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I still love my ex. Should I feel this way?

415 Answers
Last Updated: 03/27/2022 at 3:04pm
I still love my ex. Should I feel this way?
★ This question about Breakups was starred by a moderator on 5/12/2016.
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Elaine Kish, LMSW

Clinical Social Work/Therapist

My goal is to treat clients with respect and compassion. I am a supportive, strengths-based therapist with experience in treating mood disorders, grief, and trauma.

Top Rated Answers
December 16th, 2015 2:30pm
Well more to the point, can you feel any other way? We would all like to be able to change how we feel about people but most of the time that is not possible. It might be better to say to myself, I still love my ex, and I accept that we cannot be together again. Then put the energy into improving your life. Start learning something new, try to start a new chapter in your life, and you will most likely find that as your life improves the feelings for your ex fade.
July 11th, 2015 5:56am
Its perfectly normal if you have been with someone and you loved them and the relationship ends you will still feel love for that person. Every person we meet in life leaves some kind of imprint on us. Some more than others. Especially those we have been intimate with and or shared part of our lives and our thought and deepest emotions. Its perfectly normal.
July 4th, 2015 7:09pm
If you still love him than its normal, sometimes feelings never change for a person that you had a good relationship with.
July 19th, 2015 11:42pm
It's totally normal to still have feelings for people from your past, especially if they meant a lot to you.
July 3rd, 2015 6:19am
Its not wrong, sometimes love doesn't go away. I believe that the significant people in our lives never leave our hearts even if they have turned out different to we expected, even if they are the ones on the wrong and there is no chance of being back together
July 2nd, 2015 4:54pm
Well, love is something that doesn't just fade away but sometimes.. The best way to love a person is from afar..
July 2nd, 2015 4:19am
You can never stop feeling intensely for people who have gad major effect on your life. Learn to love them from a distance and love yourself for all you can.
July 1st, 2015 1:59pm
You should feel however you need to feel. Try talking to a friend or family member or enjoying things you like to do. Break ups are not an ending.
July 1st, 2015 11:03am
It is completely normal to still love your ex. This is someone you spent a lot of time with, and you both saw potential in each other. Feelings don't disappear.
July 8th, 2015 11:27am
It is natural to still love your ex. Those emotions never really go away but you do learn to control them. But if the love was strong then it is hard to get that away.
July 22nd, 2015 4:28pm
You can't control your feelings, you can only control how you act upon them. It is perfectly fine that you still love your ex, but that doesn't mean that you have to go back out with him
July 24th, 2015 7:06am
nothing wrong with that . you can forget him when you 're ready . claim to love him better than avoid him. you love him does not mean you want to have him .
June 26th, 2015 6:07am
I believe, when anyone you have had a strong and trusting relationship ends abruptly, it is perfectly normal to have feelings for them. The feeling's are based off of your experiences and I think that's okay. Some people never stop loving their ex's, they just learn to love them in a different way.
July 25th, 2015 2:29pm
I think it is normal to feel that way. Specially if you havn't really move on yet or if you invest too much feelings to him.
June 25th, 2015 2:03am
It's absolutely normal to love one's ex. In a long-lasting, close, meaningful relationship, it is not easy to let go of ties that have been forged over such a long time. One might even say that not having such feelings after a breakup is an indication of the lack of value or devotion placed in that relationship! We may be led to question ourselves and our ex at every step of the way, and it can be a very confusing time indeed. Don't let this breakup take control of your life, though. As the world turns it goes on. In spite of all the tragedies it has faced and will face, it has found and will continue to find triumphs. And so must we.
July 26th, 2015 9:23am
It is okay to still love your ex. Just please be sure to love yourself first and keep in mind that moving on could be better for you.
June 24th, 2015 5:03pm
It is okay to still love someone, even if the friendship or relationship has ended. Sometimes we never stop loving someone, and that is perfectly natural. History, memories, and a story are created with a person or people, so it's quite usual that we keep a special place in our heart for them. Sometimes feelings even fade and we feel nothing at all for a person anymore, that is fine as well.
July 27th, 2015 8:17pm
I don't think your feelings are just able to disappear after you have loved someone no matter if they have hurt you or not. We meet many people during our lives that take up a place in our hearts, and that includes an ex.
October 27th, 2014 12:51am
It depends. Everyone experiences everything very differently. So it really is a personal thing on you.
October 18th, 2014 6:21am
I think a more valid question would be ... 'Do I feel this way?' ... because you are trying to heal and help Yourself and what you feel must be considered rather than ... what is the so-called norm , And it's okay to still love your ex... but you'll have to establish some boundaries to heal and move on
July 11th, 2015 1:41am
Well, when it comes to someone that you were so close with once upon of time nobody, but you can tell you how to feel or what you should feel. Whatever is in your heart is what you truly feel. You know that you still love your ex and that's all there is to know really. After all you were once in a relationship with this person. It is completely normal to still have feelings for he/she no matter how much time has passed by since the relationship ended.
October 24th, 2014 11:53pm
You cannot control who you love, so it isn't about if you should or should not feel this way. You have to look at it and think if she is the right person to love. I assume there is a valid reason they are your ex... take a look at that maybe.
November 4th, 2014 5:17pm
That is normal to still love your ex, I still love my ex too. Sometimes you just need to ignore that feeling and move on even though it hurts to move on.
January 21st, 2016 8:03am
There is nothing wrong with loving your ex. If your breakup was unexpected it's normal to love your ex because they just dissapeared in your life, left a hole and you would do everything to get him back. Time heals and you'll get over him but you miss him. DO something you like and enjoy your time, he will disappear from your mind slowly , but he will.
January 22nd, 2016 1:32pm
Its OK. You used to love each other and now that your separated your feelings cant just magically go away. It may take some time and be hard not to approach your ex but give it some time.
January 1st, 2016 6:01pm
It's normal. You put so much time and love into this person, and in the end, it feels wasted. It takes time to get over them, and soon enough you will notice the love for them to start to disappear.
January 21st, 2016 1:01am
Yes, it's normal. But very unhealthy because you could ruin both you & your next relationship being stuck to an ex. Talk it out with your ex if feelings are still the same.
January 20th, 2016 10:16pm
We're both in the same boat and guess what? It is perfectly normal. It is quite difficult to 'fall out of love' with someone who you firmly believed to be 'the one' as I am sure you have. You've invested a lot of time, energy and emotions into this person. No one is ever emotionally prepared for a breakup and it takes time to really move on from someone.....especially if we're holding on to memories and the feelings that are associated with them. Try to embrace those feelings and come to terms with what has happened, and when you are ready you will let them go. At the end of the day, we are the only ones responsible for our happiness. :)
July 8th, 2015 2:09pm
Try to ask yourself first does your ex still loves you? it's only normal to feel that way I also experience that but it will only make it worst because you expect that your ex will love you back, just don't assume too much about it if both of you are meant to be? God will find a way...
January 16th, 2016 9:27am
It is ok to feel this way. It is just that you haven't started your new chapter yet. And when you do you will learn to love someone else.