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I still love my ex. Should I feel this way?

415 Answers
Last Updated: 03/27/2022 at 3:04pm
I still love my ex. Should I feel this way?
★ This question about Breakups was starred by a moderator on 5/12/2016.
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Elaine Kish, LMSW

Clinical Social Work/Therapist

My goal is to treat clients with respect and compassion. I am a supportive, strengths-based therapist with experience in treating mood disorders, grief, and trauma.

Top Rated Answers
March 25th, 2016 2:08am
Every feeling you have is valid. Feeling love for them is okay. I just hope that you're finding good and healthy ways to cope with those feelings. Stay positive!
July 2nd, 2015 9:57am
There is no on-off switch to love. Just as LGBT individuals cannot choose their sexuality (not that there is anything wrong with being LGBT), individuals such as you cannot choose whom you fall in love with. Most often, ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends are from your past, and having loved them before, it is very nearly a habit for you to love them. You therefore have great difficulty not loving them still after they have left you. There is nothing wrong with it, nor is there a 'should' or 'should not' to it. If you must, you must. There is a kind of moving on in which your love for your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend does not fade, but you will always feel a kind of emotion towards them. That is all right, too. It is psychologically healthy. Worry not, and good luck to you in your love life!
March 19th, 2016 9:24am
I don't think you can ever stop loving people ... feelings don't start and stop automatically ... embrace it with gratefulness but know that you can live and still love without him/her .. good luck ....
September 29th, 2014 10:25pm
There is nothing wrong with still having feelings for someone that you used to be in a relationship with. Being completely over someone takes time.
March 17th, 2016 1:52pm
From previous experience you will also find feelings from previous relationships. Also look forward.
September 12th, 2014 8:16pm
It is completely natural to feel this way after a break up. I felt the same way when my boyfriend of two years broke up with me.
August 12th, 2015 10:28am
It is okay to feel that way. Remember, it is okay to miss someone who you do not actually want or need in your life.
August 13th, 2015 3:41am
There is certainly nothing wrong with it, I felt I still loved my ex for some time before finally moving on.
August 17th, 2015 5:31am
Well. Some people do and some people don't. If they're you ex then they had to be your gf/bf at one time. So you would have had to love them at some point to be with them.
August 17th, 2015 8:29pm
ofcourse it is, someone that once used to mean so much to you isnt going to be forgotten about easily. It takes time to move on and no longer feel attached to them.
December 7th, 2015 9:54pm
i still love mine too, even if now i have a boyfriend. but it's that love that will never fade ,and you'll always think of him, it's not smth bad
December 12th, 2015 2:00am
It is perfectly okay to still be in love with your ex. That is perfectly normal after a break up, but eventually you'll move on & find someone better who makes you happy.
December 12th, 2015 9:49am
It's normal to have lots of ups and downs, and feel many conflicting emotions, including anger, resentment, sadness, relief, fear, and confusion. It's important to identify and acknowledge these feelings. While these emotions will often be painful, trying to suppress or ignore them will only prolong the grieving process.
July 9th, 2015 3:50pm
It'a completely acceptable to still love and care for your ex. Humans feel and in feeling we get attached to others. Attachments are not so easily broken. To be honest, you can still love your ex and even move on with life and love another. Especially if that individual is your first love.
December 12th, 2015 4:58pm
My first love was my best friend from high school. I still love him after 35 years and have come to accept that I always will. I have had other meaningful relationships those years, but that doesn't change my heart.
July 10th, 2015 7:19am
It's natural to still love an ex as love has always and always will work in mysterious ways which we will never understand.
November 25th, 2020 2:43pm
Mistakes may have been made.  Plans may have been broken. Words may have even been said.
All of a sudden you're standing there wondering what happened. The person who you feel these strong feelings and thought maybe even true love is an ex-boyfriend / significant other. 
When you started dating you had thoughts that this was a positive opportunity. Over time you shared your hopes, goals, and dreams. From the first moment you contacted each you were destined to be together. Passion spurred you forward. All a sudden that problem you had didn't matter anymore because you had found out what truly matters in life. Right?
All of a sudden your life is different and you're trying to get it in order without them anymore. Places that you may have gone to with them remind you of them. You may attempt to move on.
As time goes by people around you may urge you to start a new relationship. To try dating again. you may even attempt it or the idea could just fill you up with you try to move on with your life. you find that these feelings of love and the pain of the person you lost sneak up on you.
You could even be searching for articles like this one online trying to figure out why you still feel the way you do.
Because the truth is that you still love them even after everything that happened.
Before I go into it more, about if you should feel this way. I wanted to state that if you ended up loving this person before and still love them now. That just shows how much you really love them. having the experience to fall in love with them is something to be grateful for.
As people mature and get older some people to realize that even with this love they can't end up being together. Sometimes this is one-sided or there are other times when it's mutual.
Things may have come up and you cannot be with that person that you love whether it's differences in values, the timing of the situation, or something else entirely. One example of this is someone who loves someone with addictions might just not be able to stay with them even if they love them.
It doesn't matter if it's men or women - a lot of people have experienced this. But why?
Because of the relationships that we experience in life don't end when we end them.
They're still there in our memories. And our thoughts and we may still have strong feelings. 
So how do we process them?
A healthy thing to do with it is stop trying to diminish that you still love them. Instead allow your love for them to change from the romantic kind to a different kind. Allow yourself to feel grateful towards them because they held an important place in your life (even if they don't anymore). 
There were some points in your life where they meant something significant to you, and your heart may still feel that. So it's okay to have them in your thoughts. And it's even more understandable if you were together for a long time.
It's a good idea to forgive yourself for not being harsher, for not being able to cut off the bond.
Once you can realize that you still love them in a way. It's important to keep in mind why you broke up. What happened in your past relationship(s) that caused you to break you up? Make sure you keep that in mind, and create boundaries for yourself and for the people around you to help protect you in the future.
Even if you love people from past relationships don't allow them to string your feelings long. Recognize your feelings for what it is. Don't allow your strong feelings and the passion you felt for them misguided you. These techniques will make you strong and overtime your feelings of love will evolve.
As I'm sure you spent much time focusing on the question: if you still them does that mean you should be with them? 
And to that the answer: it depends. What was the reason that you broke up? Has it changed since then? Would being with them cause you to lose your sense and stop following what interests you?
Make sure your decision is honest with you.
March 27th, 2022 3:04pm
It's okay to feel that way and you are not the only one who feels like that... By breaking up, you can't erase all the experiences and feelings you had with your partner. Acknowledge your emotions and express them. As time goes on, begin analyzing your relationship. Begin focusing on your life again and remind yourself that it's okay to feel that way. It hurts when the person that made you feel so special just leave like that. Remember that although your emotions will be strong after a breakup, it gets better with time. There is not a set time to get over it, people take different amounts of time to heal. Don't rush your healing process.
December 16th, 2015 2:30pm
Well more to the point, can you feel any other way? We would all like to be able to change how we feel about people but most of the time that is not possible. It might be better to say to myself, I still love my ex, and I accept that we cannot be together again. Then put the energy into improving your life. Start learning something new, try to start a new chapter in your life, and you will most likely find that as your life improves the feelings for your ex fade.
December 17th, 2015 7:33am
Your feelings are valid. There is no right or wrong way you should feel able any situation. Your ex was someone who played a large role in your life. It's perfectly okay to still love him or her.
December 18th, 2015 9:33pm
We feel, what we feel. There is no right or wrong. It takes time to heal and get over the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship. It is a process, people grieve differently. The feelings may not ever fully go away but the feelings may change over time. After the end of my 7 year relationship I thought I would never get over losing him. I can think of him now and the times we had together and i feel happy for those times we shared and for the experiences, but the feelings are not over powering or as strong as when we first split up. I think it is important to Feel your feelings as they arise, talk about it with trusted friends,write about it, whatever helps you, accept them and Over time things will become easier.
December 19th, 2015 8:06am
Moving on is really hard. Yes, we've all been there at some point in our lives especially if our exes had made beautiful changes in our lives that are just too hard to forget. But please don't confuse those feelings for love, it might have just been fragments of the feelings left after all.
December 20th, 2015 7:32am
It is perfectly normal to still love your ex lover, especially if the relationship had been going on for a long time. We are all human beings, and we all have feelings.
December 20th, 2015 8:10am
I think it only normal that you love your ex. Because regardless of how much they harmed or cared for you, you can not tell the story that is your life without acknowledging them. As for whether you "should feel this way" I don't think that's a good question. Because I can't tell you how you should or should not feel. The same way you can't tell a tree how it should or should not grow. Yet, they tend to grow in the direction of sunlight. Similarly, we grow in the direction that brings us warmth. Emotion is natural, everyone responds in their own way. Every emotion you experience is a natural one because that's what life is. A collection of experiences, each one characterized by an emotion. How you act on those emotions is what defines you.
December 20th, 2015 6:33pm
Yes, you should. Because there is never any "should" with feelings. Feelings are what they are, and they "should" never be judged as good, bad or anything else. They need a voice, they need to be heard, but they don't necessarily need to be acted upon. So accept the fact you still love this person, since love is a good thing. It doesn't prevent you from having a relationship with someone else.
December 23rd, 2015 8:50pm
Just because a relationship ends ,it doesn't mean the love you feel fades away all of a sudden. Also you can love someone and at the same time know that the relationship can't work. There really is no right or wrong way to feel.
February 10th, 2016 1:04am
To me it all depends on how you broke up and your ex personality. It happens to feel that way since the relationship is a long term established communication and getting used to someone is not easy to be forgotten by days and weeks. to me , it's normal to still love your ex if you haven't experienced a terrible and disrespectful breakup, or Whatever else that ruins the strong bonds between two persons.
February 6th, 2016 11:17pm
Is love a bad thing? Do you feel like you should still feel this way about your ex? Many people still harbor feelings for an ex after the relationship has ended; you are definitely not alone. Have you had friends or heard of other people have feelings for their ex after a break up? Have you thought about talking to them or a listener on here about it? Do you remember though, the reasons for why things didn't work with your ex? Do you remember what you loved about your ex? Remembering all of that, can you put together a list of things that you want in a relationship/partner? Just because a relationship didn't work out doesn't mean you absolutely have to stop loving the other person or learning from what happened between you two. Sometimes letting go is a great act of love in itself both for you and the other person even though it may hurt.
February 8th, 2016 2:32am
Its perfectly normal to feel this way its part of being human. It takes time to get over relationships.
February 4th, 2016 4:09am
It makes sense that if you cared intensely for someone, that just because you break up doesn't mean the feelings will suddenly go away. You shared a lot of good memories and while maybe you didn't work as a couple it's okay to still love them.