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How can I convince myself that my friends don't hate me? I have this irrational fear that they actually hate me.

252 Answers
Last Updated: 11/03/2022 at 1:19am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lisa Groesz, PhD


With evidenced based therapies, we find the root of the problem together to implement solutions. We all face crises, transitions, or disorders at some time.

Top Rated Answers
December 16th, 2020 1:45pm
I would say that the important thing is not to "convince yourself" of anything. You have an opportunity here for self-exploration, a chance to get to know yourself better than you do now. I would ask myself why it is I am anxious about my friends feelings about me. Are there things they are doing or saying which cause me to feel that they hate me or does this feeling seemingly come out of the blue and for no reason which I can put my finger on? If my friends are treating me badly, mocking me, being cruel to me and talking smack about me behind my back then I would consider getting new and kinder friends in my circle. If they are not doing anything to cause these feelings then I would speak to them openly about how I am feeling, explain that I know they are not trying to make me feel this way but ask them for reassurance. There is no shame in asking for reassurance if that is what you need. Honest and open relationships are the best kind and true friends will react with concern and compassion if approached for reassurance.
August 25th, 2021 6:09am
Most times it just helps to talk to them about it. It's normal to feel that way sometimes at least for me. Maybe try to see when you feel this way the most, based on the situation try to talk to them about it and try to be very clear about it. Ideally, they would comfort you about it and you'll feel much better overall. Also, try to think about things like, if they hated you why would they hang out with you? Mostly this stems off of an insecurity, so if you can reach the core of it, you would most likely be able to figure it out. Best of luck!
August 5th, 2021 10:15am
Look for positive signs that they care about you. When you are looking depressed, do they check on you? Are they happy at your success and joyful moments? Do they make you part of their plans when they hang out? If there is any sign of any of the above, then definitely they cannot be hating you and it is probably your mind playing tricks on you. Go on and enjoy your friends. You could even read the book - How to win friends and influence people, just to be sure you have some strategies up your sleeve whenever you are filled with self doubt.
July 29th, 2021 5:10pm
Sometimes the best thing to do in these scenarios is to be direct. It may be a bit awkward, but open up about this irrational fear with your friends. If they are your true friends, they will be understanding and reassure you that they do not hate you. It will be a good way to test how well they support you by opening up to them. If you are not able to be direct with them and bring this up with them, it is also comforting to note that there are plenty of people to hang out with in the world. If your friends are spending time with you consistently, they clearly like you!
June 10th, 2021 3:34am
This is hard, but I think the best solution is one that is both internal and external. Externally, make sure you have friend who treat you well, and if they don't, either distance yourself from them or discuss the issue with them. Once you have friends you support you, you have a great foundation that will allow you to do internal work without any stress. At this point, you should start finding ways to work on your own self esteem. There are resources for this on 7 Cups, but there are also many other resources and many ways of improving your self esteem. It's important to find a combination of exercises and activities that work for you.
May 26th, 2021 5:03am
This is completely understandable and I myself have struggled with these intrusive thoughts. What helps me is reminding myself that they wouldn't be my friends if they really hated/disliked me. Another reminder is taking a trip down memory lane. I combat the negative thoughts by flooding my mind with all the positive ones! With the positive memories outweighing the what if's, I already feel better. Another technique that helps but does require courage is active communication with your friends. We all have different love languages, but we can all compromise to remind each other that we love them in a way that they don't have to question. So, asking for some reassurance goes a long way! This can even be met subtly by playing a question game or doing a challenge like an association game. Hope this helps! You are loved :)
November 10th, 2021 7:24am
It's not going to be a one-and-done type of answer. You're going to have to work on this over time. But you clearly *know* it isn't true, you said so your self that it's irrational. Meaning you know that they actually like you -- How do you know? Even though knowing doesn't always help the other feeling to go away, keep reminding yourself, look at the evidence that points to them liking you and reinforce that to battle that feeling. Do they remember your birthday or the things that you like? Do they make plans to hang out with you? Try to cheer you up? Text you, send you gifs and memes, call you, snap you? And then beyond that work on proving to yourself that you are, in general, a worthy and likeable person! One thing that always helps for me is: animals. I have this belief that if they like you, there's no ulterior motive there. Well, okay, maybe they're hoping you'll feed them treats, but they're not going to pretend to like you and then ditch you. If the average dog wags their tail at you (I mean there's always going to be some that have their own issues and won't want anything to do with anybody) or cats generally don't hiss at you, you're golden. You are, at a very basic level at the core of your being, a likeable person. Look for all the signs that you are likeable. No matter how small or trivial they may seem. And repeat them to yourself. Eventually you'll see that whatever nice gestures you are seeing from your friends are because they genuinely like you and not some niceness-act they put on to mask their hate for you. You'll believe that they like you when you believe that you're likeable.
May 21st, 2021 7:17pm
First you start loving yourself, your irrational fear starts from the way you perceive yourself. And even after that if you feel the same, it might be paranoia. You can seek professional help for the paranoia. I too once had a similar fear, I had a feeling that everyone is plotting against me. But seeking professional help helped me identify the root cause of my irrational fear and get it resolved. If the feeling is just related to your friends I would also suggest you to try out having an open conversation with them. Good luck and be strong!
May 21st, 2021 3:03pm
This is a common thing firstly, so don't judge yourself for thinking like this. So you don't have to convince yourself for anything.. rather observe why this thought originates.. do they belittle you, trest you badly or are you projecting your past onto them? You really have to go on a journey of self discovery and observation. You will find your answer with that. Also, start taking care of yourself and loving yourself so their opinion of you doesn't even matter. You can also focus on building your self-esteem and confidence by achieving targets which you set for yourself. Stay blessed, you are an awesome person and I wish you all the best :)
May 19th, 2021 6:32pm
I have felt the same way so many times! But there's one thing I've learnt and it is that a lot of what you are thinking isn't usually true. If you're friends hated you, it would be obvious enough for you to know for sure, but if you have never been 100% sure then it probably isn't true! Little things like them whispering to each other, or giggling at a joke you don't understand is usually nothing and if you really do feel this way, it's always best to bring it up and ask them about it. This will help to clear any confusion or miscommunication and will make you feel better!
May 12th, 2021 11:09pm
Irrational fears can be very convincing if we give them time to stew. I think the best thing to do in this situation is communicate. If you're feeling like you have no value to your friends, then do something to nourish that value. Perhaps ask them how they are, or think of something that matters to them and invite them to talk about it. I find that nourishing a friendship is the best way to reassure yourself that you are a valuable and loved friend. I always feel better about myself when I do something nice for someone else. I also always feel better when I take the focus off myself and put it on someone else.
April 29th, 2021 7:06pm
Self-talk is everything. It's a very important aspect of our mental health that a lot of people often struggle with. First, know that you're not alone and these thoughts are normal. Redirecting your thoughts can be helpful in changing your mindset. Although it may be a lot easier said than done, reminding yourself that those intrusive thoughts aren't real is a great first step. You can actually reprogram your brain by replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations. So when the thought "My friends hate me" pops up in your mind, acknowledge that thought and cancel it out. Some people do this by literally repeating "cancel, cancel, cancel" in their head and then replace the statement by saying along the lines of "My friends love me" or "I appreciate having such great people in my life".
April 29th, 2021 8:21am
Focus on where these thoughts are emanating from. Have they shown signs that they hate you? What have they done to leave you feeling this way. Has anything significant happened that could have made them feel this way? Look inwardly and seek to address the source of these feelings of insecurity. Focus on your positive attributes, as you contribute to the friendship, and that is why they are your friends. Place emphasis on your strengths, and acknowledge the positives that you bring to the table. If the feeling is out of control, and you feel comfortable to do so, perhaps approach them about your feels and whether they are founded or unfounded.
April 9th, 2021 9:46am
Im sorry to hear you are feeling this way. It seems to me like you’re feeling anxious about being a burden to your friends, im sure you are an amazinh person and that you’re friends love you for who you are, i think this might be all on youre head, it would probably be best if you tried to talk with your friends about how you feel and if they have done something to make you feel this way. If you dont feel comfortable talking to them about it you should maybe take some time to observe them and their behaviors, but still the best option is talking it hurts more to keep stuff inside. I hope i could help you, is there anything else you want to talk about?
December 11th, 2021 5:05am
Well, the universe has a very simple rule. You attract what you believe to be true. This is why you have to start looking at yourself in a different light. Spend time on the things you enjoy doing. Recognize what your strengths are. If you feel positive about yourself, other people will want to be around you and never judge you. If you feel negative, however, people will begin to judge you for your qualities. You have to look inwards for the right answer. At the end of the day, if you can't love yourself, who will? It's the harsh truth of life.
February 24th, 2021 1:18pm
Hello :) ! It sounds like you are experiecing some anxiety about how your friends think of you. Why do you think they could have those feelings about you? Are there any situations where you feel like they are there for you to support you? Tell me more about your situation and how you feel. I am here to listen to you. You are the expert of your own life so I could never give advice as good as you would do to yourself. I am here whenever you need suport or someone to listen to you! I am here when you need to talk!
February 20th, 2021 2:51pm
I have also experienced this, so I understand how difficult this could be. It may help to have a conversation with one of your friends who you would feel most comfortable with and explain how you are feeling to them. They might be able to help you realise how much they care about you, even though you may not notice it at the moment. Also, it could also help them, as they may be in a similar situation with somebody, and you could both help each other! If this doesn't help, you may not be with the right group of people, and just need to find some who appreciate you more for what you are. I wish you luck!
February 17th, 2021 7:23pm
Firstly I'd remind myself my friends wouldn't be my friends if they didn't like me. Then I'd create a jar and fill it with notes detailing happy memories we've shared. I'd write the notes after a really good day, or when I'm feeling sad to make myself smile, or I'm feeling like I want to compliment my friend(s), or I'd just write any moment I feel like I want to remember. It'd be something memorable and special I would look back on when I need to remind how myself how much I mean to them and how much they mean to me.
December 23rd, 2021 5:45am
If they actually hated you they would tell you, avoid you ect. If they haven’t done these things assure yourself. You know you are worthy of friendship, because you are a good person. Make a list of good reasons your friends have to like you. Make another list of reasons why your friends might hate you. Use your intelligence and cross off any negative irrational responses. Hopefully the longer list will be all the good reasons full of facts that may help you convince yourself. If not, try again except making a list of only positive reasons that prove you’re a likable person and worthy of friendship. So that there isn’t anyway your friends could possibly hate you.
February 2nd, 2021 3:12am
Put yourself in your friends' shoes for a second! Could you bear to be associated or even be in the same vicinity as somebody you genuinely dislike for a prolonged period of time? They are friends with you, they are there for you when you need them; would you do the same for someone you hate? Oftentimes the answer is no. Your friends' continued relationship with you is the greatest evidence that they don't hate you! All of us go through periods of self-doubt from time to time, and I think that talking to your friends about how you feel can go a long way. I hope this helped! :)
January 29th, 2021 8:28pm
In order to convince yourself that your friends don’t hate you I think you have to think about the many possible reasons they have to like you. What do you give to your friends? How do you change their lives for the better? You could express your worries to your friends. You call them friends. Friends don’t hate friends. Do you like or love your friends? Why do you think they actually hate you? If they hate you they have to have a reason. How did you become friends? What do you do together? I suggest you think deeply and remind yourself that you do have great friends.
January 23rd, 2021 3:50am
When you have an irrational fear, it is a good idea to write down your thoughts - by writing them down, you may gain a better understanding of your thoughts. You can write down any "evidence" which supports your belief that your friends hate you. How much "evidence" can you come up with? Not much, I'd assume. For the "evidence" you did come up with, could you be misinterpreting the "evidence"? Now think about all the evidence to refute your belief - For example, "My friends checked up on me", "My friends seemed happy to see me", and so on. Hope this helps :)
January 17th, 2021 7:57am
First ask why do I feel this way? Our attitudes matters a lot. Change your attitude to a positive one and many things can change in your life. We say that what l feel about others, what I see in others is all about myself. My judgement about depends on what are my attitudes. If I want to shape my personality, have high self esteem I am to check always my attitudes whether it is positive or negative. You will realize that what is happening within you is exactly what you portray to others it is what we refer as projection.
January 14th, 2021 8:23pm
We have to first acknowledge our thoughts. Overthinking can lead you to question your entire life, your choices and in this case your relationships with others. Overthinking is a matter of possibility, we are expending so much of our time weighing out events that hasn't even happened yet ! Once you've gotten ahold of your thoughts, it's time to ask yourself, is there any physical and direct proof that they hate you ? Be logical here, a simple "seen" might not be a sign of hatred. Look for the more toxic actions. From my experience, I remind myself of my thoughts and try to navigate through them as best as possible.
December 24th, 2021 11:53am
I had a similar struggle when I was slightly younger. I am twenty years old now and have found that the best way of dealing with this feeling is to try and think very rationally. Really strip this feeling down to the basics. If your friends hated you or didn't like you, why would they want to be your friend? No one is forcing them to be around you and as easy as it is to worry about this, you have to try and remain rational about the feeling. So next time you're anxious about this, ask yourself, What would they gain from being around a friend they 'hate'?
January 1st, 2021 7:08am
I would say that the best way to disprove your fear is to have some conversations with your friends about your fears and how much you appreciate having them in your life. It might seem like it will be embarrassing to bring this up randomly, but it is easier to transition into talking about your feelings while catching up with each other on recent events, ex. you could say "I've been feeling a little down recently and I'm anxious that the people who know me don't actually appreciate me." It is difficult to take the first steps to healthy and concise expression of your emotions, but it can certainly help the other person sympathize with how you feel and also disprove your irrational fear.
January 16th, 2022 1:01am
Though it might sound silly, talk to them. Tell them how you feel because all your friends care about you, and will try and persuade you into thinking so. If you feel like they hate you, look at the way they behave around you and how they behave around their other friends. You could, if you still think they hate you, confront them. If they really cared about you they would try and convince that they don’t help. Obviously this can be different for different people, so just try and find a way to prove to yourself that they care about you.
June 28th, 2020 1:16am
I've felt this way countless times. Some of my friends even spread rumors behind my back and I used to get paranoid that my friends secretly hated me. However, I think as you mature, you come to realize that friends who make you feel unloved or unworthy really shouldn't be considered your friends. I no longer associate myself with my friend group from last year. Instead, I found a few friends that bring me up rather than tear me down. I'm much happier now, and I think you will feel the same way once you find some other people to bond with. In terms of getting over the irrational fear, don't worry about what your friends might be thinking! When I heard that one of my friends thought I was "boring," I immediately became self-conscious about my personality. Just be confident in yourself. Even if you don't feel confident, act confident and others will be automatically attracted to you.
August 5th, 2020 3:56pm
If you are feeling like your friends hate you it is important to look at what makes them love you, and what you love about yourself. Hate is a very strong emotion and I know your friends don't hate you, so talk to them about your feelings. Tell them this and if they are your real friends they will understand and support you. Ask them what they love about you. And ask yourself do I deserve to be hated, truth is no one deserves to be hated, you are strong, intelligent, and empowered. This fear does not define you, don't let it define your friendships either.
August 7th, 2020 10:58am
I believe this is an issue regarding self-love. I have been through it and I know it is hard. Self love is hard. You can ask yourself: What do you like about yourself? What are your qualities? Your sens of humour, your kindness, your listening skills, your music or movie preferences? Think of the question and write down your qualities. You can also ask yourself: Why would my friends hate me? We go out, we talk a lot. Remember that your are bigger than your fears. I hope this helps! Good luck and remember you are loved! Have a nice day!