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Why is it so important to share your feelings?

304 Answers
Last Updated: 12/29/2021 at 5:24pm
Why is it so important to share your feelings?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Tracy-Kate Teleke, PsyD, M.A., LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

I assist adults and couples in CA experiencing relationship challenges and interpersonal struggles including anxiety, depression, and a myriad of other life challenges.

Top Rated Answers
October 9th, 2020 12:35pm
It's important to talk to people sometimes. Feelings can show us about ourselves and can be very meaningful to ourselves and others. Just saying I love you is a common feeling that our caregivers tell us or people who appreciate our company and presence in life and the world. Sometimes sharing feelings can help us think clearly or give others a sense of purpose and direction. Although it is not necessary to share every feeling you experience minute by minute, it is a practice some people observe more than others, and some people believe it is extremely important. You can try sharing feelings and see if it can take you to a positive place of enlightenment, etc.
October 17th, 2020 8:42am
sharing your feelings can be extremely helpful. it makes the person feel better most importantly and the people around the person will also get a better idea on how they should communicate with the person. keeping your feelings to yourself can cause quite a lot of pressure, and this can have adverse affects on your physical and mental health. sharing your feelings also helps people understand you better, it is effective in getting your point through to people. it can be hard to share your feeling with people, but it does help a lot and the person feels much better later on.
November 5th, 2020 9:21am
It is important to share your feelings because first it helps you release some positive and negative emotions out by sharing them with others. You get to communicate what you feel, what you need, what you like, what you don't like through sharing feelings. For other people, when you share your feelings in an effective non judgmental and non-blaming way, they would be able to hear your message clearer and decide whether or not to respond to your needs. Suppressing feelings, especially negative ones can lead to multiple problems such as stress, depression, resentment, anger, sadness etc. Knowing how to share your true feelings without attacking others also requires some practice as well.
November 8th, 2020 10:29pm
It is so important to share your feelings because it gives you the opportunity to express yourself and not go through tough times alone. Often times it feels better to know someone else understands what you are going through. I find it helpful to just speaking about how I feel takes a weight off my shoulders. I no longer have to carry the burden of my feelings when someone else is there. Often times you may be shocked by the advice/support others may have to offer to you. Going through life alone is hard and its good to know you have someone else there to open up to.
November 12th, 2020 11:01pm
From a personal experience, I think it's very important to share my feelings with people I trust because it helps me process them. In the beginning I've spent years trying to repress my own negative feelings from the fear of being vulnerable and getting hurt by other people. But over the years I've found that sharing my feelings with my friends help process and release those feelings, especially if it's a difficult one. Moreover, it also helps deepen my own relationships with people I have shared my feelings with, and in turn makes them more comfortable about sharing their own feelings too. If done properly, I sure think sharing feelings becomes a really good growing and learning experience.
November 13th, 2020 12:14pm
Sometimes when we bottle up or keep all our emotions to ourselves, we tend to overthink and magnify our problems. This in turn makes us feel anxious, sad, worried and stressed even more so than usual. However when we talk to someone we trust or someone understanding, we not only gain their perspective on the issue (which can help us realize that we had nothing to be worried about in the first place) but also hear the problem out loud. Many times just speaking about what troubles us helps us realize the actual size of our stressors. However, you are free to decide what you want to share with others. It is absolutely your choice.
November 22nd, 2020 5:42am
I understand how it must feel extremely useless to share your feelings, especially with the fear of being judged and/or misunderstood. I myself have experienced this knot at the back of my throat whenever I had the opportunity to share my feelings. But letting someone in your mind and your fears and your worries and your memories can feel so liberating. If we don't, then everything gets buried deeper and deeper inside of us, and when we least expect it, it all comes out. Slowly building the confidence inside of us to tell people that care about us how we are feeling is not an easy task, but it feels heavenly afterwards. By sharing your feelings, you are not only allowing yourself to be vulnerable and be helped, but you are also understanding yourself a little bit more :).
December 3rd, 2020 9:11pm
I cannot speak for everyone but sharing my feelings has provided me an outlet that would help me articulate what events were contributing factors and make appropriate changes where applicable. For me, it means that I generally can express myself and offer some form of connection with others. Sometimes sharing your emotions can inspire and help others feel supported. It can spark the courage in others to speak about their emotions which means they may also have a chance to review the what onsets emotion. I'm not going to say that you must share your feelings but these are some of the reasons I have found in my life it was beneficial to speak about them.
December 9th, 2020 4:53pm
People wish to understand others, its an inherent part of humanity, integrated into our very being. But we are not all knowing. Sometimes, we cannot realise how someone feels without them talking to us about it. And if we wish to help that person, and if that person is important to us, it deeply hurts us too see them not sharing their feelings, their views, their perspectives, their thoughts and keeping it all to themselves, bundled up protectively, afraid. On the other hand, If you keep all your feeling bundled up, and hidden away from others, one day, your emotions might overflow. Imagine a container. The feelings are a stream flowing into a container. Now if you close the lid on the container, and the stream continues, eventually the container cannot bear the pressure anymore and bursts, leaving holes. but if you leave the container lid open, the stream flows out naturally, lightening and easing the burden on the container. Feelings are beautiful. but restrained, they can be harmful. Essentially, Sharing our feelings allows us to widen our perspectives, empathise, understand and above all, realise we are not alone, and that there is a person who understands you and your feelings.
February 11th, 2021 8:58pm
In my personal experience, sharing your feelings helps to relieve stress/anxiety while also bringing you closer with whoever you are talking to. Sharing your feelings helps to clear the air of any tension you may have. Sharing feelings may also help you to move on or understand why you feel the way you do. Sometimes negative thoughts you had in your head can sound less important or silly when you say them out loud. I think it's also a great way to blow off some steam, instead of holding in your feelings and waiting until it's too much.
March 14th, 2021 10:33pm
It is important to share your feelings because most of the time you will feel better after talking to someone about it. If you’re scared to talk to someone or just don’t want anyone to know then you can write about it. Keeping your feelings inside and trying to ignore them is not going to make it go away. It’s just going to make it much worse. If you want to feel better then you are going to have to deal with it. This doesn’t mean that every time you are in a bad mood you automatically have to try to deal with it. Sometimes it’s best to take a break so if you’re not feeling up to it then just do something that you think might make you feel better.
March 19th, 2021 3:24pm
A lot of the time we are not willing to share our feelings because of a fear of judgement. Sharing our feelings is a really intimate event and can expose our vulnerabilities and make us feel hurt if we think about the negative reception we have received in the past to repeat itself or worry about the stigma surrounding what we talk about which leads to us putting our feelings on hold. Not opening up doesn't mean we don't have the vulnerabilities. All it means is we are kind of stuffing it inside us, which may sometimes lead them to turn up autonomously, sometimes in more painful and severe ways. There is of course limits to sharing your feelings. Some of the things shared can be uncomfortable for others to hear and it’s ok to have boundaries up with how open you want to be about what you’re going through. Sharing is a process that comes naturally and does not work authentically if forced. Sharing our feelings is a genuine way to connect with others; friendships and relationships in general often consolidate or take a step further when feelings are shared. From sharing we get the opportunity to connect with parts of ourselves; and it is through such connection with deeper parts of ourselves that we find the nutrition for growth which can make life more meaningful. Do communicate with one of our listeners or therapists if looking for a safe space for self-expression and if you want a listening ear. Self-help guides and mindfulness exercises to are available on our site for more information about any topic of your concern and a way to normalize what you are going through.
March 31st, 2021 4:52am
Communication is what bonds all humans together. Humans thrive on interaction, without it we would cease to exist. Sharing how you feel is the only way to communicate. To be honest and open with someone is vulnerability. Vulnerability is what creates and ignites relationships allowing them to grow. All these things make the human connection ever so special and rare, which is why sharing your feelings is important.
March 31st, 2021 9:32am
I think sharing your feelings is a way to get things out of your mind. Sometimes, this can be really damaging to your own mental health if we do not share our feelings with someone. We tend to overthink when we keep our feelings to ourselves. Sharing what you feel about something lets you have another perspective about the issue. Things that might look scary might turn out to be just a small thing that another person might have experienced before. That is why sharing your feelings is important. If you keep it to yourself, one day you would not be able to take it because of the immense pressure on yourself. Taking it out and letting it go would be like freeing yourself. You would definitely feel a lot better after sharing.
April 1st, 2021 5:01pm
Sharing feelings is a good way to prevent those feelings from becoming internalized. It's also easier to self soothe when we externalize our emotions. Once they're out in the open we can slow them down and reason through things. Sometimes when we let strong emotions stay in our head they tend to snowball and get bigger and harder to control. I was diagnosed as ADHD when I was really young, but it wasn't until I was an adult when I started to understand the nuances of how this neuro-developmental disorder would affect me. And the ability to self soothe was one of them. ADHD people often have no choice but to externalize our emotions as this is the only way we can process them.
April 3rd, 2021 10:03pm
There are so many reasons as to why sharing your emotions and feelings are important, and to some extent it depends on you as a person and how sharing (and not sharing) impacts you and your own emotions. Some people are naturally sharers, and others may feel less comfortable doing so, but either one (or both) is perfectly normal and okay. Here are a few reasons that sharing can be amazing though! - Sharing can help release anxiety and improve communication. - It can enable others to help or support you, and understand or empathise with the things you are going through. - Bottling things up can lead to depression, and even if someone may not be able to fully understand you, it can be freeing and relieving to vent out your emotions. - Talking can help you to see things differently, and potentially even identify something that could help you that was clouded by emotion before. 7 cups is an amazing place to come and share your feelings if you don't feel comfortable doing so with your friends/ family, from our 1-on-1 chats to forums to community rooms, there is a whole community of amazing people here to support you. You could also consider speaking to a trained professional, viewing self help guides or finding tips on forums to help you to further reach out.
April 8th, 2021 8:58am
It is SO important to share your feelings in general, whether if it's just to one other person or a couple - so long as you trust and feel safe with them. This is because mentally, we humans are social creatures who need interaction on a day-to-day basis; we need and want to feel safe, cared for, loved and heard. If you don't share your feelings, bottling up will create a heavy burden, a toll on your wellbeing that's constantly going to be plaguing you. Bottled feelings will build up until you can't hold it in anymore, where it would burst either in a form of a breakdown, or some other possibly dangerous and harmful things. Please, if you don't have anyone to talk to in real life, that's why 7Cups is here: we're here to listen to you!
April 8th, 2021 4:55pm
Sharing your feelings with someone whom you trust will help you develop a clarity of thoughts. It happens at times we get in many puzzled situations in life. Here, perceptions play an important role. The person with whom you share your feelings would grant you a perspective that could altogether change your strategy to tackle the problems. Thus, the step of sharing your feelings is important to guide yourself to the path of solution to your problems. And at this platform, one would find ample opportunities to find good people to understand your concerns and deliver perceptions that help your way out of distress.
April 22nd, 2021 1:49pm
It is important to share your feelings because talking about how you are feeling can be very beneficial, and it can help others around you understand how you feel as well. You can talk to your friends and family about how you feel, and they can support you. If you are feeling sad, or angry, they might notice this and wonder what is going on, so sharing your feelings helps them too. If you are confused or need to make a difficult decision, talking through it with someone you trust can really help. Something I’ve found with sharing my feelings is that it can help you to understand why you are feeling a certain way. I hope this answers your question!
April 22nd, 2021 4:52pm
Keeping it all bottled up wont result in anything good! Your mental state will continue to get worse as time goes on and eventually everything will flood out whether it be an argument with a loved one, or a breakdown. Its better to let things out, to a therapist, a friend or even just a 7cups listener. When you let things out, sometimes the person listening can offer some good advice too! So not only will you feel better but you will also have a way to try and make some changed/better yourself. Its seen as a sign of strength to let things out, and its overall healthier.
April 24th, 2021 1:35am
Communication is a key to a healthy relationship. Sharing how you feel is a way of giving importance to yourself. If you can treat yourself with love and care then you do learn how others need to be treated by you. Sharing how you feel makes your emotional well being healthy and if you are emotionally stable, you are never a burden on your partner or parent or acquaintances. It also helps you upgrade the relation of love, trust and care with the person you are sharing your feelings with. If you suppress your feelings and choose not to share it with anyone, it might lead to consequences which maybe positive or negative.
April 30th, 2021 12:49pm
Sharing your feelings is very important to oneself . Sometimes , crying in front of someone and telling all what is bothering you really really calms you . Your feelings should be heard .. Not only in sadness but also in happiness . Sometimes , all we need is to be heard . Cuz having so much of things in your mind and not been able to put it out can make you even sadder or hurt . What i always believe is if you want to cry , you can cry , and if you want to smile , you can smile . If you are angry over someone , let out that anger because having it inside can make you feel worst .
April 30th, 2021 8:19pm
This is a very good question. It is so important to share your feelings to release all of the pent up emotion inside so you can better understand them and help others to as well. Not only does this help you sort out your feelings and thoughts and better navigate through them, it also helps to leading to a clearer mind. This can also help others in feeling more comfortable to do the same. Detaching yourself from your thoughts and feelings and expressing them in ways that help elevate some of that weight is extremely important. Know that your feelings and thoughts aren't who you are rather they are something you're experiencing, and that its good and healthy to share them to others.
May 19th, 2021 12:12am
We as humans, bottle up a lot of our feelings which isn’t only harmful to us but the people around us. Sometimes, these pent up feelings like anger, make us act out and harm the people around us because we aren’t sure how to express how we feel inside and deal with it ourselves. It’s important to share your feelings, because even talking helps you realise what emotions your feeling and label them, which can help you if you can’t make sense of your feelings yourself. I also find that communication is so important, because if you share how an experience made you feel with a friend, it also helps them learn and adapt how they can be a better friend, family member wife, they and yourself can only work on yourself when you have these important and necessary conversations about your feelings.
May 20th, 2021 3:33am
Communication. Not only does sharing your feelings encourage the other party to do so, sharing your feelings can prevent them from being bottled up and prevent a future breakdown from this build up of emotions. It is evident enough in a lot of romance novels- when there is no communication- especially communication of feelings- there will often be problems that will arise. Misunderstandings can commonly be mitigated through communication and sharing of feelings. Whether negative or positive feelings, both are important to share because it helps everyone understand each other's emotional states better and hence deal with each other during conflicts more effectively and with better maturity.
June 26th, 2021 10:43pm
Its important to share feelings so I our emotions don't get bottled up and that we don't explode all of our feelings. Sharing feelings makes us feel much better and allows us to get all of our problems off our chest. It also allow us to feel less overwhelmed and clears our head! Sharing our feelings also allows us to depend on our close ones and let them know that we might need some emotional help. Sharing our feelings also allows us to feel much better and clears out head. Sharing feelings makes us feel better emotionally and physically.
August 8th, 2021 9:04am
Through sharing my feelings, I am able to get things off my chest, thus I am able to be supported by those around me that I trust. I find that I have a hard time doing this however whenever I do it makes me feel so much better and the support I gain, even if small, makes me feel understood and listened to. However I do not always get the support I need, I know that through having someone who will listen to me and allow me to share my feelings and troubles, I am able to feel some relief and it makes me feel as though I am not alone.
August 11th, 2021 4:54am
Sharing your feelings is extremely important, even though some people find it difficult. It is necessary because, it makes sure of your well-being. You're more relieved then before. pouring your worries or feelings of joy, whatever they are, they are to be shared. It makes you a better individual and gives you a better mental health, than bottling them up. and when you're verbalizing your feelings, be sure to understand the underlying ones too. You may feel angry on the surface, but it could actually be the embarrassment, hurt or humiliation underneath it. It establishes healthy relationships with your people. Acknowledging your feelings make you stronger
September 1st, 2021 12:56pm
it’s important to share how you feel because it’s not fair to yourself to have to deal with so much alone. there are people who want to help you whether tahts family or friends or professionals. you deserve to be okay and if you are struggling, then talk to someone. tell them honestly how you feel because i’m sure they want to see you be happy and would do anything to help you. you can do this. you are not alone and i’m sorry if you aren’t doing the best but please talk to someone about it. you deserve help
September 8th, 2021 8:50pm
It's important to share your feelings because holding them in can lead to inner self-doubt and it's good to share because we have all been through something we all relate even the greatest of enemies share something in common. As humans relationships are developed we share are our feelings to progress with our relationships. Nothing is embarrassing or strange about sharing our feelings it's the opposite. There's a big judgment on people sharing their feelings like they are too weak or some negative association with sharing your feelings. The most successful people are emotional and open, it takes courage to share your feelings.