are today included many ups, downs, twists and turns. Healing from the events of life is crucial in achieving mental health and happiness.

Top Rated Answers
October 11th, 2018 3:41pm
i would advise you to not continue dating, love. I don't want to sound rude but there's no guarantee that the same wont happen to you too and the pain of being cheated on is really bad and i wouldn't want you to go through that. Why take a risk? There are more cons than pros in this. So think about everything carefully. Try talking to your partner and unless you are completely sure that the person has changed and would never repeat it again, then i advise you to not continue this relationship. I hope you take care of yourself
October 20th, 2018 7:10am
First of all you knowing that the person has cheated in the past is a big thing. You either knew and yet you trusted them with your heart or they told you and then you trusted them. So either way, when you date someone don't have prior presumption. That is something you do before you start dating. When you date you trust not blindly but fully. So be cautious but see what makes it different between the two of you. What efforts they are making for you to believe in them. How happy they make you and how much they love you.
October 31st, 2018 9:15am
Past is past, if satisfied with his/her present intentions, character and all other things which YOU consider is satisfactory, then you can continue dating. There is nothing wrong in it as such. You can ask him why he/she has cheated in the past and all other relevant questions and understand whether, he/she has learnt the mistake of not cheating and its adverse consequences to him/her. If he/she has not learnt and is still trying/possible to cheat, then better not to date that person. It's important to know it's all your call at the end of the day regarding dating that person or not.
November 9th, 2018 9:43pm
I feel this is where trust really comes in. There needs to be communication & trust and if this is what you both want you need to work on it together. There will be worries and trust issues to start with, it’s natural but if you’re willing to accept them back into your life trust needs to be rebuilt. In arguments it’s not advised to bring up the cheating. If you’re forgiving them it needs to be swept to the side, not used as ammo. One of the biggest things, which is probably very difficult not to do and a lot of people are guilty of, is do not take all privacy away from them. If you’re learning to trust them again the invading their privacy is not one.
February 15th, 2019 11:02pm
Trust, the foundation of a relationship. If you’re entering a relationship with someone you should always make sure you’re both on the same page concerning the boundaries and expectations, for example; no intercourse with anyone outside of the current participants. But when you find yourself in a situation where this trust has been broken it can be very hard to get it back. Very hard, not impossible. If both people are willing to work at it and commit to repairing the relationship then it can get back on track. The key to anything is communication. Ask questions, be prepared for answers. Ask your partner why they felt compelled to cheat and why they chose presumably not to confess after the action. If, and hopefully they are, remorseful then bridges can be built and steps can be taken towards a stronger relationship. That said, if you don’t like the answer no one says you have to give them a second chance. Just because you’ve been with someone a long time doesn’t mean you owe them or the relationship anything. Knowing when to walk away is just as important, especially where mental health and self worth is concerned. No one outside of this relationship should dictate to if you stay or leave, take friends and family advice with a pinch of salt, ultimately it’s you that has to make a decision on your relationship.
June 23rd, 2019 12:03am
You have to give it a chance because people change, maybe infidelity is very bad, but sometimes the person goes through very bad times and does not know how to control their actions. Give it a time and see how their attitudes are, maybe change. Find out with your friends, and always warn him that you know everything. Everyone deserves an opportunity, but if you must be careful Since you always have to love and respect yourself, no matter how much you love someone, you have to love yourself first. We were all wrong and if someone was unfaithful maybe that person repented
July 11th, 2019 12:33am
Take things slow! Take the time to build trust within each other. You may or may not know the details that lead your partner to cheat, but a trusting foundation is key if you care about your partner and hope to build a faithful life together. Secondly, keep the pathways of communication open. Be sure to continuously communicate how you are feeling in your relationship and also actively listen to your partner. Lastly, I think it’s important to keep things light and fun in the beginning of your relationship. Go on fun dates and adventures so you can really get to know each other.
July 11th, 2019 10:21am
It can sometimes be very difficult to trust people, especially if they have shown in the past that they cannot be trusted. I personally always like to give people benefit of the doubt. I will trust them, but once there is a proof that the trust has been broken, they can hardly regain it ever again. I feel like I would apply the same logic to evaluate whether a cheater could be trusted or not. Despite you haven’t been cheated on by that person in the past, someone else has. And that someone probably wouldn’t be able to forgive him, for such behavior might repeat in the future.
July 12th, 2019 6:14am
Personally I don't like to hold someone's past against them I give them a chance at showing me who they are. If this person cheats on you while you are together I think that is a different story. I think you should just be clear that you don't tolerate cheaters or make clear your views on cheaters. As for your question what should you do about the person who has cheated in the past, I think you should give them a chance even if i t may be hard to have that trust in the person, they have not wronged you yet.
September 20th, 2019 4:16am
Focus on yourself what you did right not what you did wrong and grow. Date yourself for a while that’s right date yourself it’s not a sexual thing that’s a what is best for you thing . If you feel something you’ve done that caused you to be cheated on and focus on that see if it really was it was acknowledge it and grow it wasn’t acknowledge that it was wrong and that that’s not something you would do to someone else and feel sorry for the person who did it to you do not focus on it but it will bring you down I just got sadness madness and frustration
October 18th, 2019 11:21am
I believe that you should communicate with your now partner. Communicate about the fears and worries you might have so that they can understand how you feel and so they can confirm to you that it won't happen to you. Communication is a key part to a relationship.if both you and your partner know exactly what to expect from each other then that eliminates alot of anxiety about the unknowns. The reason you are worried it might happen to you is probably based off the fact that there hasent been much talk about the subject. Once you guys talk about it you should feel alot better.
January 23rd, 2020 8:35pm
Whatever you feel is best. If you are questioning "should I still be with them" be honest with yourself you should not have to question your relationship if you do truly trust them. Also, if you would like to still work things out, both of you need to have a better communication with each other to make sure this doesn't happen again. I'm not sure of the details but still do you think you should continue this? Like I said I'm not sure of the details but whatever happened both of you have to be open and honest enough to work on this relationship and make sure this doesn't happen again.
February 1st, 2020 6:35pm
Trust is a difficult thing to regain when violated. While sometimes, we may feel as though we can never connect to the offender again, other times we may feel as though we still can't leave for some reason. I would say the reason for the potential differences in reaction is due to values: either you value the trust more than what the offender can do for you, or you value the offender's attributes enough to try and make things work anyways. It is difficult to answer this questions directly because everyone has different values. I believe the first thing to do in this situation is to define your values and find out whether or not the relationship is still worth it to you.
February 21st, 2020 9:39pm
If you believe that people can change then take the precautions that you believe will result in the best outcome. People do make mistakes and change for the better as long as they regret and are sincerely sorry for what they have done. Just don't let your guard down into you find a stable boundary where you feel like there is a trust factor. Until then, if you like your significant other then you should give the benefit of the doubt and give a second chance. If you feel like there is any suspicious activity, you have the right to get to the bottom of what's going on. It is a risk at your own sake but, if it works out in your favor, it is rewarding
March 7th, 2020 6:30am
i cant give advice but whatever it is be honest. never lie and dont stay where your not happy because it will only end up hurting in the very end and thats not what we want. i have experienced stuff like this in the past and i understand how very hard it can be and just know that talking about stuff can very much help and im always always here on board to listen and your problems will always be valid in my book, i hope you have a wonderful day and if there is anything else i can help with you can always let me know!
April 5th, 2020 3:29pm
Gently ask him why he cheated in the first place. Once you know the reason, it'll be easier to anticipate whether he's going to do the same thing with you or not. But people keep changing, you know. Just because he cheated in the past, doesn't mean that he's going to repeat it. Just give him a chance, because everyone deserves that. But if you feel like you can't do so, it's still okay! If you do feel like giving him a chance, though, always remember that nothing works better than direct communication. Let him know of your fears and your insecurity about his past, but do so gently. Make sure you both know where you're standing at any stage of your relationship.
April 8th, 2020 10:10pm
Talk to them! Explain that you have heard about their past, and tell them how that makes you feel. As well, just clear the air, tell them how you feel about the topic of cheating and if relevant, your experience with it. Communication is key in relationship's and you will never find the answers you are looking for until you ask. People do change and can learn from their mistakes. Sometimes, not having the whole story too can lead to problems such as gossip. All in all my biggest thing would be just to have a conversation with your significant other.
April 15th, 2020 12:49pm
This can be a difficult situation, I'm sorry that this has happened to you. Once somebody cheats, it is difficult to rebuild trust and it is definitely something that takes time. Your partner needs to make an effort in order to prove their commitment to you. Trust takes a long time to build, but can be destroyed quickly, so it's wise to proceed with caution. I believe that people are capable of change. We all make mistakes, it's the lessons that we learn from our mistakes that define us. Try to focus on communication between yourself and your partner. Good luck and feel free to message me if you need to chat. This is a safe space.
April 17th, 2020 6:52pm
It can always be really hard when we enter a relationship with someone who either cheated in the past, or was cheated on as both of those scenarios come with their share of problems. One thing to keep in mind is that people can and do change. At the same time, it would be wise to just be alert to the fact that your partner had cheated in the past, but not so much so that it gets in between you and your relationship with them. It might also be a good idea to have a discussion about it and voice your concerns to your partner. Communication is key!
April 23rd, 2020 1:45pm
It depends on the amount of time that has gone by, it is possible that he/she has changed if enough time has passed. I would be slow with the relationship and look for possible red flags. If he/she stills show the same behavior, then i would suggest to move on. You don't want to get hurt again by making the same mistakes. You should talk it out with him/her, and really make sure you two are in the right terms again. Try to start over if the time length has been great. If it has not been that long, i would tread carefully, and take the relationship slow and don't jump back to where you were at previously.
April 29th, 2020 7:10am
I think trust in a relationship is very important. Personally, If you love this person and believe this was in the past, i'd put my trust in them. I'd also try to make it very clear that you are putting your trust in them. If you find out they have cheated on you, It's time to talk to them, and say goodbye. It's different for everyone, some people change, others don't. But the worst thing you can do is live in fear. Trust your gut but don't sneak around trying to catch them. Be honest about your thoughts, and don't settle for someone who doesn't see your worth.
June 6th, 2020 5:02am
Proceed with caution. I know many answers might encourage you not to be on your guard; however, such behaviours are sadly often repeated. I would act normally with my partner, but note any abnormal behaviour. For instance, I would not if they angle their cellphone away from me or engage in suspicious social media activity. That being said, whether cheating will be repeated is dependant on the reason for cheating and the age of your partner when they cheated. This information will allow you to determine their ability to control themselves, commit and reveal character flaws. If you feel like this kind of relationship will cause you too much anxiety or impact your mental health negatively, I would share this with my partner (counselling) or choose someone more suitable.
June 24th, 2020 5:47am
Just like taking a break from your job search is important, so is having the right mindset. It is hard to be a job seeker, applying for many jobs and possibly not hearing back from employers. Work to focus on the progress you are making with each application—honing your search tactics, getting efficient with your application process, and understanding what keywords to use for an ATS are all important tools to use as you go through your search. Each time you apply for a job, you are improving your process, and that’s great progress to landing a job. nice
July 9th, 2020 3:09pm
Hii! Thanks for the question! So many people have asked it on some other sites, and I would really love to answer as I have been in a similar situation. First of all, cheating is always a choice. There is no room for cheating when people want to be honest. *Read the previous line again.* Yes, WANT to be honest. You can never be honest unless it's your desire to shower your deepest concentration to that particular person. So, if the person you are dating has cheated in the past, it doesn't necessarily mean it is his character for a lifetime. Something might have gone wrong, something might have forced him too, or they might have needed support which their previous partner was not providing. Still, doubting them based on past relations is not going to help. Ask them about their reasons, and keep an eye out. Encourage them to spend time together, and earn their trust. This is what I learnt in my experience, and we are 1 year in and still going strong. Please feel free to tell me if I am wrong.
August 7th, 2020 3:34pm
Go slowly. While past behaviour is a good indicator of future behaviour, this is not always the case. Trust should be established over time, so don't rush the connection. Make time to have personal conversations, and share your concerns and feelings openly and honestly. Pay attention to how your partner reacts to what you share. Are they attentive, understanding, open? Or are they dismissive? You are worthy of love and care, and it's okay to leave to find a person you can put your faith in. Tread with care, and keep your heart open! Good things can happen to you.
August 12th, 2020 4:42pm
Make sure that it won't happen again. Understand the reasons why they have done it, and if there is the possibility it will happen again. Get to know them. If you get really into the person, then you can think about how their behaviour in a previous relationship can apply to yours. The key is understanding the reasons for their past actions, if they are have regretted it or if they feel indifferent towards it. Cheating is always a very hurtful act, which I have experienced first hand. I would say to try to understand the entity and the context of their behaviour. Some people don't mind someone's past. It really depends on one's moral compass how to approach such a situation
August 13th, 2020 9:19am
Ask yourself if this is something you're comfortable with, first. If you're not, the relationship is only going to hurt you. But if you see potentil in your partner, you trust them, and you believe that they won't do it again, then there's not reason for you to be afraid. We can only do our best. There are no guarantees so don't try to control something you have no control over. Instead, just make sure that you are aware of the situation that you're in and that this is what you want (or not). I hope that helps. Wish you well!
August 14th, 2020 3:50am
I don't know exactly the situation and I don't want to tell you what to do. For me, cheating is a deal-breaker. I know some people who can let it slide or get past it, and that's great, but I just don't think I could do that. It depends on the situation, of course. Communication is key. If you know exactly why and how your partner cheated on you, and he/she is open about it, then I'm sure it would be okay to get past it and move on. But I think that there is no excuse for a cheater.
August 14th, 2020 10:33pm
People cheat because of different reasons. You should not judge your partner or to have a special attitude to her/or him. Very often relationships in which creating take place are already in crisis. So when people go for a step of adultery is usually a sign that they are failing in solving issues in their committed relationships. Thus, in order not to have such a situation, You should build trustful and open relationships with your partner. You must share your feelings with each other knowing that you will not be judged or evaluated. It is important that both of you feel free to discuss any worries regarding relationships with each other. If you solve your issues inside the relationships, then you should nod be afraid that your partner will look for relief outside of them.
August 23rd, 2020 8:30pm
Well, it all depends on that person's actions, because as cheesy as it sounds, actions are way louder than words. Do you think they have changed? Do you believe they will do it again? Do you believe you can trust them in the future of this relationship? My current partner had cheated in the past and I had a really hard time accepting that, but he proved me that he had changed and that he really loves me, which eventually helped me feel more comfortable and eventually we started dating. But, ask yourself those questions and think they will help you answer your question :) Hope this helped:)