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Why do I wake up thinking about my ex?

295 Answers
Last Updated: 04/15/2022 at 5:11pm
Why do I wake up thinking about my ex?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Jill Kapil, PsyD


I have over 9 years of clinical experience, specialize in anxiety, and am passionate about my work. My approach is collaborative, empathic, supportive, and goal-oriented.

Top Rated Answers
July 27th, 2019 7:10pm
You might wake up thinking about your ex because you still can like him. One other reason you might still think about him is that he might have done something bad to you while you were together. The break up might have been hard for you also that might be a reason. Another reason is that you might worry still about him and care about how he is doing. Waking up thinking about him might be also because you might hate him on the other hand. Then there might be also problems that you might have had in the relationship. Or you feel like you did something wrong and you still want to be with him.
August 11th, 2019 3:27am
It can be hard to get through a breakup with someone you once had such a strong connection with. You may not have fully gotten over them, and are still attached to them in some way. Id suggest trying to get rid of things that may remind you of your ex if there’s any pictures of items, or at least keep them away so they’re out of mind. Try your best to focus on your friendships and growing new relationships which can help you become focused on new relationships instead of past ones:) it might take some time to truly forget about your ex but it will eventually become easier and easier
September 1st, 2019 12:29am
Waking up and thinking of your ex could be that you triggered a memory in your sleep, however long you were with your ex-you still spent some of your life with him/her.. maybe you still hold a torch/grudge or raw feelings? it’s healthy and a curse at the same time.. but your only human and it’s only natural to think of your past and future, whether it happens from sleep or even daydreaming can trigger this.. how are you feeling toward your ex? Is it something you can find to let go of.. possibly seeking professional aid will help if needed
September 8th, 2019 11:51pm
When we go into relationships and have a special connection with a person it is normal to think about them constantly from the time we wake up until we lay our heads down. In the case of an ex partner, there was a connection there and whether you would like to or not you will think about that person for a time. As time carries on and less connection is made, the less you will be cognitive of that person’s presence. However it all depends on your desire to keep the connection. In time and with other connections, waking up and thinking about this person (if this is what you desire) will become less.
November 17th, 2019 8:32pm
A lot of times, after me and my ex broke up, I would have dreams about him and what we had. It's perfectly normal, your mind is just subconsciously thinking of them. Another thing could be that you're unhappy or not contempt with the way things ended, in which that case, maybe you could try talking to them to see if you can be friends. But as long as you just try to distract yourself and let go of them, everything will be okay. The worst thing for me was that I was in a perfectly happy relationship and somehow I would always end up think of my ex at the worst moments. History with someone is hard to let go.
November 27th, 2019 10:30am
In my experience it happens when you're still in the process of getting over your ex. Remember school time? The first thing that crosses your mind after waking up used to be some assignment, some test or some curricular activity that you were nervous about. Similarly, when you wake up after a break up the thing that has been occupying the most part of your brain are the thoughts about how to deal with the breakup, the memories of your past relationship which are still haunting you. Don't worry! As soon as you get yourself busy; be it with your work or studies or some other passion or task that you feel passionate about, the thoights of the ex will get replaced by those productive thoughts. Just find your passion and throw yourself into it. You can also try distracting yourself by adding activities like exercises, morning walks, or some early morning beauty routine right after you wake up. If the break up is still fresh take your time to grieve but in case it's been an appropriate amount of time and you're worried about yourself refer to the above said tips and start taking things in your own hands. Remember, every new morning is a fresh new opportunity to start over and build yourself up :)
December 12th, 2019 2:41pm
Breakups are upsetting and disturbing. they leave many memories behind. You shared a part of your life with your ex. its probably hard to just snap out of your past. Breakups are not easy and it might take some time until you get used your exés absence. Time heals everything. you will get used to not thinking about him/her gradually. and things will be just fine then. we all experience it at a point in life and learn to get over it. you will too. you are gonna be alright, i wish you get through this soon and move on. :)
December 21st, 2019 6:19am
Waking up thinking of your ex is completely normal. Breakups have lots of negative impacts on a person. You will grieve and hurt. Thinking of a person means you love and care for them, you may still be in love with that person. It is completely normal to still love your ex no matter why you have broken up. That person may have had a huge impact on your life good or bad, people who have had an impact on our lives tend to stay in our lives or on our minds disregarding the situation. We think of the ones we love and or miss, it is okay to miss and or still love that person. You will at some point forget that you woke up and thought of that person for the better.
January 2nd, 2020 5:58am
I think it is because they have been an important or regular part of our lives so when we wake up we shortly think that they will play a role in our lives that day. This does not mean they still SHOULD be in your life, it is just that your brain hasn't gotten used to the fact that they are not.
January 24th, 2020 7:15am
It could be because you think about your ex in the evening before you go to sleep. Do you maybe long for having nice time in the bed with your ex? In my experience, triggering stuff about which i was thinking in the evening, just before i went to the bed, returned back as soon as i woke up in the morning. If it is also your case, can you maybe consider doing some relaxation exercises in the evening and trying to distract yourself from thinking about your ex just before you go to bed and in the bed before you fall asleep? Yes, i understand that it can be difficult as bed can remind you about nice time together in the past but it is worth trying.
March 18th, 2020 6:21am
First off, know that this is totally normal! I'm not sure if you've recently gone through a break-up, but either way, it's totally normal and expected! Every relationship we put ourselves in gets a little puzzle piece of ourselves and when that puzzle piece gets lost or taken away, it can feel like we are no longer complete. Your ex may have had a big impact on your life, and your body and brain is most likely not ready to fully move forward and face this new normal. My favorite way to approach whenever I think of someone from my past is goal-setting. Why? It helps me prepare for the future, get excited about my plans, and helps me reset my mind into knowing that more bigger and better things are to come and this person will not define me.
March 26th, 2020 1:40pm
Getting over relationships in the past can be very difficult. Thinking of them is very common. If anyone's had good times with their ex-partner, those are good memories. Our brain keeps the stuff that we use. Like if you think about your ex-partner, the brain thinks it is important and doesn't remove remove it. Your brain thinks that it is important stuff and hence it is reflected back to you when you wake up. The brain keeps the memories which are frequently used. Another reason could be that you still care for them. Though they are your ex-partner now, you still have a feeling of affection or care for them.
April 3rd, 2020 6:59pm
In our life we meet many people then fall in love with some seems to be special but he or she turns out to be your biggest mistake. You sometimes never end up thinking about them beacuse they were not really bad its just by the time situation and expectation changes. Some times we set a version of people on first interaction and fall in love but when we get to know about there worst part that we ignored before we just lost our interest and give up. Giving up or ending up Relationship by words never ends it. You still sometime wake up and start to think about your ex. The only thing that can help u with this , you just have to take that person out not only from life but also from heart and mind.
April 12th, 2020 7:59am
Because it’s hard to reprogram your thinking! Healing isn’t linear, don’t beat yourself up or you have a bad day. Being mindful of our conscious thoughts and how they affect our behavior is super important. It takes some discipline and implementing it can take time but it’s absolutely possible! Is there something about that relationship you still feel effected by or attached to? Maybe you could share a little about that so we can get to the bottom of the real underlying issues that are keeping you in this negative space or in the past. What is something else you enjoy doing or anything would like to pursue that would help divert your attention onto something more productive and fulfilling?
April 16th, 2020 12:56pm
Because you still have emotion to process about your relationship. Feel it, write about it, process it. It is on your mind unconsciously so your mind is giving you a reminder to process this emotion. Going through a breakup, often it is easy to find that you are distracting yourself and preventing you from experiencing the negative emotions. You may be numbing which is quite common. I know personally I have done this after a relationship of 13 years break down. You just have to allow yourself to heal, cry your tears out, get angry, feel the emotion. Then you will find once you do, you will think less and less about your ex. It is just part of normal healing.
May 3rd, 2020 5:26pm
It’s not necessarily because you miss your ex or still love her/him. It’s mostly because you are in a phase in your life where you are not involved in a romantic relationship that is capable of fulfilling the emotional void(which everybody has). And your brain simply matches your ex with this void. However, I have found out that there are many ways to replenish that gap without another person. Thinking about your ex is only so natural but you shouldn’t let the thought linger. You will keep thinking about your ex until you don’t. And that day comes, I promise.
May 5th, 2020 3:15pm
When you truly love someone it is hard to let them go. Especially if they took up a big space in your life, you have to find a way/other things to fill that space which will take time. It is important to grieve. In the morning/right after you wake up, you are in a vulnerable place. You have a clean slate. It makes sense to be hit with your reality as you reflect on your day. If you slept in the same bed as your ex often, it makes sense to feel that absence in the morning - even weeks/a few months after the break up. If the break up was a surprise/you were dumped it can add to the difficulty of moving on.
May 11th, 2020 8:12pm
When the person was not yet your ex, you still woke up thinking about them..even though your concious mind let go of them or trying to do so, it may not be the case with your subconscious..I went through a breakup, a hard one..after 5 months I still has dreams in the nighttime..and I just can't push back all the feelings I have for him even though I'm sure that he doesn't deserve any of it..but to all the people who has this problem, believe it that one day everything's going to be will get back those tiny parts of the real just takes time which varies for every person out there..but it will be okay
June 6th, 2020 7:44am
May be its because you still want him/her back in your life and you are not get over them. Whenever you want them back just remember that disrespect, or how toxic your relationship was. Its normal to want them when they have done something wrong with you. But do not disturb your peace or your life because of them. It will take time but don't worry things will get better with time. And always remember self love comes first. So love yourself and try to wake up with your dreams and the people who really cares about you. Love
June 21st, 2020 9:55pm
Maybe you miss the way it felt when you were with them or the way it feels to have someone to rely on. You might want to feel that way again or maybe you just simply miss them or the person you were with them. Despite the fact that the relationship itself didn’t work out, you still invested time, energy and your emotions into the relationship. That can’t be easy to get over or forget. Hopefully in time you’ll get over them and you wouldn’t wake up thinking about them. In the meantime I think it’s important to go easy on yourself and recognize that your recovering from something painful.
June 25th, 2020 7:59pm
I wish I could say I only think about her when I'm waking up... How about I was with her for 5 years. I woke up next to her for 5 years. She was my first thought everyday then and she continues to be to this day. We have been broken up for almost a year and a half and I have seen other women since, and nothing. I think it rests in the wake (pun intended) of my changing and she was the catalyst for those changes and now I have changed and I burned all my bridges before I had the chance to be this Mike. It sucks. It really sucks. I constantly think that I would do anything to be this Mike and go back in time and be with her, but unfortunately for that relationship and me that is not a reality. In my experience, this question is laced with negative connotation, instead accept and embrace and upon doing that I have found that I have a chance to live a life about me v. obsess about we.
July 5th, 2020 2:06am
I used to wake up thinking of my ex because I blamed myself for a long time for the relationship not working. I would wake up thinking of them longer than I would have wanted, especially when I had to acknowledge that their rejection affected me so much. It took even longer for me to recognize that my own issues to with low self-esteem made it feel more painful than previous situations. Now when it does happen, I try to reflect on what it is that I'm actually missing, even if it's just for all the things I was hopeful to have. And I remind myself I can still have those things. Now when I wake up thinking of my ex, I recognize that I don't feel triggered by it like before, and that all the work I've been doing on self-care was worth it. Even if for others a year seems like a long time to get over someone - it's a year worth of work that I committed to do for myself.
July 8th, 2020 1:26am
I wake up thinking about my ex because he never treated me as well as he treats his current girlfriend. I wonder if I wasn't good enough to be treated right. I also wake up and think about if he ever thinks about me. I think about this because it makes me feel bad when I see him on social media with his new girlfriend. I fear that I was not good enough for him and that is why we broke up. I have unresolved feelings about why we broke up and this is why I will oftentimes wake up in the morning thinking about him.
July 8th, 2020 3:52am
Leaving a relationship is tough. There are days that I wake up thinking about my ex. If you can, I would try reaching out to someone, a friend, loved one, or someone on 7 Cups. If you don't feel like talking to someone, something I always found helpful was to think positively by listing what I learned from the relationship. For example, what things about my ex and relationship were healthy vs unhealthy and use it as a guide to better understand myself. I usually journal to help these thoughts flow freely and to allow me to look back at these thoughts when I need to. (Tip: Journaling has proven helpful during therapy sessions for me, it might help you, too.)
July 12th, 2020 8:04pm
Maybe because u still have feelings or u feel connected and it’s totally okay because in our life we meet a lot of people but only few become special and it’s okay if we think about them sometimes every relationship is not meant to last forever but u creates memories in those relationships which is a good part and carrying it with u for the rest of ur life is completely fine but just don’t let it overcome ur present happiness try to move on with new and existing people in ur life and gradually u ll get through it.
July 18th, 2020 7:36pm
You wake up thinking about your ex because you mind is habitual to go think about that one person from a long time. It has done that from a long time. Ans it needs time to get over your ex. In order to break this cycle of your mind you must put your mind into distractions. These distractions must be positive tasks and activities which helps your mind to concentrate on better, interesting and productive goals. It's not a one day job. You will get successful if you keep working the same way, for about 21 days. And ones you cross that period you would get over your ex completely. You might even start forgetting details about your relationship.
July 23rd, 2020 6:43pm
When it comes to breakups and similarly difficult transitions in life, it takes time to process your emotions and get over someone who's been in your life for a while. So don't be too hard on yourself if you occasionally get reminded of your ex, it's a natural process of grieving and getting over someone. And on the days you feel down, remember to enjoy your time being single to reflect and focus on self-improvement. And when the time comes, I'm sure you'll find another wonderful relationship that was even better than before. Best of wishes to you. Stay healthy and happy!
July 24th, 2020 5:53pm
It is hard to get over a breakup. I think that you still need time to heal. What has gotten me through break ups is taking care of myself and my body. Especially when you're going through a break up, it's important to focus on yourself and your mental health. Independence is imporant too. What I do is exercise, eat healthy, do hobbies (mine are drawing and painting), do some journalling (free style or question style), spending time with friends and family, etc. I hope you can find some of these things helpful and you can always do your own things that make you feel happy too. I recommend making a routine as well. I wish you all the best :)
August 13th, 2020 11:17am
this is how our memory works, its bring back the movies from the beginning, then from the middle, then from the end, then just flashes, then like reading abook, then nothingness, then you either regret it or like to remember it everyday!this is how our memory works, its bring back the movies from the beginning, then from the middle, then from the end, then just flashes, then like reading abook, then nothingness, then you either regret it or like to remember it everyday!this is how our memory works, its bring back the movies from the beginning, then from the middle, then from the end, then just flashes, then like reading abook, then nothingness, then you either regret it or like to remember it everyday!
September 18th, 2020 9:36am
Hi, I understand you are going through a breakup and still think of your ex. This is natural. Could you please try understanding how you feel just before you think and after you think about your ex? If you feel any particular emotion(s), then it could help if you process the same. Sometimes unprocessed emotions make us go over the past in a loop. In my experience, I did not get closure and there was no chance to get one. So I started identifying the underlying emotions and started working on them. I had a lot of anger at the unfair treatment. I verbalized my anger and practiced forgiveness. Forgiving doesn't mean one should be OK with what happened, it just gives closure to move on. I hope this helps you...