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What's the best way to get over someone calling you nasty names?

315 Answers
Last Updated: 07/03/2022 at 5:47am
What's the best way to get over someone calling you nasty names?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Alex DS Ellis, MA, LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

Feeling depressed or anxious can be so overwhelming. I want to help you feel better and be able to enjoy life. You are not alone and you deserve emotional support.

Top Rated Answers
July 28th, 2018 5:07pm
Talk to someone you care about on how you feel when people call you nasty names. Don't hold how you feel inside.
August 1st, 2018 4:06am
It is always tough when a little comment or "joke" hurts you. It's hard to hear rude things about you. The key, though, is your reaction. Each person has the strength to power through the negativity. You have the strength. Maybe confide in a friend or find happiness elsewhere, like playing with your pet. It's okay to feel sorry for yourself, but only for so long. Remember, your harasser is most likely hurting inside and taking it out on you.
August 3rd, 2018 8:32am
You know yourself the best. The person calling you names is most likely feeling insecure themselves, so they are projecting their insecurities onto you. You know your strengths and your weaknesses, so base how you view yourself on what YOU know, not what other people think they know.
August 8th, 2018 3:51am
Breath and think other than that because you have to believe in who you are as a person and not what others think they see of you
August 19th, 2018 11:50pm
Best way is to believed in yourself and acknowledge the good traits you possess. These positive characteristics are what makes you unique. The person who generally calls person nasty names usually have personal problems and intend on hurting others to make then unhappy. Don't let them win by believing them. You just believe in who you are and if you have any bad units that you want to get rid of take your time and work on becoming the better you but don't do it to please them. Do it to be more confident in yourself and who you are.
August 25th, 2018 1:48am
It’s a tough experience, I know. Remember that the things they call you are reflections of their own inside hurt, directed at you as a means of self-help. False help, true, but still all they know to do. It is likely they have had no support for friends, family, or other. Do your best to understand this. Remember that you are a human being who is incredible and worth it. You are valuable, perfect, and inflated. There is NOTHING wrong with you. If these things continue to upset you, find support in friends and family. Talking to someone always helps.
September 26th, 2018 9:42pm
I'm sorry you got called nasty names! That is so rude and hurtful and it is completely understandable that it affects you. One way to help get over it is practicing self-care to improve your confidence. This can mean different things for different people. Maybe every morning you write down a couple things that you like about yourself. Maybe you spend more time with people who make you feel good about yourself. Maybe you learn a new skill. If you're confident in yourself, you won't care as much about what others think! While it may hurt a lot now, these things tend to get easier with time. It won't always hurt this much!
October 3rd, 2018 9:57pm
You have to look at these names and think if it’s true or not. And it’s not because everyone’s a gem wether you know it or not and everyone’s equal and has flaws. Society’s way of thinking is messed and has to change that because if we don’t then no one will ever see true beauty in their self if everyone thinks being beautiful is being skinny make up and hairless
October 14th, 2018 10:51pm
Be the bigger person and ignore them. If they resume, report the offender to the authority figure of your area. Know that the names they call you are not true and do not define you. If you experience further harassment, contact the police or someone who can apprehend the offender. If the name-calling causes feelings of anxiety and/or depression, please contact a listener of 7 cups or a medical professional before the feelings worsen as they may cause you to do something that can harm you or the people around you. Surround yourself with people who positivity impact you and make you feel happy.
October 17th, 2018 3:16am
There are many people who try to tease others by calling them using nasty names. So best way to cope with them is to ignore them. People often use those names to lower others self confidence and make other feel that they are not worthy, hence stop giving attention to them. When you start to ignore them they will stop calling those nasty name. Cause they will see that you are strong and brave and those nasty names are not able to lower your self confidence cause you embrace your strengths. That time they will by themselve stop using those names.
November 9th, 2018 8:19am
The best way to move on from someone you calls you names is to acknowledge that what they are saying is a reflection on themselves and not you. no one has the power to "label" you. If you are able to separate yourself from them its a good place to start. If that is not possible then learning to listen to your own inner positive voice is the best way to go. Simply put if you take the word and break it down to letters then the word no longer has meaning nor power in which it can affect you.
November 28th, 2018 10:31am
If someone has done this once, its sometimes helpful to let them know how this has made you feel. Sometimes people act differently under pressure and actually become ashamed of their actions later when they calm down. You should just tell them in a friendly way that how this made you feel. If someone is being rude constantly and you have talked about it before and it has not worked, you should just avoid situations resulting in the same actions or generally avoid situations where you are in contact. And one thing in mind, people who use these terms are mostly reacting to a stressful situation or they are generally not that polite and in a good relationship with their own selves either.
November 29th, 2018 8:28pm
Being called nasty names is never easy and it doesn’t get easier for a long time. You could try writing down the names in a list or a book just to come to terms with them. This will help you remember that they’re just words. However if someone is calling you nasty names then you really should tell a trusted parent, guardian, friend or teacher who can help you with the problem. Nobody has the right to call you names. When somebody is calling you a name you should try and imagine a bubble around yourself. This bubble can be anything you want it to be, candy floss, a Lego wall, a lightsaber. Whenever you get called a name, imagine this bubble or wall or sword and use it to get rid of the nasty name as it comes towards you. It can be hard to get right at first but easy to get good at and then very useful.
December 7th, 2018 6:22am
I think I'm best suited to answer this question because I do this all the time. Now that's not to say that I'm constantly getting bullied and teased but my mental disorder makes it seem that way. I have Social Anxiety Disorder so I'm hypersensitive any social situation- basically any public setting. As a result, my sense of reality is distorted making me feel as though everyone is out to get me. At first, it was extremely hard for me to endure this but as I continued to visit my therapist and create healthy coping mechanisms, I was able to reduce my stress to a manageable level. So, seeing that yours isn't as severe as my case, I'm hoping it will be easier for you to adopt and adapt to this. If somebody says something nasty about you, it's definitely not true and that's what you should tell yourself each time they say that. Secondly, I like to tell myself that nobody else but me has control over my emotions, meaning if a bully tries to elicit fear in you through whatever stupid bully-tactic they employ, take it as some type of battle and you not giving in to their efforts is the most powerful blow you could inflict. Lastly, I think when faced with any problem, the best way to solve it is by talking to yourself and in this case, making it a habit to always remind yourself to 'have shock absorbers' would be most effective because it's like casting a spell of protection around yourself from mindless meanies. Well, there's my two pence. Good luck with the bullies! :) oh, and happy friday!
December 16th, 2018 2:44pm
The best way to get over someone calling you nasty names is to IGNORE THEM. Don't give them the satisfaction of seeing you annoyed, disturbed or affected by their action. This kind of people want attention from you. Calling someone nasty names shows how insecure a person doing this immature act. Their insecurity drives them to act aggressively to make them feel secure and to protect themselves from their ugly truths. So it's actually a matter of self-issue. That's why, for me, the best way to get over someone calling you nasty names is to ignore them and keep moving forward with your life.
January 15th, 2019 12:06am
The best way to get over someone that calls you nasty names has to deal with your self image. Its about accepting who you are. If you were to call yourself beautiful/handsome in the mirror EVERYDAY it will be stamped in your head that you are and no an say that you arent. This also contains accepting your flaws. If you know that there is something that you dont like about yourself you dont have to force yourself to like it. Youre allowed to have insecurities or have a dislike. It only becomes a problem when you allow that feeling to overpower your other feeling of you being beautiful/handsome. In other words allowing your flaws to define you. In conclusion if you know who you are and someone was to call you nasty names it would never effect you. At the end of the day you know you arent those names.
January 16th, 2019 11:35am
most important keyword in this is: responsibility. As i see it, anything that happens in this universe at least, is governed by a simple law: like attracts like. the same goes in reverse: dis-like repels dis-like. so, following this hypothesis (to me is true, but i try to look from your perspective now) this means that those attitudes that come to you (karma basically), come to you because you acted the same, somehow, in some areas. hence, the responsibility is vital, to accept your own past, your own dramas from the past. Let these dramas happen in this light. Knowing, realizing they are yours from the past. They are not coming just from the other, while you have to be his or her slave, to swallow that shitty attitude. No, you are the boss in this light, you recognize that it's yours. And u use the situation to choose better, to plant better seeds (dharma, i guess it's called) It's not required that you respond in "kindness", that's not possible at first. But you have to start with the right start. To recognize the past, that it's yours, take it, own it, responsibility, then recognize what is good from this point forwards => seed planted. Don't try to destroy the past, don't try to destroy that person. Let her bark how much time she or he wants. Let universe work. Then, after your past is finished, or the more your past is finished, the more distance between you and this type of people. problem solved (but it takes time and patience, to not react to them, and to keep focus on what is good from now on)
April 6th, 2019 7:45pm
The very best way to get over someone who is calling me nasty names is to realize that it is not about me. I do my best not to take things so personally. Usually what others say about me is from their perception and state of mind. It's their emotion and belief. Others will see me different. That is also not something to take personal. How I respond to the way people call me is my choice. And I choose to feel good, no matter what others call me and/or have to say about me! I realize this is not always easy to do and I am not perfect either. All I can do is remind myself about this and give it all to stand my ground. To be loyal to myself. To love myself enough to not be hurt by what others call me.
April 28th, 2019 2:42am
Find a character from history, a book, a movie, a series, that you like, that was name called or criticized in similar ways as you are. Characters that you like. Like, for example, I was criticized as being "square" because I hold to firm moral principles. I saw a character of a series, my favorite of that series, and how in spite of how they criticized him for being "square" or "psychorigid" exactly because of his personality he as an irreplaceable asset in the series and everyone had to recognize him. That way you can turn the insult into praise. They called St. John the Baptist crazy. They laughed at Noah. They thought that Albert Einstein was mentally retarded or deficient. People insult and get things wrong. They are destroying their own reputations and careers. Be kind and respectful, always. You may also remove yourself from a place where you are mistreated. Get support from kind friends. The things you say speak about you. If you call me idiot, that doesn't mean that I am an idiot. I may, or may not. But what we do know is that you are rude. Whenever someone calls you a name, please remember, they are letting you know who they are, not who you are. One last thing you can do is tell the other person, in a nonchalant tone, "You know you love me!" When they name call you. It can help defuse the situation and make the other person reduce the behavior at least in public. In private you can say that, and smile saying "thank you!".
May 2nd, 2019 4:57am
One of the best ways over someone calling you nasty names would be to let it roll off your shoulder so to say. Don’t let what they say about you affect how you shown yourself or how you feel about yourself. If you let these nasty names take over how you see or show yourself to be, it can make you very unhappy as a person and loose any or all self confidence you have in yourself. But simply remember, these are their thoughts about you. A small group of people, not every single person you will/have ever met.
June 4th, 2019 12:57pm
Don't take it too personally, perhaps they were having a bad day themselves, or going through some things that they can't talk to you about, maybe they're tired or just trying to make you mad at them?
June 27th, 2019 10:04pm
As my mom used to say the ones that try to bring other people down (for example by calling them names or hurting them in any other way) are the ones with the most insecurities about themselves so they try to bring others down just to feel a little better about themselves if you remember that it is easy to ignore them by not letting them impact your well being and just feel sorry for them for not having received enough love. I know that it is not always easy not to be affected by mean comments if you keep this in mind it will get easier to ignore any insult
August 19th, 2019 10:56am
Rise above it! Name calling is nasty and can cause a lot of hurt and anguish however often if we ignore this behaviour then it deters them from further name calling as they do not get a reaction. However sometimes this does not help matters and in this case you could think about confronting the person who is administrating the name calling. You could ask them why they are being so hurtful, you could explain to them how it effects you and makes you feel and you could then ask if they could refrain from further name calling in the future.
November 29th, 2019 7:00am
When someone calls you with nasty name, tell him/her that you feel bothered with that. Tell them that you do not like it. Or you forgive them. It's not an easy thing to deal with of course. What him/her did is horrible. And you don't deserve this. Not a single person in this world ever does. But you have to forgive that someone. It's not for them. It's for yourself. Forgive them, whether they apologize to you or not. Forgiving means you're strong enough to accept everything that happens to you. And, let me present you my favorite quote by John Green, "The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive". And as Cinderella always said, have courage and be kind. Take care!
December 22nd, 2019 5:52pm
Just ignore them. Keep in mind that people are almost always mean to others because of their own problems and insecurities. Putting others down makes them feel better about themselves. You would be better off plainly ignoring them instead of engaging. This will show them that it doesn’t bother you, and that their attempts are childish and pathetic. And if all else fails, remember these classic (and, yes, overused) sayings: “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” and “I’m like rubber, you’re like glue. Whoever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!”
January 3rd, 2020 6:25pm
If you’re near that person then try to get away far from them but if that’s not possible then show them you don’t care. I know it might hurt when they call you nasty names but they will keep on calling you nasty names if they see that you don’t do anything. They will think you are an easy target to annoy and make mad. If they still don’t stop after you tell them to stop, you have to tell somebody. It doesn’t have to be your parents or teachers, it just has to be somebody you trust and somebody older than you.
February 14th, 2020 1:20am
I would say try to understand that its on them and not on you, try to defintely talk to and find better support circle of friends, because if you have someone like that in your life, there might be a good chance you (Not always) Your support system may not be as intact, So I suggest finding someone you can talk to who strengthens how you feel about things - for e.g if you express a desire - notice if the other individual puts thought into their reply and if they make it about you - if not.. then look for others who help. Good luck
March 6th, 2020 7:47pm
I feel the best way would be to keep repeating to yourself that you are amazing no matter what others say or think about you. Another way is just to ignore the person and instead reply politely with a ‘hi’ and hopefully they will realize the hurt they have caused and apologies. Talking to someone you trust about this issue and getting guidance is important. Trusted sites such as 7 cups may also help in this process. The ‘bully’s’ intentions are usually based on their own insecurities and name calling is just their way of release. It is important to understand this but that doesn’t mean you have to take whatever they say. Confronting them politely and having a good view of yourself is also extremely important. Most of all surround yourself with people who make you feel safe and important.
March 8th, 2020 5:27pm
Calmly diffuse the situation: explain to the person that you feel uncomfortable that they are calling you names. Ask them why they are feeling this way - perhaps there are some underlying emotions they may need to address. If the situation escalates, ending the situation may be appropriate. On a personal level, it's so important to remind yourself that these names or insults are not directly about you - they may be the result of some distressing emotion, or simply due to trolling. It doesn't define you, and the fact you're helping makes a big difference. Self-care and talking to friends is so important to make yourself feel better. Breathing exercises in the moment can really help!
March 18th, 2020 5:43pm
What has helped me deal with people with awful behavior is to remind myself that their actions have nothing to do with me. Our behavior is indicative of ourselves rather than the person directed to. Therefore, if someone is calling you names and tries to hurt you he must be very miserable. His/Her/Them/ misery is directed towards you for reasons you cannot control and are a reflection of his/her/them unhappiness and unresolved issues. I mean think about it, the easiest thing to do is to keep your mouth shut, yet some people go out of their way to be hurtful. Next time someone calls you a nasty name, instead of thinking: "what's wrong with me?", maybe you should try: "Wow, this person must be miserable"