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Why does my girlfriend hate me all of a sudden?

203 Answers
Last Updated: 06/02/2022 at 4:57am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Brooke Bowen, LPC


I am nonjudgmental, supportive, and encouraging. I use an eclectic approach in order to empower you so you can have a happy and fulfilling future :)

Top Rated Answers
August 10th, 2018 1:39pm
Depends on the situation. Sometimes we do things that annoy others without realising, and the only way we can realise is by asking them. Communication is the best thing you can do in a relationship - and I would honestly recommend just talking to her. If you value the relationship, communicating with her about where it’s going wrong is the best thing you could do to salvage it. Maybe it’s also an external situation out of your control. Your girlfriend might be dealing with something and her being all “offhand” or “hateful”, might just be a way of dealing/covering up. In any case, you should still talk to her, because being a good partner means supporting her. I hope you can figure things out :)
August 12th, 2018 2:09am
I do not know. There are many reasons. But please talk to her and communicate not argue. Please I'm begging you. I lost my soulmate because of that. Please, you need to communicate. Stop the fighting. Hug her.
August 12th, 2018 4:55pm
girls can be complicated . The reason why girls act up is because you either did something wrong or she is upset .
August 16th, 2018 7:58am
First of all its imperative to know that in general people will always be people and how they feel towards certain things is not always permanent and therefore is susceptible to change. Its however also important to fully understand her present circumstances as that may also have a bearing on her feelings towards you. Many a times a sudden change of heart can be a result of bottled up feelings over a period of time which she might have been failing to express or let out. Nonetheless her past life is equally important to understand before you can start blaming yourself.
August 24th, 2018 11:06pm
Did you ask her? Try to remember you did something maybe it's because of that. If you didn't do anything maybe you've forgotten something like a birthday, monthsary/anniversary. Remember that she probably have a reason to get mad at you. Some girls tend to be like that when they see you talking to other girls, your forgetting a special occasion, you did something that made them mad, she saw something that you did that she doesn't like, you said something very mean and hurt her feelings. To make her stop hating you maybe try buying her food and give her some love and support.
October 4th, 2018 10:12am
If a person is realizing a sudden change in their partners actions and feelings then they might want to talk to their partner about it. When talking to them, they should always ask if they are doing something to provoke them for feeling that way. If they claim that nothing is wrong with the other person then it might be a good time to ask if something else is going on that is upsetting them. Sometimes what happens is people will have alot going on in their life and take it out on the wrong person.
October 26th, 2018 11:42am
It is important what happened differently in recent times. If is a major change that you are being through of maybe you have a difficult discussion with her, that it is still unsolved. Also, it is important to ask her if she is going through a difficult time (a job/school/college). Maybe is hard to be patient and clam right now, but all of these will pass. Negative emotions are a normal part of life that you ahve to conform with, they could be constructive and with a positive outcome from all of these. Stay strong and remember it is all part of life.
October 31st, 2018 4:22pm
The best way to find out the answer to this is to ask your girlfriend. Perhaps phrase it in a more positive light with the focus on how she is feeling or how you are feeling e.g. You seem angry lately, have I done something to upset you? You could also ask how she feels the relationship is going? Questions that show you are coming from a place of concern and love for her rather than accusations will help make her feel more open. If you find it hard to talk about then consider writing her a letter or even asking her close friends or family if they know anything.
November 7th, 2018 3:12am
Do you really know she hate you or you assumeing why not tey talking to her to find out is there a misunderstanding i know you can do it just dont talk with anger.once you sit down and talk you might get a better understanding why it might seem that way and when you talk make sure not to trigger a debate that could throw the subject off hand and try to understand each other point of view because that make a good bond and also helps create a better relationship and main one let each other express themselves
November 8th, 2018 5:42am
It all depends, sometimes we have break ups but you may have a make up. Maybe rumours went around, maybe she feels she needs time apart. No madder what it always turns out right, if she breaks up that just means you will find some one else that loves you even more! But always no you could kinda be wrong, you can't say she hates you without proof, I mean your pro bully right but maybe your a bit off maybe something happened in her home life that does not involve you and she needed some time alone, no matter what I can't tell you for sure what the answer is.
November 9th, 2018 12:17am
She may be in the process of disconnecting and trying to find something wrong with you. Some people tend to break up with someone in their minds before doing it verbally and physically. She may be on the brink of telling you and just doesn't quite know how to say it because she knows it will hurt you. Try asking her why she's suddenly changed how she acts towards you, or if there's anything specific that you may have done to make her react this way. Communication goes a long way. Its better to talk to her about it than to sit and continue to wonder.
November 11th, 2018 11:47pm
This is a difficult question because it depends on the situation. It could be because of many reasons, you could have cheated, you could have been dishonest, you could have said something wrong. Another reason could be that she is going through things, girls tend to clench up and be very moody when they are going through issues. Don't take it personal, also hate is a very strong word I wouldn't say she hates you, I would say that she is either in two states: she doesn't like you anymore, or she is having a bad time. Some girls like it if you try to help them when they are going through hard times, but some will get very annoyed and even more angry or depressed. With girls its best to just let them work it out on their own unless they ask for help.
February 21st, 2019 4:56am
Depending on the reason it's so sudden, she may be feeling down about something you did, or something that's bothering her and the emotions are coming out aggressively on you. She may not know how to feel and she's conflicted inside, naturally making her appear hostile. Have you tried to talk to her about it? Is there a reason why your girlfriend would feel this way, that you aren't acknowledging? There are so many reasons that cause a person to suddenly act out, but I think if you analyze the situation, you can probably pinpoint the root of the issue.
April 25th, 2019 5:05pm
I'm sorry to hear that. There could be a lot of reasons she could be acting the way that she is, but I can't imagine she hates you if she is still with you. I recommend talking with her if she's willing to at least do that and do you best to give her time to open up if to you and express your willingness to work on whatever issues there are if there are any. Sometimes it's difficult subject matter and it may take her time to open up, one of the best things you can do is show a willingness to solve the conflict, show that you care about her, and show that you respect her space and her feelings. Though this answer is convoluted, I hope it at least helps give perspective and I truly hope that you can solve whatever problems you two are having.
March 18th, 2021 12:15pm
What has changed between you guys or your routine. There is a possibility that you have done something that has upset her or something either work related or personal is wrong and she wouldn't like to express her feelings and would rather not say what is bothering her. It would be best to create a safe place for her to be able to express herself without feeling pressure. Be patient and get her to confide in you about what is wrong and express your concerns that you feel like she hates you and what is it you can do differently.
September 11th, 2020 11:53am
There can be multiple reasons that your girlfriend hate you all of a sudden. First of all, is she your real girlfriend or is just a girl who for who you use word friend in the phrase girlfriend? Sometimes it can be very hard to find out whether persons loves you genuinely or whether they just hang out with you till they find another partner. Maybe she got her love and now she wants to get rid of you and hating you all of a sudden can be one of methods of getting rid of you in oder to start be girlfriend of another man.
September 13th, 2020 4:33pm
Well, to answer this question, we need to know the circumstances. Without knowing them i can only advise one thing: ask her! The key in a relationship is the honest, opened communication. Ask her why her attitude changed towards you, what is her problem, and lastly, how can you help her. After she says exactly what the problem is, all is up to you. Your first goal is improve yourself, evolve, so your relationship could evolve and improve also. I don't know if it was helpful or not, but that is my opinion. Feel free to contact me for more.
September 19th, 2020 11:25pm
You only have half of the responsibility and control in a relationship. You are not psychic and neither are they. As long as you try to keep in touch with other's feelings, you will come across times when you are not sure what you are seeing. The best way to check if you are detecting their feelings correctly is to ask them and listen carefully. When you ask, make sure you have opened their opportunities to say whatever is on their mind without criticism or ridicule. You know part of them, let them fill in the gaps and don't be afraid of the answer.
October 10th, 2020 4:11pm
There could be many reasons one of them being lack of interest. or maybe you did something to upset her? or maybe someone lied to her about you? this is something that you should try and talk to her about and communicate with her about so she at least understands your concerns and maybe you understand her reasoning as to why this was happening in the first place. Communication is a strong part of everyday life so if she refuses to communicate she isnt even worth the struggle but if she does deciede to communicate tell her your feelings and work to fix the situation.
October 14th, 2020 3:32pm
Remember it's not your fault, obviously it's something about himself that he does not like it's easier for him to hate you instead of working on his own problem. And you can do better if he wants to hate you then love you it's a relationship that you don't need, and don't need to be in. You're a good person deserves better. Don't take that move on, later down the road when he realize the best thing in his life he let go of, that's something that he will have to live with just remember it's not your fault it's his own and he has a problem with himself and he has low self esteem. Like I said it's easier for him to hate you then hate himself work on his own faults
October 18th, 2020 9:15am
You really need to analyse whether it's true or it is a reflection of something you are going through. I mean your feelings are completely valid but you also need to understand other person's perspective. Your girlfriend might be going through something and wasn't able to share the same. That can be one of the reasons for this behaviour. Sit and talk to her about this. Don't let this ruin your relationship. If this doesn't take you somewhere then just tell how you feel. How this whole situation is making you feel. Most of the problems can be solved easily by communication.
October 22nd, 2020 9:38am
Its not that someone hates you in a couple of seconds or minutes. It might be due to some misunderstandings or in any case if you knowingly or unknowingly hurted her. Moreover hatism is also if she might be not serious with you as a relationship so. Don't try to figure out much. Feelings are sometimes due to instant reactions. So if you really care about her. You can just think about the situation that what are the things that might hurted her or ofcourse if you haven't then it means maybe theres a misunderstanding which is created and caused this
October 29th, 2020 6:06am
Before considering this, i would answer yourself a few questions. Did your expectations changed immediately? Is your behavior same as it was? Was it something i did and myself not familiar or vice versea? if there is a negative answer to these question so in your brain she is not changed all of a sudden but practically she is. Yes the only solution to the second problem is talking it out with empathy and love. try to rectify every problem, make sure you assure her not just conventionally how you have been doing, Try something new. Sometimes it also may not be hate we might be gauging it might be her sudden mood swings, make sure you also have love for it. you will get back more than you invest.
November 12th, 2020 5:50pm
She may not hate you but you may want to talk to her. Talking to her may show that you actually care about what's wrong. Just let her know what you are there. It helps if you two talk things out because, talking helps everyone out if you do it correctly. Let here speak her mind and make sure you listen to everything she says. You may start to understand why she is acting the way she is. There could be a big problem and if you hear her out you may be able to help her out just a bit.
February 21st, 2021 4:52pm
Well maybe she doesn't hate you but hate the way you act or something that you do. We tend to think if someone changes with us that this mean they hate us but if we focus it can be that something is bothering them so my advice is that you try to help her but also give her here own space. The best thing to do is to wait until she tells you what is the matter but if she don't talk try soflty to tell here that no matter what you well always support her and that it's okay.
May 6th, 2022 7:47pm
Firstly, I am sorry that you feel that your girlfriend has such strong feelings toward you. You are very valid to feel that way, but I hope you take some time to think about everything before you assume that she has these strong feeling for you. I always like to take some time to think about what lead me to think a certain way about situations, and when I am emotionally ready, then I think it is best to talk to the person involved. I would reach out to her and ask her if she could take some time to talk to you about how you're feeling. And I would address all your feelings on how they make you feel, rather than asking her "why do you hate me all of a sudden" as it implies assumption. I hope you get clarification.
January 21st, 2022 2:11am
This is such a sensitive one. If you feel as if she hates you, that’s probably not the case. Outgrown? Possibly. Evolved? Definitely. People are under this impression that we as individuals will always feel the same about someone or some thing for ever. People are always shocked when someone finally says “this isn’t for me anymore.” The truth is we are changing constantly. Daily even. You likely don’t like your first favorite color or the bands you listened to as a kid. People are the same way. And I think if we could all collectively learn that humans outgrow one another solely because we are shedding our layers and growing ourselves, things would hurt way less.
March 16th, 2022 7:50am
Hello, I would first of all consider what you define as hate? People often exhibit strong emotions when they are under stress or feeling depressed and overwhelmed. Is it that your girlfriend is feeling frustrated with everyone or you. The most important thing to do in these situations is to have an open conversation with your girlfriend asking what is wrong? If you feel that she is feeling somewhat hostile to you, and you believe it is safe to do so, then speak to her frankly and explain how you are feeling. Relationships are based on trust and communication. Rather than allowing issues to build up, find a time and a place that is as stress free as possible, explain that you have noticed a change in her behaviors and explain how that is making you feel.
January 13th, 2022 8:59am
This is a tough and very broad question. If you've done something that is considered to be something she doesn't like and you know what you've done then that may be why she dislikes you. (Hate is a very strong word) You should take steps in this case to make her feel less upset due to your actions. However, if you are assuming she hates you because she simply isn't talking to you and hasn't directly said she hates you (dislikes you) then you need to figure out some ways where you can change that thought pattern of assuming things. Assuming things can cause a lot of anxiety for no reason. Try to think of some ways to improve your relationship or yourself.
May 14th, 2022 4:14am
usually people express negative emotions when their needs are not met or they feel unappreciated, misunderstood, hurt or overlooked. it may also be that "hate" is not exactly the emotion the person is experiencing, but they don't know a better way to let the emotions out. Or, possibly, the person doesn't even fully understand what they feel. The best way to find out is an open conversation. Unless there is an obvious event in the past that caused the intense resentment in your girlfriend, maybe she is trying to communicate something else, something that you have overlooked in the relationship. Speaking calmly and asking questions would most probably be a good way to start.