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My dad likes to touch me. Is this sexual abuse?

279 Answers
Last Updated: 06/03/2022 at 1:24am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lisa Groesz, PhD


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Top Rated Answers
November 30th, 2017 8:47am
If it involves the touching of intimate areas and/or it makes you uncomfortable and you have asked him to stop but he does not, then it is sexual abuse. It is advisable to confront him if that has not been done already or otherwise speak to a trusted adult such as a family member or professional, like a social worker.
December 6th, 2017 5:36pm
I think you need to talk a professional about this, I dont think I am qualified to talk about this but yes to me it sounds inappropriate
December 14th, 2017 4:55pm
Yes it is. It is way more difficult to aknowledge the abuse and live through it when it's a member of the family being the abuser. If your father takes advantage of his situation of 'power' towards you in a sexual way, it is definitely abuse.
December 16th, 2017 12:23pm
That depends on what the purposes that touch and depends on your feeling when he touches you. If you're feeling uncomfortable with his touch then it might be a sexual abuse, but if you think it's a safe touch for example just touching your hair.
January 6th, 2018 6:07pm
It depends on where he touches you and how you feel in return/ Do you feel violated? Do you feel like he touches you somewhere he shouldn't?
January 11th, 2018 6:33am
as long as it is not sexually, or in places you feel uncomfortable in, not really. speak to him and see, if he still continues inappropriately, please do not hesitate to report him.
January 13th, 2018 10:46pm
normal phsyical affection can be a great thing, but physical contact that makes you feel uncomfortable is probably not ok. If you think the touching is abusive, then you should get professional help from a teacher, police, doctor/nurse, or someone who can help intervene. You deserve respect.
January 18th, 2018 12:39pm
To answer your question properly, I would first like to explain what sexual abuse is. Sexual abuse is a situation in which an individual is touched either on their genitalia, between their thighs, their breast or made to touch the other individual in the same places without the individual fully willing to participate in such. Sexual abuse can occur with any member of the family,friends, neighbours and/or strangers. If a person gets touched inappropriately, the person being touched is never at fault. So whenever people say "you dress sexually or you were always giving him signs that you want it" these are just wrong. Back to your question. If you feel within yourself that the way your father is touching you is wrong, tell him that you don't like it. Most people that abuse others say things like "you like it, you are just pretending" or "if you tell anyone I will kill you" or "if you tell your mom, she wouldn't believe you". I do not know how he touches you but sometimes, the way someone touched you even if it is a minor touch of the fingers can trigger warning feeling in you. Talk to a trusted objective adult about this and remember, even if he is actually sexually abusing you, it is not your fault. It never will be. X
January 18th, 2018 7:21pm
If the nature of this touching is unwanted by you or makes you feel uncomfortable in any way, you have the right to tell social services and move somewhere that you feel safe.
January 20th, 2018 11:32am
If you feel uncomfortable about it and he touches you in inappropriate places, it is considered sexual abuse.
June 13th, 2018 7:01pm
Do you feel that the way he touches you is no appropriate? If yes and you are not in terms with it then it can be considered as sexual abuse
July 13th, 2018 8:20pm
It depends on how and where he touches you. If you feel threatened in any way you should talk to someone immediately.
July 13th, 2018 5:19am
Yes if it makes you uncomfortable and if it is inappropriate touching it is. You should tell a trusted adult because sexual abuse is serious.
July 8th, 2018 9:20pm
If you are referencing touch in that way that is assumed (your genitals, any other sexually explicit sensitive areas) then yes. You should let someone you care about (and that will believe you) know immediately.
July 8th, 2018 9:56am
Most likely, even if it wasn't you should still talk to your dad about if it's making you uncomfortable.
July 1st, 2018 3:37pm
Hello. The intent of the toucing depends on where and how he touches you. If he touches you in on generic areas of your body such as the shoulders, arms, head, face and there in intent is affection then you can rethink the sexual abuse. However, if he touches you in the genitalia, or caress or gropes other areas of your body then that is sexual abuse. Listen to the vibe you get when he touches you and please confide in an adult you trust.
June 30th, 2018 3:29pm
I feel so it is. Depends on where and how he touches you. If you feel that the touch isn't good then it is sexual abuse aka molestation.
February 7th, 2019 9:56pm
Well that depends. Some dads just like to embrace their loved ones and feel close to them on a physical level with no sexual desires behind that. They stroke your hair, your skin and there is nothing bad behind that, as long as you are feeling comfortable with the situation. If the touch is clearly sexual, like repeatedly touching erogenous zones, grinding movements in intricate areas, then I would say this counts as sexual abuse. I any case you should tell him, if you feel uncomfortable by his touch. When people start developing a sexual identity they tend to realize certain touches as unpleasent, just like your shame develops over time. Your Dad which accompanied you since your birth, saw you naked and cleaned you up on a regular basis in your past will have to adjust to this new boundaries you (can) set. In the end, as long as he respects your decision, all is fine :)
June 29th, 2018 2:36pm
Only if its in ways that you dont like or feel akward, or uncomfortable. If it is uncomfortable or akward for you.. Please tell a trusted adult or call for help
June 29th, 2018 3:35am
That depends on how the touch is. As we learner in school, there is a good touch and a bad touch. So you need to figure out if it is a bad touch, if he is touching you in intense areas. Talk to your mother about it, or contact a helpline.
June 28th, 2018 1:20pm
Where exactly does he touch you? But from what I see yes, it is. You should report it to someone immediately
June 28th, 2018 1:17pm
A hug is o.k.! Its a very good thing in fact! And you should accept it as such a good thig as it is. Any touching of your private areas would not be good! And abusive!
June 26th, 2018 7:21pm
If he is touching you in an un appropriate way then yes! tell someone as soon as possible. This is not okay.
December 21st, 2017 11:49pm
If it is sexual then yes it is. If your father is making you or doing things sexual to you then this is illegal and you need to report it. If you feel uncomfortable reporting it, talk to a trusted adult or listener and they can give you advice on what to do.
November 19th, 2019 7:21am
Easy answer...NO. Physical contact between a father and daughter is a natural thing. Fathers wash, dress cuddle and love their daughters and physical contact and being able to express emotion is a positive thing for any child of either gender and should be encourages as part of learning how to express and receive emotion. Simple answer to a simple question. Growing up without that leaves people feeling uncared for and unable to express how they feel in return or uncomfortable to be able to do so. The only time its not ok is if it makes you feel ok, then it becomes a personal choice.
February 28th, 2018 9:27am
Hey love! Your dad likes to touch you. It actually depends on the way he touches you and the parts where he touches you. How do you feel of his touch? Disgusted or you feel love and care? It actually depends on that!
June 6th, 2020 3:49pm
There are a lot of nuances to sexual abuse, and abuse in general. Many questions need to be asked before you come to a final conclusion. Is this touching consensual? What is the nature of him touching you? When and how does this occur? If the touching is nonconsensual, that already presents a problem. Whether sexual or not, you have a right to your space and who gets to touch you. The nature of a touch depends on where it is and for how long, as well as considering the situation leading to it. Finally, a touch in public could be an embarrassment tactic - be wary of the context in which these touches occur, and in front of whom. I hope that you're okay!
March 28th, 2018 5:49am
In order to understand definition of apparent touching is a very broad word to use first off exactly where is this touching taking place is it touching the nose touching hair touching your arm to get your attention until you know exactly more details one cannot jump to the conclusion that it's sexual abuse. But of course if there is such a case it should be immediately reported
March 23rd, 2018 2:00pm
Setting boundaries is important as you grow older and mature. When it comes to our parents, what used to be cute and cuddly can be over stepping our personal boundaries which should be respected. You are well within your right to be assertive when you feel uncomfortable. If you are not heard then it is emotional abuse and can border on sexual abuse. You have a right to feel safe and to be respected. If your father touches you in a sexual place (your breasts or between your legs) without your consent or understanding then this is sexual abuse and you must report it honestly. You will be heard and you will be acknowledged.
February 15th, 2018 3:14pm
Yes! Especially if you are uncomfortable, and it’s sexual. Make sure to talk to someone you trust, outside of your mom or dad.