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Why do I hate myself so much?

270 Answers
Last Updated: 05/18/2022 at 6:43pm
Why do I hate myself so much?
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Jennifer Patterson, LMFT

Art Therapist

Life can be messy. Sometimes you need a little support to make your way through it. I love to help guide people through their challenges & to find the beauty in our messes.

Top Rated Answers
July 1st, 2020 3:35pm
I am so sorry to hear that you feel that way. It can be hard to feel positive about ourselves, and I can really relate coming from a background with a long history of eating disorders. You seem to get so fixated on your imperfections and let harmful words (or words you have manipulated or interpreted as being harmful) linger within you. However, I always try to remember that there is someone who would cry for me if I were to cease to exist and if there is at least one person, whether it be your mom, your best friend, or your pet, you really do matter. If you are providing positivity to this world, then why hate yourself? There is no reason to. No one is perfect, and we could spend all day describing our imperfections, but instead, it is much more worthwhile to stay positive and embrace ourselves. We have to take one step at a time, to recognize our good qualities and learn to love ourselves. I myself am a huge culprit of ignoring my positive attributes, but I always try to say them out loud to myself when I feel like I am no good. Hope that helps :)
July 12th, 2020 11:29pm
In the past, I have often looked down upon myself because I didn't believe I was good enough. This related to being good at school work, being good at getting a boyfriend and having good friendships. I would often get down on myself for looking a certain way, and criticise my looks and my actions repeatedly. I think I hated myself because I was constantly comparing myself to others, for instance on social media, and this gave me an unrealistic view of how I was supposed to look and act. I think we're often hard on ourselves because of an innate desire to be the best person we can possibly be, but often that isn't good for us and our mental health.
July 17th, 2020 12:57pm
It’s hard to avoid comparing yourself to others. We all do it from time to time — at work, at school, with friends, on social media. But this act of constantly evaluating how you measure up can have a big impact on your mental health and how you see yourself. A simple “I’ll never look like Marissa,” can quickly spiral into “I’ll never be good enough for anyone.” Before you know it, just looking at yourself in the mirror can trigger thoughts of self-hatred and frustration. These feelings can be particularly distressing if you already live with a mental health condition, such as anxiety or depression.If you’re unsure if you’re experiencing self-hatred, you can check for a few of the common symptoms: All or nothing statements. You see your life as a list of ultimatums, most of them resulting in catastrophe. For example, “If I fail this exam, I’ll flunk out of college and be a total loser.” Only focusing on the negative. It doesn’t matter how good your day was — sunshine, ice cream, puppies — all you can think about is what went wrong. Believing a feeling is a fact. Instead of “I feel like a failure,” you think, “I am a failure.” Low self-esteem. You don’t feel like you’re good enough to be around friends and family, to apply for new jobs, or to put yourself out there for new opportunities. If this all sounds familiar, don’t panic. Things might feel overwhelming right now, but trust us: You are worthy of love, especially from yourself.
July 23rd, 2020 8:16am
You hate yourself because you refuse to see your value. You undersell yourself in the belief that you don't deserve self love. You disregard your value as a person because you long to be wanted. It might be because you seek love externally instead of seeking it internally. For you to be able to love yourself you must be able to embrace your flaws and imperfections. Instead of looking down on yourself because you're imperfect, make it a motivation to embrace the entirety of yourself even more. Fill your self with love and kidness by telling yourself in the mirror that you are worth of self love and kidness
August 29th, 2020 12:10am
We can never hate ourselves, we might always like an idea or someone more that we try to become and change to be that way. Self-criticism is a way of letting yourself down and forming a hate towards yourself. Instead pointing out a negative fact about yourself try to create and achieve positive facts and see the change of your mindset about yourself. Always remember nothing is better than another nor is something perfect. Its all a mind game and its our responsibility to make a change and have the control. Always smile and appreciate who you are cause you wouldn't be better any other way.
September 2nd, 2020 1:24pm
You just haven't discovered the real you. Have you been forcing yourself to fit in lately or wanting to impress other? You are the only you and that's where your true happiness lies. Never be pressured into being like others or someone. Not even your role models. Your role models are examples to keep you in check. Explore. Find out what you love. Come out of that she'll and live your live to the modest. You live for you. Not because someone said you should live a way. You live for you and create your style. Be good
September 3rd, 2020 7:09pm
It's not that you hate yourself, its more likely that you are comparing yourself to others and are focusing on what you aren't, or are feeling like you can't live up to standards set by yourself or others around you. Maybe you have bad habits that make you feel down or are surrounding yourself with negative people. But take a deep breath, you can change this! Take care of yourself and your body, surround yourself with positive people and environments, and do something you truly enjoy! You are a wonderfully unique person and this world needs you! Take small steps each day to improve your habits and life, and you will learn to be okay with who you are, and come to love yourself.
September 24th, 2020 9:37pm
There can be a lot of reasons for this including but not limited to the fact your life might have programed that to be automatic. ACT works wonders. A more scientific reason is memory. We remember negative things more than positive ones because the negative things once upon a time were key to our survival. We needed to remember if we ate a certain food it would make us sick, or when we slept a certain place we were attacked, or when we said a certain thing or behaved a certain way something negative occurred. Our brains also remember things about ourselves more easily than other people, as humans, we are programmed to be very self-involved creatures. The combination of these things means it's easier for us to remember negative feelings, negative situations, negative attributes than positive ones. We let go of good things more easily and focus on the bad. If you combine this with an environment that made us already feel bad about ourselves we can develop an inward self-hate talk. This talk tries to punish us for the things we feel are negative, and it ignores the good because it's not concerned about it. If you are able to try to pay attention to the thoughts you think inside, do a thought experiment when you can to challenge those thoughts. Ask yourself, if I were not me, and my friend had done this how would I feel? Would I be more understanding? Would it be easier for me to support them or forgive them? Would I feel like they need forgiveness or had done anything wrong? Re-programing the hate speech we tell ourselves is a difficult process but it can significantly help us with self hate.
September 25th, 2020 8:08pm
I cannot say I know why we have so much disdain for ourselves with certainty. In my past, I found it was primarily due to a lack of value I placed in myself. When the world gives you lemons making lemonade can be hard to do alone, when you do not feel support, and do not feel you can make a difference. It is still something that is not always easy to overcome, but I found what helps me most is to remind myself of my value and to keep moving with goals that will be beneficial for my future. I also heard a phrase that has not escaped me. "No one is here by chance."
October 10th, 2020 7:21pm
That is a really tough one. Know that you are human; it is okay to feel these feelings, and it is completely normal. I think we all struggle to love ourselves. After all, we are our own worst enemy. Learning to love yourself is no a quick fix; it takes time and patience. Some days are harder than other while other days are easier. There are many great exercises out there to help improve your self-esteem. I suggest that every day find one thing you like about yourself and it can't be the same thing you said the day before.
October 11th, 2020 9:17pm
We are our own harshest critics. It's cheesy, but it's true. I don't think anyone truly HATES themselves, I think that we all have or still do hate some things that we do, or some things about our bodies, but as a whole I don't think anyone can really HATE all of themselves. Some reasons for this might be that people comment on something that you do and it makes you self conscious so you hate it and you want to change it or you don't feel comfortable in your own skin. Finding yourself is a hard thing to do, once you do, though, it is much easier to love yourself. Try finding something about you to embrace and love, that will spread. Be optimistic :)
November 26th, 2020 6:15am
I hate that I have so many insecurities and that I cannot let go of them they are affecting my life, even my productivity. I also hate that I am unattractive and ugly that no guy would want to date me or be with me.... I wish I can remove this hatred. I wish I can be more loving and forgiving. I wish I can be more compassionate and wise in life. I love people but sometimes it is hard to love myself. I always give other people the power to affect my emotions and thoughts. Sometimes, I allow them to affect my behaviors and self-esteem as well.
January 27th, 2021 4:49pm
These things likely to occur when you and others set high expectations from yourself and you are not able to achieve your goals according to your expectations. Maybe you can lower your expectations a bit and make it reasonable. You can also improve how and what you think of yourself by achieving smaller goals, appreciating yourself for it and then going to more advanced level. Loving yourself is not an easy task surely, but it is not impossible. Putting right amount of efforts on right things is really very important. You can even write down a few good qualities about yourself and look at them daily once you wake up and before you fall asleep.
February 4th, 2021 11:10pm
I went through many years in a toxic cycle of self hate. When I examined where that hate was coming from, I realized it wasn't hate, it was shame, manifesting as hate. In between comparing myself to others, not letting go of the past and being in a cycle of blame, the hate grew stronger. I think to begin to know why you hate yourself, you need to look at the why that would be specific to you. Are you depressed? Well a common factor in depression is negative thinking, if the depression is causing you to think negatively all the time, pointing out your flaws, mistakes and all, you will eventually hate yourself. Remember though it may feel like you hate yourself, but in actual fact, it might be you hate what is happening around you and how that makes you feel. I think first and foremost, try and have some compassion for yourself.
February 11th, 2021 4:49pm
You have not yet realized all the amazing things about you yet. It could be that others around you have made you feel worthless in comparison to them--that is not true and if that is an issue for you, take some time off of social media and learn to focus on good aspects of yourself. Take time to exercise, daily if possible, as it releases some feel good hormones throughout your body. Do not do this just to achieve a sort of physic, but so that you can feel balanced. Eat healthily, plenty of fruits and veggies, as some foods can hormonally influence our emotions. Write down as many good things as you can about yourself... Google self love quotes that promote your self esteem. Look in the mirror and tell yourself (out loud) amazing things about yourself (some of which you may have written down). You are an amazing person and there is no one like you. Don't let negative thoughts determine who you are and how much you are worth. 💖🤗
February 20th, 2021 3:41am
I’m sorry you feel that way. Think of things that you love about yourself. Say daily affirmations. You must learn to love yourself or you will never be happy. Pick out 1 thing a day you love about yourself!! Or make it up!! Fake it till you make it baby but you are so worth it and so loved. I promise. People care about you. Your family, your friends, the barista at the coffee shop!!! You matter. There is so much to love in this world and YOU are part of it. Have an amazing day/night. I’m proud of you.
February 25th, 2021 10:29pm
It can be difficult to give yourself the leniency needed to accept yourself. This is something I struggle with day to day. However, in order to start feeling better about myself, I forced myself to list 2 good things about myself for every 3 bad things I listed about myself. If I couldn't come up with any more good things, I had to stop listing bad things until I could come up with more. It's difficult to not feel overwhelmed when you hate yourself but there are people who love you and they must love you for a reason right?
March 4th, 2021 12:11am
You probably hate yourself because you never knew who you actually are. Maybe you always compared yourself to others or have a low self esteem, maybe you never gave yourself a chance or maybe self-love was never a thing for you. Sometimes the reason could also the society or your surrounding which never made you find your self worth because of which you tend to focus on the negative feelings and not the positive side. There could be many reasons why you hate yourself but you probably never found that one reason which would make you make you love yourself
March 12th, 2021 11:38am
You have expectations from yourself , that you think you are not going to meet . Or maybe you think its impossible for you . . Maybe you always compare others with you and you find them much better than you . That is the time when you feel disappointed and you start hating yourself . . Make yourself your own top priority first , and stop comparing others with you. Everyone is unique here . Dont expect too much from yourselves. Set small goals , try to fulfill it. That way you will gain confidence and you will start loving yourself. :)
March 14th, 2021 10:25pm
The reason why people usually hate themselves mostly likely has to do with a mistake they made or maybe someone they cared about left them and now they think that’s it their fault. It doesn’t matter which one it is. I hope you know that it’s never worth it. We’re humans and we make mistakes. That’s why we have to forgive ourselves. You are the only person that you’re really going to have to live with for the rest of your life so why not take the time to fall in love with yourself instead of hating yourself? I’m sure you’re an amazing human being going through a though time. Have patience and you’ll get there. I believe in you :)
March 31st, 2021 11:30pm
Various traumatic experiences can cause self hatred, like abuse, neglect, dealing with a narcissistic parent. When we have not learned to love and accept ourselves as we are in childhood but were excessively criticized in a non constructive and negative way we might come to the conclusion that we are not good enough. People might start comparing themselves to others in a biased way, seeing only the good qualities in others and only the bad one in themselves. This can result in hating yourself for not being likeable, for being bad in worst case scenario. Sadly this cognitive distortion, or thinking error, can stick to a person's mind for the rest of their life if not corrected.
May 7th, 2021 7:12am
there could be many reasons, guilt,insecurities,dark past,things that you consume(mentally,emotionally), comparison and all ! we often forget what we are and how we are in the chaos of social media and our own past mistakes. so :be yourself: accept yourself first, no matter how you are , iam not blaming social media but these days people are always anxious and suffering from low self esteem issues because they see positive, rich,perfect people all the time and hate themselves, so best way is know yourself then dig in to the own identity , know your passion ,,, keep working on yourself one day you will get what you want and hate will change in to love
May 28th, 2021 5:01pm
The answers as to why people hate themselves can be many, and none can be satisfying. Actually, people try to avoid asking themselves a much simpler question but whose answers would lead to undertaking paths that require a lot of personal effort, no help from even the closest friends but the only certainty that sooner or later the change will happen and people will begin to love themselves like they never have before. Therefore, instead of asking yourself "why do I hate myself" try asking "How can I start loving myself, approving myself as I am and letting all the past go?"
June 18th, 2021 4:16am
The insecurities and hatred many of us often feel towards ourselve is usually a reflection of the opinions of others- the things we hate about ourselves are usually the same things we have received hate on from others. Between this and the societal pressures to strive for perfection and loose our unique qualities, we can begin to resent ourselves for the things that make us stand outside of the "norm". Personally, I have struggled with self confidence issues and insecurities as a result of bullying. Hating ourselves isn't actually "hating ourselves"- it's us reminding ourselves of the hate we receive from others. Remember, you are perfect in your unique way! The things that make you stand out are what make you beautiful/handsome! You are an incredible person, no matter who you are, for each of us has something special to bring to the world, and shine our individual light in a dark world! :) The next time you feel insecure, or hate yourself, remind yourself that you cannot be compared to others, nor can you truly use the opinions of others to define who you are. ❤️
July 14th, 2021 7:36pm
This is a super complicated question. Sometimes it's because other people have consistently mistreated us and made us question our worth, sometimes it's the inevitable comparisons we make to people who we deem as having a better life, sometimes it's straight up mental illness. Majority of the time, it's a combination of all three. We are our own worst critics. Everyone's situation is different, but low self-esteem is a universal experience. Figuring out why you feel the way you do and where it came from can often be the very first step to heal this hurt that you're experiencing.
September 29th, 2021 6:05am
sometimes we get down on ourselves for the smallest or biggest of things. it's normal to feel frustrated or upset with yourself from time to time! however, it's also important to learn how to identify and work through these feelings. has anything been upsetting you recently? have you done anything that has made you anxious, depressed, or angry? sometimes these things can accumulate and result in us hating ourselves. it sounds like you have self awareness, and that will be a great help in finding the root of this. try to evaluate your emotions and work through what has been causing them, and why these events have caused particular emotions. sending love to you
December 3rd, 2021 5:06am
Unfortunately, I'm not able to tell you why you hate yourself. However, I'm sensing that you're distressed, and displeased with something about yourself. I've been in a similar situation before, and something that helped me was to recognize that I'm human and we all make mistakes. Fortunately, this is natural and no one can claim to be completely perfect. I'm sure you have many admirable qualities, but your feelings are completely valid. Sometimes the struggles of life make it very hard to see yourself in a positive light. Would you like to tell me what you're displeased about or what's bothering you?
January 1st, 2022 2:50pm
Honestly, it could be because you have an all-or-nothing mindset. Or because you are so focused on making others feel good about themselves that you are degrading yourself. I’ve been there before. When you degrade yourself to make others feel good, you start focusing more on your negative weaknesses than your strengths. The longer we think this way, the harder it is to get out of. Again, this is only from my experience, you are the expert of you, so I can’t tell you why you hate yourself. Anyways, please get help while you can and have a good day.
February 12th, 2022 6:35pm
Because society has conditioned us to! Beauty companies literally thrive by creating beauty standards which most of the population doesn't have, then creating products so other people can feel better about themselves. There is a lot of toxicity floating around, to the point where toxic PRODUCTIVITY is now being praised. I know just how much the feeling of constantly feeling inadequate sucks and self hatred is so so hard to get over. But remember that you are the main character of your own life and that you deserve to be kind to yourself. Treat yourself with the same kindness that you treat others
May 18th, 2022 6:43pm
A lot of people tend to compare themselves to others or to standards society has set, and when they feel like they don't meet these expectations, it can lower their self-esteem and confidence and allow negative intrusive thoughts that put the blame on themselves to seep in. I always find myself at my lowest points when I feel like I'm not doing as much schoolwork as I should or when I'm late on hitting milestones. I was always hard on myself for getting my license at 20 when most people I knew got theirs at 16. Then I began to realize that life shouldn't be seen as a competition, and that prioritizing myself and my health actually helped me more than pushing myself way past my limits.