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How to talk to a therapist without your parents knowing?

234 Answers
Last Updated: 06/04/2022 at 5:56pm
How to talk to a therapist without your parents knowing?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Tracy-Kate Teleke, PsyD, M.A., LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

I assist adults and couples in CA experiencing relationship challenges and interpersonal struggles including anxiety, depression, and a myriad of other life challenges.

Top Rated Answers
November 4th, 2016 12:51am
Talking to a therapist without your parents being informed can be difficult, especially if you are underaged as a lot of therapy places Ive seen require some form of parental consent for minors. If youre desperate for them not to know, there are online places, or hotlines, or you could get an older relative you trust to vouch for you if need be
November 10th, 2016 9:08pm
Online theraphy works, such as 7 Cups of Tea, but you should really tell your parents. They can help
January 26th, 2017 3:44pm
Well, most of the time it's hard to be seeing a therapist unless you're paying for it and your parents don't know. I would recommend a couple of things. We have therapists on here, you'd just have to find a way to pay to talk to them or have that free trial thing. Or, I'd just talk to your parents about seeing a therapist and you'd be surprised if they let you. But just know, we're always there for you no matter what. We have listeners willing to hear people and be there for them.
February 2nd, 2017 5:02pm
Seven cups is a great way to start. Seven cups is completely confidential and keeps your identity safe. If your parents leave the house, you can call a therapy hotline and speak to a counselor there too.
February 5th, 2017 8:27am
If you would like to talk to a therapist without you parents knowing you can do online chating and/or call a provide hotline.
March 2nd, 2017 8:38am
What is your reason for disallowing your parents to know? In any case, open communication with them about this option of taking care of yourself is highly beneficial, and objections from them can be met with firm, assertive statements from yourself on why you would like therapy. Therapy often requires financial resources, so support from your parents would really help with this. However, if their reactions to therapy may potentially endanger you in any way (emotionally or such), 7cups has a wealth of self-help guides and resources for you to read. The most discreet option is to act as a therapist of yourself, analysing your behaviours, recording thought patterns and emotional triggers among other things. Resources for personal CBT and DBT exercises can be found everywhere. For example, is a very useful resource for those wanting to check out DBT techniques for themselves. Good luck!
March 11th, 2017 5:46pm
That can be difficult. Can you talk to a school psychologist or guidance counselor? If you tell them your concerns, they might be able to help you (without telling your parents).
March 31st, 2017 3:47am
If you have the funds, you can pay to see a therapist privately or you can chat with an online therapist. They have to respect your confidentiality unless you are in immediate risk of harming yourself or others. You can also watch this video done by a licensed therapist. I wish you luck!
March 31st, 2017 5:31pm
7cups would be the best option out of all. I think it’s good if you could share your feelings with your parents and let them know what you want to do and they can help you out. But if not, then why don’t you try out online websites where there are online therapists who can help you out. You may have to pay for the professional ones.
April 1st, 2017 6:02pm
Online therapy! Many websites often offer online therapy for free or trials. You can also speak to someone at school.
April 8th, 2017 3:52pm
Telling parents or not is ones personal call. At times we hesitate telling parents as they might not be able to understand but we open up completely with the therapist. That's okay. Search time for yourself, you are most important in the world.
May 5th, 2017 6:55pm
This is highly dependant on your location and your personal situation. If you are in Canada, here is a good resource that will help you to navigate this issue: . Starting with online counselling and peer chats may be one of the most beneficial choices. 7 Cups offers this service at . Other forums that offer this type of service are Kids Help Phone, BetterHelp, and TalkSpace,
May 11th, 2017 1:00pm
This could be tricky because I don't know where you live or what is legal there. I highly suggest using 7cups teen listeners as a resource for you until you are no longer under your parents' guardianship. Listeners can also provide you with links and resources if you are in an emergency situation.
May 17th, 2017 2:56pm
There are many ways that you can talk to a therapist without you're parents knowing. If you are 18 and under, then maybe they tell the parents for the child's safety. If you are 18+ they have no right to do such thing. But be sure to ask the therapist, or tell them before and that you don't want things discussed with your parents, as they have a right of confidentiality.
May 21st, 2017 1:10am
I found a way of talking to a therapist with out your parents knowing, Most schools have programs where students can come and seek guidance or therapy about a certain issue. They have options not to tell your parents unless it is suicidal thoughts or actions. At my school they even cover it up as a after school program or remediation.
June 16th, 2017 8:25pm
Look for free counseling services at your school. However if you feel like you can strongly benefit from therapy I highly recommend talking to your parents about it
July 13th, 2017 2:03am
Speak to your school counselor and ask them to keep it confidential. If you're an adult, simply don't discuss it with your parents.
July 14th, 2017 10:00am
Online therapy might be the best option for that. One can find a lot of good therapists online on platforms like none other than our own 7 cups.
September 1st, 2017 12:23pm
You can try online therapy. Counselling via email or skype is possible nowadays. However, if you are under 18 you might need your parental consent
September 14th, 2017 5:18pm
I would recommend going to talk to your general practitioner doctor, you can always phone them if you are unable to get there alone. Doctors are required by law to abide by confidentiality so anything you tell them will be safe. They will then be able to refer you to the most suitable therapist in your area.
October 26th, 2017 4:04am
I don't think you can do that but what you can do is ask your therapist to not tell your parents what you discuss unless they feel your in immediate danger.
October 26th, 2017 3:46pm
Unfortunately, if you are a minor under the age of 16, most jurisdictions require you to have parental consent and involvement to receive medical care of any kind, including mental health care. However, if you are a minor and still in school, you may be able to access a school counselor or on-site psychologist that you'd be able to talk to with at least a modest amount of limitation to shared information. Part of why it's important that they know is that if you need a psychiatrist or medications to help you with your situation, they will have to be involved in those decisions. There may be some teen hotlines available to you nationally and locally that will give you access to trained counselors much like you can find here on 7cups and other similar sites, but if you want a professional, in-person therapy session with a psychologist, you may not be able to do that without parental involvement to some extent. If, however, you are an adult who does not want your parents to know about your mental health care... Well, they really don't need to be told. Even if you live with them, there is no need for them to know unless you expect them to financially support/pay for your visits. Either way, I would look into what resources you currently have available to you... such as school counselors, campus mental health clinics, hotlines, etc... and see if you might be able to connect with services that support your age group in the way that you need right now.
November 9th, 2017 3:03am
Try online therapy, maybe even go to your school counselor and ask him/her about it and try to get something set up.
November 10th, 2017 6:34am
You could find them online :) personally I've done it so late so I recommend you do not hesitate to contact a therapist or a listener when you identify a potential mental problem.
November 11th, 2017 9:50pm
The Therapist has to be confidential. The therapist cannot tell your parents or anyone that you have contacted them, unless you disclose something that the therapist thinks is dangerous for yourself or others around, this is when the therapist has to notify parents and other professionals, this is called safeguarding to ensure that you and others around you are safe. The Therapist will tell you if he/she feels that you have disclosed something dangerous and will tell you who he/she may need to involve and why.
November 15th, 2017 5:19am
One of the best ways to do that is if there is a therapist at your school or university health center!
November 17th, 2017 9:39pm
Websites like suicide chatlines and 7cups are great for talking to trained people that care about your feelings and are willing to listen. Resources like those are easy to access with an Internet search!
November 18th, 2017 6:25pm
There's many agencies which allow you to talk without your parents knowing, for example, childline, or here on 7cups, if you delete your browser history after.
November 23rd, 2017 1:33pm
Therapists must be confidential unless they feel you are at immediate risk of harm. You have to be 16 to receive anything from them medication wise however
November 24th, 2017 2:09pm
Depends on your age and your problems. I understand you want to seek advise without your parents knowing about it. This is the best place to take therapy. Hope it helps:)